// $Id: expr.cpp,v 1.15 1999/03/09 14:37:16 shields Exp $ copyright notice #include "double.h" #include "config.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "parser.h" #include "semantic.h" #include "control.h" #include "table.h" #include "tuple.h" #include "spell.h" inline bool Semantic::IsIntValueRepresentableInType(AstExpression *expr, TypeSymbol *type) { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; return (expr -> IsConstant() && // // TODO: this test makes more sense than the one below. However, the JLS // specifies the "IsInt" test below? //control.IsSimpleIntegerValueType(expr -> type())) && // expr -> Type() == control.int_type) && (type == control.int_type || type == control.no_type || (type == control.char_type && (literal -> value >= 0) && (literal -> value <= 65535)) || (type == control.byte_type && (literal -> value >= -128) && (literal -> value <= 127)) || (type == control.short_type && (literal -> value >= -32768) && (literal -> value <= 32767))); } inline bool Semantic::MoreSpecific(MethodSymbol *source_method, MethodSymbol *target_method) { if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(target_method -> containing_type, source_method -> containing_type)) return false; for (int k = target_method -> NumFormalParameters() - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(target_method -> FormalParameter(k) -> Type(), source_method -> FormalParameter(k) -> Type())) return false; } return true; } inline bool Semantic::MoreSpecific(MethodSymbol *method, Tuple<MethodSymbol *> &maximally_specific_method) { for (int i = 0; i < maximally_specific_method.Length(); i++) { if (! MoreSpecific(method, maximally_specific_method[i])) return false; } return true; } inline bool Semantic::NoMethodMoreSpecific(Tuple<MethodSymbol *> &maximally_specific_method, MethodSymbol *method) { for (int i = 0; i < maximally_specific_method.Length(); i++) { if (MoreSpecific(maximally_specific_method[i], method)) return false; } return true; } void Semantic::ReportMethodNotFound(Ast *ast, wchar_t *name) { SemanticError::SemanticErrorKind kind; int num_arguments; AstExpression **argument; AstMethodInvocation *method_call; AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation; AstThisCall *this_call; AstSuperCall *super_call; if (method_call = ast -> MethodInvocationCast()) { kind = SemanticError::METHOD_NOT_FOUND; num_arguments = method_call -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = method_call -> Argument(i); } else { kind = SemanticError::CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND; if (class_creation = ast -> ClassInstanceCreationExpressionCast()) { num_arguments = class_creation -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = class_creation -> Argument(i); } else if (super_call = ast -> SuperCallCast()) { num_arguments = super_call -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = super_call -> Argument(i); } else { this_call = ast -> ThisCallCast(); assert(this_call); num_arguments = this_call -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = this_call -> Argument(i); } } int length = wcslen(name); for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) { TypeSymbol *arg_type = argument[i] -> Type(); length += arg_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageNameLength() + arg_type -> ExternalNameLength() + 3; // '/' after package_name // ',' and ' ' to separate this formal parameter from the next one } wchar_t *header = new wchar_t[length + 3]; // +1 for (, +1 for ), +1 for '\0' wchar_t *s = header; for (wchar_t *s2 = name; *s2; s2++) *s++ = *s2; *s++ = U_LEFT_PARENTHESIS; if (num_arguments > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) { TypeSymbol *arg_type = argument[i] -> Type(); PackageSymbol *package = arg_type -> ContainingPackage(); wchar_t *package_name = package -> PackageName(); if (package -> PackageNameLength() > 0 && wcscmp(package_name, StringConstant::US__DO_) != 0) { while (*package_name) { *s++ = (*package_name == U_SLASH ? (wchar_t) U_DOT : *package_name); package_name++; } *s++ = U_DOT; } for (wchar_t *s2 = arg_type -> ExternalName(); *s2; s2++) *s++ = (*s2 == U_DOLLAR ? (wchar_t) U_DOT : *s2); *s++ = U_COMMA; *s++ = U_SPACE; } s -= 2; // remove the last ',' and ' ' } *s++ = U_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS; *s = U_NULL; ReportSemError(kind, ast -> LeftToken(), ast -> RightToken(), header); delete [] header; delete [] argument; return; } MethodSymbol *Semantic::FindConstructor(TypeSymbol *containing_type, Ast *ast, LexStream::TokenIndex left_tok, LexStream::TokenIndex right_tok) { Tuple<MethodSymbol *> constructor_set(2); int num_arguments; AstExpression **argument; AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation; AstThisCall *this_call; AstSuperCall *super_call; if (class_creation = ast -> ClassInstanceCreationExpressionCast()) { num_arguments = class_creation -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = class_creation -> Argument(i); } else if (super_call = ast -> SuperCallCast()) { num_arguments = super_call -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = super_call -> Argument(i); } else { this_call = ast -> ThisCallCast(); assert(this_call); num_arguments = this_call -> NumArguments(); argument = new AstExpression*[num_arguments + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) argument[i] = this_call -> Argument(i); } assert(containing_type -> ConstructorMembersProcessed()); for (MethodSymbol *constructor = containing_type -> FindConstructorSymbol(); constructor; constructor = constructor -> next_method) { if (! constructor -> IsTyped()) constructor -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, right_tok); if (num_arguments == constructor -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) { if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(constructor -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), argument[i] -> Type())) break; } if (i == num_arguments) { if (MoreSpecific(constructor, constructor_set)) { constructor_set.Reset(); constructor_set.Next() = constructor; } else if (NoMethodMoreSpecific(constructor_set, constructor)) constructor_set.Next() = constructor; } } } if (constructor_set.Length() == 0) { MethodSymbol *method; for (method = containing_type -> FindMethodSymbol(containing_type -> Identity()); method; method = method -> next_method) { if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, right_tok); if (num_arguments == method -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) { if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), argument[i] -> Type())) break; } if (i == num_arguments) break; } } if (method) { if (method -> method_or_constructor_declaration) { AstMethodDeclaration *method_declaration = (AstMethodDeclaration *) method -> method_or_constructor_declaration; FileLocation loc(method -> containing_type -> semantic_environment -> sem -> lex_stream, method_declaration -> method_declarator -> identifier_token); ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_FOUND_FOR_CONSTRUCTOR, left_tok, right_tok, containing_type -> Name(), loc.location); } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_FOUND_FOR_CONSTRUCTOR, left_tok, right_tok, containing_type -> Name(), method -> containing_type -> file_location -> location); } } else ReportMethodNotFound(ast, containing_type -> Name()); delete [] argument; return (MethodSymbol *) NULL; } else if (constructor_set.Length() > 1) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::AMBIGUOUS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, left_tok, right_tok, containing_type -> Name()); } delete [] argument; return constructor_set[0]; } // // // VariableSymbol *Semantic::FindMisspelledVariableName(TypeSymbol *type, LexStream::TokenIndex identifier_token) { VariableSymbol *misspelled_variable = NULL; int index = 0; NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token); for (int k = 0; k < type -> expanded_field_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); k++) { VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow = type -> expanded_field_table -> symbol_pool[k]; VariableSymbol *variable = variable_shadow -> variable_symbol; if (! variable -> IsTyped()) variable -> ProcessVariableSignature((Semantic *) this, identifier_token); int new_index = Spell::Index(name_symbol -> Name(), variable -> Name()); if (new_index > index) { misspelled_variable = variable; index = new_index; } } int length = name_symbol -> NameLength(); return ((length == 3 && index >= 5) || (length == 4 && index >= 6) || (length >= 5 && index >= 7) ? misspelled_variable : NULL); } // // // MethodSymbol *Semantic::FindMisspelledMethodName(TypeSymbol *type, AstMethodInvocation *method_call, NameSymbol *name_symbol) { MethodSymbol *misspelled_method = NULL; int index = 0; AstSimpleName *simple_name = method_call -> method -> SimpleNameCast(); AstFieldAccess *field_access = method_call -> method -> FieldAccessCast(); LexStream::TokenIndex identifier_token = (simple_name ? simple_name -> identifier_token : field_access -> identifier_token); for (int k = 0; k < type -> expanded_method_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); k++) { MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow = type -> expanded_method_table -> symbol_pool[k]; MethodSymbol *method = method_shadow -> method_symbol; TypeSymbol *containing_type = method -> containing_type; if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, identifier_token); if (method_call -> NumArguments() == method -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), expr -> Type())) break; } if (i == method_call -> NumArguments()) { int new_index = Spell::Index(name_symbol -> Name(), method -> Name()); if (new_index > index) { misspelled_method = method; index = new_index; } } } } int length = name_symbol -> NameLength(), num_args = method_call -> NumArguments(); // // If we have a name of length 2, accept >= 30% probality if the function takes at least one argument // If we have a name of length 3, accept >= 50% probality if the function takes at least one argument // Otherwise, if the length of the name is > 3, accept >= 60% probability. // return (index < 3 ? NULL : (length == 2 && (index >= 3 || num_args > 0)) || (length == 3 && (index >= 5 || num_args > 0)) || (length > 3 && (index >= 6 || (index >= 5 && num_args > 0))) ? misspelled_method : NULL); } // // Search the type in question for a method. Note that name_symbol is an optional argument. // If it was not passed to this function then its default value is NULL (see semantic.h) and // we assume that the name to search for is the name specified in the field_access of the // method_call. // MethodSymbol *Semantic::FindMethodInType(TypeSymbol *type, AstMethodInvocation *method_call, NameSymbol *name_symbol) { Tuple<MethodSymbol *> method_set(2); AstFieldAccess *field_access = method_call -> method -> FieldAccessCast(); if (! name_symbol) name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(field_access -> identifier_token); if (! type -> expanded_method_table) ComputeMethodsClosure(type, field_access -> identifier_token); // // TODO: Confirm that this is no longer the case as of javac 1.2 // /* // // First look for the method in the "type". If it is not found, look for // it in the superclasses in the proper order. It