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An inquiry function returning the rank (dimensionality) of the grid.

dim(const int r)
An inquiry function returning an object that describes the rth dimension of the grid. The argument r is in the range tex2html_wrap_inline14063 where R is the rank of the grid.

An inquiry function returning an object that describes the complete set of dimensions of the grid.

An inquiry function which returns 1 if a process from the grid is mapped to the local process, and 0 if not. In other words, a boolean function that returns true iff this process is a member of the grid.

An inquiry function returning the total number of processes, P, in the grid.

An inquiry function that returns the id of the local process relative to this grid. Its value is defined if and only if the local process is a member of the grid, in which case the result is in the range tex2html_wrap_inline14069 .

id_abs(const int id)
A conversion function from id relative to this grid to id relative to the initial process group--ie, to absolute process id.

The absolute id of the lead process of the grid--equivalent to id_abs(0).

operator/(const Coord& i)
See section 2.6.

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998