is possible that the // method in question is a private field that is contained in the body // of the type that we are currently processing (this_type()), in which // case it is accessible even though it is not directly inherited by "type". // for (TypeSymbol *type_symbol = type; type_symbol && method_set.Length() == 0; type_symbol = type_symbol -> super) { */ TypeSymbol *type_symbol = type; for (MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow = type_symbol -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol); method_shadow; method_shadow = method_shadow -> next_method) { MethodSymbol *method = method_shadow -> method_symbol; TypeSymbol *containing_type = method -> containing_type; if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, field_access -> identifier_token); if (method_call -> NumArguments() == method -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), expr -> Type())) break; } if (i == method_call -> NumArguments()) { if (MoreSpecific(method, method_set)) { method_set.Reset(); method_set.Next() = method; } else if (NoMethodMoreSpecific(method_set, method)) method_set.Next() = method; } } } /* See comment above... } */ if (method_set.Length() == 0) { if (! type -> expanded_field_table) ComputeFieldsClosure(type, field_access -> identifier_token); VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow_symbol = type -> expanded_field_table -> FindVariableShadowSymbol(name_symbol); if (variable_shadow_symbol) { VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = variable_shadow_symbol -> variable_symbol; TypeSymbol *enclosing_type = variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast(); assert(enclosing_type); ReportSemError(SemanticError::FIELD_NOT_METHOD, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), variable_symbol -> Name(), enclosing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), enclosing_type -> ExternalName()); } else { TypeSymbol *super_type; MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow; for (super_type = type -> super; super_type; super_type = super_type -> super) { for (method_shadow = super_type -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol); method_shadow; method_shadow = method_shadow -> next_method) { MethodSymbol *method = method_shadow -> method_symbol; if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, field_access -> identifier_token); if (method_call -> NumArguments() == method -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), expr -> Type())) break; } if (i == method_call -> NumArguments()) // found a match ? break; } } if (method_shadow) // found a match ? break; } if (super_type) { ReportSemError((method_shadow -> method_symbol -> ACC_PRIVATE() ? SemanticError::METHOD_WITH_PRIVATE_ACCESS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::METHOD_WITH_DEFAULT_ACCESS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), super_type -> ExternalName(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); } else { if (FindNestedType(type, field_access -> identifier_token)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_METHOD, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name()); } else if (type -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol)) ReportMethodNotFound(method_call, name_symbol -> Name()); else { MethodSymbol *method = FindMisspelledMethodName(type, method_call, name_symbol); if (method) ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NAME_MISSPELLED, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName(), method -> Name()); else ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_TYPE, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); } } } return (MethodSymbol *) NULL; } else if (method_set.Length() > 1) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::AMBIGUOUS_METHOD_INVOCATION, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), method_set[0] -> Header(), method_set[0] -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method_set[0] -> containing_type -> ExternalName(), method_set[1] -> Header(), method_set[1] -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method_set[1] -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); } MethodSymbol *method = method_set[0]; if (method -> IsSynthetic()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::SYNTHETIC_METHOD_INVOCATION, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), method -> Header(), method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); } return method; } void Semantic::SearchForMethodInEnvironment(Tuple<MethodSymbol *> &methods_found, SemanticEnvironment *&where_found, SemanticEnvironment *stack, AstMethodInvocation *method_call) { AstSimpleName *simple_name = method_call -> method -> SimpleNameCast(); NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(simple_name -> identifier_token); for (SemanticEnvironment *env = stack; env; env = env -> previous) { TypeSymbol *type = env -> Type(); if (! type -> expanded_method_table) ComputeMethodsClosure(type, simple_name -> identifier_token); methods_found.Reset(); where_found = NULL; // // If this environment contained a method with the right name, the search stops: // // "Class scoping does not influence overloading: if the inner class has one // print method, the simple method name 'print' refers to that method, not // any of the ten 'print' methods in the enclosing class." // MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow = type -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol); if (method_shadow) { for (; method_shadow; method_shadow = method_shadow -> next_method) { MethodSymbol *method = method_shadow -> method_symbol; TypeSymbol *containing_type = method -> containing_type; if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, simple_name -> identifier_token); // // Since type -> IsOwner(this_type()), i.e., type encloses this_type(), // method is accessible, even if it is private. // if (method_call -> NumArguments() == method -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), expr -> Type())) break; } if (i == method_call -> NumArguments()) { if (MoreSpecific(method, methods_found)) { methods_found.Reset(); methods_found.Next() = method; } else if (NoMethodMoreSpecific(methods_found, method)) methods_found.Next() = method; } } } // // If a match was found, save the environment // where_found = (methods_found.Length() > 0 ? env : NULL); break; } } return; } MethodSymbol *Semantic::FindMethodInEnvironment(SemanticEnvironment *&where_found, SemanticEnvironment *stack, AstMethodInvocation *method_call) { Tuple<MethodSymbol *> methods_found(2); SearchForMethodInEnvironment(methods_found, where_found, stack, method_call); MethodSymbol *method_symbol = (methods_found.Length() > 0 ? methods_found[0] : (MethodSymbol *) NULL); if (method_symbol) { for (int i = 1; i < methods_found.Length(); i++) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::AMBIGUOUS_METHOD_INVOCATION, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), method_symbol -> Name(), methods_found[0] -> Header(), method_symbol -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method_symbol -> containing_type -> ExternalName(), methods_found[i] -> Header(), methods_found[i] -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), methods_found[i] -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); } if (method_symbol -> containing_type != where_found -> Type()) // is symbol an inherited field? { if (method_symbol -> IsSynthetic()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::SYNTHETIC_METHOD_INVOCATION, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), method_symbol -> Header(), method_symbol -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method_symbol -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); } else { for (SemanticEnvironment *env = where_found -> previous; env; env = env -> previous) { Tuple<MethodSymbol *> others(2); SemanticEnvironment *found_other; SearchForMethodInEnvironment(others, found_other, env, method_call); int i; for (i = 0; i < others.Length(); i++) { if (others[i] != method_symbol) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INHERITANCE_AND_LEXICAL_SCOPING_CONFLICT_WITH_MEMBER, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), method_symbol -> Name(), method_symbol -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method_symbol -> containing_type -> ExternalName(), found_other -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), found_other -> Type() -> ExternalName()); break; } } if (i < others.Length()) // as soon as we find an error, bail out... break; } } } } else { AstSimpleName *simple_name = method_call -> method -> SimpleNameCast(); NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(simple_name -> identifier_token); bool symbol_found = false; // // First, search for a perfect visible method match in an enclosing class. // assert(stack); for (SemanticEnvironment *env = stack -> previous; env; env = env -> previous) { Tuple<MethodSymbol *> others(2); SemanticEnvironment *found_other; SearchForMethodInEnvironment(others, found_other, env, method_call); if (others.Length() > 0) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::HIDDEN_METHOD_IN_ENCLOSING_CLASS, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), others[0] -> Header(), others[0] -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), others[0] -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); symbol_found = true; break; } } // // If a method in an enclosing class was not found. Search for a similar visible field // or a private method with the name. // for (SemanticEnvironment *env2 = stack; env2 && (! symbol_found); env2 = env2 -> previous) { TypeSymbol *type = env2 -> Type(); if (! type -> expanded_field_table) ComputeFieldsClosure(type, simple_name -> identifier_token); VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow_symbol = type -> expanded_field_table -> FindVariableShadowSymbol(name_symbol); if (variable_shadow_symbol) { VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = variable_shadow_symbol -> variable_symbol; TypeSymbol *enclosing_type = variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast(); assert(enclosing_type); ReportSemError(SemanticError::FIELD_NOT_METHOD, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), variable_symbol -> Name(), enclosing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), enclosing_type -> ExternalName()); symbol_found = true; break; } else { TypeSymbol *super_type; MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow; for (super_type = type -> super; super_type; super_type = super_type -> super) { for (method_shadow = super_type -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol); method_shadow; method_shadow = method_shadow -> next_method) { MethodSymbol *method = method_shadow -> method_symbol; if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, simple_name -> identifier_token); if (method_call -> NumArguments() == method -> NumFormalParameters()) { int i; for (i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); if (! CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type(), expr -> Type())) break; } if (i == method_call -> NumArguments()) // found a match ? break; } } if (method_shadow) // found a match ? break; } if (super_type) { ReportSemError((method_shadow -> method_symbol -> ACC_PRIVATE() ? SemanticError::METHOD_WITH_PRIVATE_ACCESS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::METHOD_WITH_DEFAULT_ACCESS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), super_type -> ExternalName(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); symbol_found = true; break; } } } // // Finally, if we did not find a method or field name that matches, look for a type // with that name. // if (! symbol_found) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); if (FindType(simple_name -> identifier_token)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_METHOD, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name()); } else if (this_type -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol)) ReportMethodNotFound(method_call, name_symbol -> Name()); else { MethodSymbol *method = FindMisspelledMethodName(this_type, method_call, name_symbol); if (method) ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NAME_MISSPELLED, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), this_type -> ExternalName(), method -> Name()); else ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_TYPE, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), this_type -> ExternalName()); } } } return method_symbol; } // // Search the type in question for a variable. Note that name_symbol is an optional argument. // If it was not passed to this function then its default value is NULL (see semantic.h) and // we assume that the name to search for is the last identifier specified in the field_access. // inline VariableSymbol *Semantic::FindVariableInType(TypeSymbol *type, AstFieldAccess *field_access, NameSymbol *name_symbol) { if (! name_symbol) name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(field_access -> identifier_token); if (! type -> expanded_field_table) ComputeFieldsClosure(type, field_access -> identifier_token); // // TODO: Confirm that this is no longer the case as of javac 1.2 // /* // // First look for the variable in the "type". If it is not found, look for // it in the superclasses in the proper order. It is possible that the // field in question is a private field that is contained in the body // of the type that we are currently processing (this_type()), in which case // it is accessible even though it is not directly inherited by "type". // VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow_symbol; for (variable_shadow_symbol = NULL; (! variable_shadow_symbol) && type; type = type -> super) variable_shadow_symbol = type -> expanded_field_table -> FindVariableShadowSymbol(name_symbol); */ VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow_symbol = type -> expanded_field_table -> FindVariableShadowSymbol(name_symbol); // // Recall that even an inaccessible member x of a super class (or interface) S, // in addition to not been inherited by a subclass, hides all other occurrences of x that may // appear in a super class (or super interface) of S (see 8.3). // if (variable_shadow_symbol) { VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = variable_shadow_symbol -> variable_symbol; for (int i = 0; i < variable_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); i++) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::AMBIGUOUS_NAME, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName(), variable_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(i) -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), variable_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(i) -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName()); } if (variable_symbol -> IsSynthetic()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::SYNTHETIC_VARIABLE_ACCESS, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), variable_symbol -> Name(), variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName()); } return variable_symbol; } return (VariableSymbol *) NULL; } void Semantic::ReportAccessedFieldNotFound(AstFieldAccess *field_access, TypeSymbol *type) { NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(field_access -> identifier_token); VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow_symbol; if (! type -> expanded_field_table) ComputeFieldsClosure(type, field_access -> base -> LeftToken()); TypeSymbol *super_type; for (super_type = type -> super; super_type; super_type = super_type -> super) { variable_shadow_symbol = super_type -> expanded_field_table -> FindVariableShadowSymbol(name_symbol); if (variable_shadow_symbol) break; } if (super_type) { VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = variable_shadow_symbol -> variable_symbol; ReportSemError((variable_symbol -> ACC_PRIVATE() ? SemanticError::FIELD_WITH_PRIVATE_ACCESS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::FIELD_WITH_DEFAULT_ACCESS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), variable_symbol -> Name(), super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), super_type -> ExternalName(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); } else { VariableSymbol *variable = FindMisspelledVariableName(type, field_access -> identifier_token); if (variable) ReportSemError(SemanticError::FIELD_NAME_MISSPELLED, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName(), variable -> Name()); else ReportSemError(SemanticError::FIELD_NOT_FOUND, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); } return; } void Semantic::SearchForVariableInEnvironment(Tuple<VariableSymbol *> &variables_found, SemanticEnvironment *&where_found, SemanticEnvironment *stack, NameSymbol *name_symbol, LexStream::TokenIndex identifier_token) { variables_found.Reset(); where_found = (SemanticEnvironment *) NULL; for (SemanticEnvironment *env = stack; env; env = env -> previous) { VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = env -> symbol_table.FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol); if (variable_symbol) // a local variable { variables_found.Next() = variable_symbol; where_found = env; break; } TypeSymbol *type = env -> Type(); if (! type -> expanded_field_table) ComputeFieldsClosure(type, identifier_token); VariableShadowSymbol *variable_shadow_symbol = type -> expanded_field_table -> FindVariableShadowSymbol(name_symbol); if (variable_shadow_symbol) { // // Since type -> IsOwner(this_type()), i.e., type encloses this_type(), // variable_symbol is accessible, even if it is private. // variables_found.Next() = variable_shadow_symbol -> variable_symbol; // // Recall that even an inaccessible member x of a super class (or interface) S, // in addition to not been inherited by a subclass, hides all other occurrences of x that may // appear in a super class (or super interface) of S (see 8.3). // for (int i = 0; i < variable_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); i++) variables_found.Next() = variable_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(i); where_found = env; break; } } return; } VariableSymbol *Semantic::FindVariableInEnvironment(SemanticEnvironment *&where_found, SemanticEnvironment *stack, LexStream::TokenIndex identifier_token) { Tuple<VariableSymbol *> variables_found(2); NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token); SearchForVariableInEnvironment(variables_found, where_found, stack, name_symbol, identifier_token); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = (VariableSymbol *) (variables_found.Length() > 0 ? variables_found[0] : NULL); if (variable_symbol) { if (variable_symbol -> IsLocal()) // a local variable { if (where_found != stack) { TypeSymbol *type = stack -> Type(); if (! variable_symbol -> ACC_FINAL()) { MethodSymbol *method = variable_symbol -> owner -> MethodCast(); ReportSemError(SemanticError::INNER_CLASS_REFERENCE_TO_NON_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE, identifier_token, identifier_token, type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName(), lex_stream -> Name(identifier_token), // // TODO: What if the method is a constructor ? // if (method -> Identity() != control.init_symbol && // method -> Identity() != control.block_init_symbol && // method -> Identity() != control.clinit_symbol) // // method -> Name()); } type -> FindOrInsertLocalShadow(variable_symbol); variable_symbol = stack -> symbol_table.FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol); if (! variable_symbol) variable_symbol = type -> FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol); assert(variable_symbol); where_found = stack; } } else if (variable_symbol -> owner != where_found -> Type()) // is symbol an inherited field? { TypeSymbol *type = (TypeSymbol *) variable_symbol -> owner; if (variable_symbol -> IsSynthetic()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::SYNTHETIC_VARIABLE_ACCESS, identifier_token, identifier_token, variable_symbol -> Name(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); } else { for (SemanticEnvironment *env = where_found -> previous; env; env = env -> previous) { Tuple<VariableSymbol *> others(2); SemanticEnvironment *found_other; SearchForVariableInEnvironment(others, found_other, env, name_symbol, identifier_token); int i; for (i = 0; i < others.Length(); i++) { if (others[i] != variable_symbol) { MethodSymbol *method = others[i] -> owner -> MethodCast(); if (method) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INHERITANCE_AND_LEXICAL_SCOPING_CONFLICT_WITH_LOCAL, identifier_token, identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(identifier_token), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName(), method -> Name()); break; } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INHERITANCE_AND_LEXICAL_SCOPING_CONFLICT_WITH_MEMBER, identifier_token, identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(identifier_token), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName(), found_other -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), found_other -> Type() -> ExternalName()); break; } } } if (i < others.Length()) // as soon as we find an error, bail out... break; } } } } for (int i = 1; i < variables_found.Length(); i++) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::AMBIGUOUS_NAME, identifier_token, identifier_token, variable_symbol -> Name(), variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName(), variables_found[i] -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), variables_found[i] -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName()); } return variable_symbol; } VariableSymbol *Semantic::FindInstance(TypeSymbol *base_type, TypeSymbol *environment_type) { for (int i = 0; i < base_type -> NumEnclosingInstances(); i++) { VariableSymbol *variable = base_type -> EnclosingInstance(i); if (variable -> Type() -> IsSubclass(environment_type)) return variable; } AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration = base_type -> declaration -> ClassDeclarationCast(); AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation = base_type -> declaration -> ClassInstanceCreationExpressionCast(); assert(class_declaration || class_creation); AstClassBody *class_body = (class_declaration ? class_declaration -> class_body : class_creation -> class_body_opt); LexStream::TokenIndex loc = class_body -> left_brace_token; AstBlock *this_block = class_body -> this_block; if (! this_block) { this_block = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenBlock(); this_block -> left_brace_token = loc; this_block -> right_brace_token = loc; this_block -> is_reachable = true; this_block -> can_complete_normally = true; class_body -> this_block = this_block; } int k = base_type -> NumEnclosingInstances(); for (TypeSymbol *type = base_type -> EnclosingInstance(k - 1) -> Type(); type; type = type -> ContainingType(), k++) { AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(loc); simple_name -> symbol = base_type -> EnclosingInstance(k - 1); AstFieldAccess *field_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); field_access -> base = simple_name; field_access -> dot_token = loc; field_access -> identifier_token = loc; field_access -> symbol = type -> FindThis(0); AstMethodInvocation *rhs = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); rhs -> method = field_access; rhs -> left_parenthesis_token = loc; rhs -> right_parenthesis_token = loc; rhs -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod((VariableSymbol *) field_access -> symbol); AstSimpleName *lhs = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(loc); VariableSymbol *variable = base_type -> FindThis(k); lhs -> symbol = (variable ? variable : base_type -> InsertThis(k)); AstAssignmentExpression *assign = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::EQUAL, loc); assign -> left_hand_side = lhs; assign -> expression = rhs; assign -> symbol = lhs -> Type(); AstExpressionStatement *stmt = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenExpressionStatement(); stmt -> expression = assign; stmt -> semicolon_token_opt = loc; stmt -> is_reachable = true; stmt -> can_complete_normally = true; this_block -> AddStatement(stmt); if (lhs -> Type() -> IsSubclass(environment_type)) break; } return base_type -> EnclosingInstance(k); } AstExpression *Semantic::CreateAccessToType(Ast *source, TypeSymbol *environment_type) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); LexStream::TokenIndex tok; AstSimpleName *simple_name = source -> SimpleNameCast(); AstFieldAccess *field_access = source -> FieldAccessCast(); AstSuperCall *super_call = source -> SuperCallCast(); AstThisCall *this_call = source -> ThisCallCast(); AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation = source -> ClassInstanceCreationExpressionCast(); if (simple_name) tok = simple_name -> identifier_token; else if (class_creation) tok = class_creation -> new_token; else if (super_call) tok = super_call -> super_token; else if (this_call) tok = this_call -> this_token; else if (field_access) tok = field_access -> dot_token; else assert(0); AstExpression *resolution; if (! this_type -> CanAccess(environment_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ENCLOSING_INSTANCE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, (field_access ? field_access -> base -> LeftToken() : tok), (field_access ? field_access -> base -> RightToken() : tok), environment_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), environment_type -> ExternalName()); resolution = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(tok); resolution -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (ExplicitConstructorInvocation() && ExplicitConstructorInvocation() -> SuperCallCast()) { VariableSymbol *variable = LocalSymbolTable().FindVariableSymbol(control.this0_name_symbol); if (variable) { resolution = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(tok); resolution -> symbol = variable; TypeSymbol *containing_type = this_type -> ContainingType(); if (! containing_type -> IsSubclass(environment_type)) { variable = FindInstance(containing_type, environment_type); AstFieldAccess *field_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); field_access -> base = resolution; field_access -> dot_token = field_access -> dot_token; field_access -> identifier_token = field_access -> dot_token; field_access -> symbol = variable; AstMethodInvocation *method_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); method_call -> method = field_access; method_call -> left_parenthesis_token = field_access -> dot_token; method_call -> right_parenthesis_token = field_access -> dot_token; method_call -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(variable); resolution = method_call; } } else { assert(this_type -> ACC_STATIC()); resolution = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenThisExpression(tok); resolution -> symbol = this_type; } } else if (this_type -> IsSubclass(environment_type)) { resolution = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenThisExpression(tok); resolution -> symbol = this_type; } else { resolution = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(tok); resolution -> symbol = FindInstance(this_type, environment_type); } return ((resolution -> symbol == control.no_type) || (resolution -> Type() == environment_type) ? resolution : ConvertToType(resolution, environment_type)); } void Semantic::CreateAccessToScopedVariable(AstSimpleName *simple_name, TypeSymbol *environment_type) { assert(environment_type -> IsOwner(ThisType())); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = (VariableSymbol *) simple_name -> symbol; AstExpression *access_expression; if (variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC()) { access_expression = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(simple_name -> identifier_token); access_expression -> symbol = environment_type; } else access_expression = CreateAccessToType(simple_name, environment_type); if (access_expression -> symbol != control.no_type) { AstFieldAccess *field_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); field_access -> base = access_expression; field_access -> dot_token = simple_name -> identifier_token; field_access -> identifier_token = simple_name -> identifier_token; field_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; // // TODO: we have filed a query to Sun regarding the necessity of this check! // // SimpleNameAccessCheck(simple_name, variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast(), variable_symbol); // if (variable_symbol -> ACC_PRIVATE()) { AstMethodInvocation *method_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); method_call -> method = field_access; method_call -> left_parenthesis_token = simple_name -> identifier_token; method_call -> right_parenthesis_token = simple_name -> identifier_token; method_call -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(variable_symbol); simple_name -> resolution_opt = method_call; } else simple_name -> resolution_opt = field_access; } return; } void Semantic::CreateAccessToScopedMethod(AstMethodInvocation *method_call, TypeSymbol *environment_type) { assert(environment_type -> IsOwner(ThisType())); MethodSymbol *method = (MethodSymbol *) method_call -> symbol; AstSimpleName *simple_name = (AstSimpleName *) method_call -> method; assert(simple_name -> SimpleNameCast()); AstExpression *access_expression; if (method -> ACC_STATIC()) { access_expression = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(simple_name -> identifier_token); access_expression -> symbol = environment_type; } else access_expression = CreateAccessToType(simple_name, environment_type); if (access_expression -> symbol != control.no_type) { // // TODO: we have filed a query to Sun regarding the necessity of this check! // // SimpleNameAccessCheck(simple_name, method -> containing_type, method); // simple_name -> resolution_opt = access_expression; if (method -> ACC_PRIVATE()) method_call -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(method); } return; } void Semantic::ProcessSimpleName(Ast *expr) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); AstSimpleName *simple_name = (AstSimpleName *) expr; SemanticEnvironment *where_found; VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = FindVariableInEnvironment(where_found, state_stack.Top(), simple_name -> identifier_token); if (variable_symbol) { simple_name -> symbol = variable_symbol; if (! variable_symbol -> IsTyped()) variable_symbol -> ProcessVariableSignature((Semantic *) this, simple_name -> identifier_token); // // A variable_symbol FINAL must have an initial value. // if (variable_symbol -> ACC_FINAL()) { if (variable_symbol -> IsDeclarationComplete()) simple_name -> value = variable_symbol -> initial_value; else if (variable_symbol -> declarator) { AstVariableDeclarator *declarator = variable_symbol -> declarator -> VariableDeclaratorCast(); // // If the variable declarator in question exists and its computation is not // pending (to avoid looping) and it has a simple expression initializer. // if (declarator && (! declarator -> pending) && declarator -> variable_initializer_opt && (! declarator -> variable_initializer_opt -> ArrayInitializerCast())) { TypeSymbol *type = (TypeSymbol *) variable_symbol -> owner; Semantic *sem = type -> semantic_environment -> sem; simple_name -> value = sem -> ComputeFinalValue(declarator); } } } // // If the variable belongs to an outer type, add the proper // pointer dereferences (and method access in the case of a // private variable) necessary to get to it. // if (where_found != state_stack.Top()) CreateAccessToScopedVariable(simple_name, where_found -> Type()); // // CreateAccessToScopedVariable did not detect an error? // if (simple_name -> symbol != control.no_type) { if (StaticRegion()) { if (! (variable_symbol -> IsLocal() || variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_CLASS_VARIABLE, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } else if (! variable_symbol -> IsDeclarationComplete()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } } else if (! variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC()) // an instance variable? { TypeSymbol *containing_type = variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast(); // an instance field member ? if (containing_type) { if (containing_type == this_type && (! variable_symbol -> IsDeclarationComplete())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } else if (ExplicitConstructorInvocation() && where_found == state_stack.Top()) { // // If the variable in question is an instance variable that is // declared in this_type (this_type is definitely a class) or // one of its super classes, then we have an error: // ReportSemError(SemanticError::INSTANCE_VARIABLE_IN_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token), containing_type -> Name()); } } } } } else { // // We make a little effort to issue a better error message if we can identify // the name in question as the name of a method in the local type. // NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(simple_name -> identifier_token); MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow; MethodSymbol *method; for (method_shadow = this_type -> expanded_method_table -> FindMethodShadowSymbol(name_symbol); method_shadow; method_shadow = method_shadow -> next_method) { method = method_shadow -> method_symbol; TypeSymbol *containing_type = method -> containing_type; if (method -> NumFormalParameters((Semantic *) this, simple_name -> identifier_token) == 0) break; } if (method_shadow) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NOT_FIELD, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token), method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), method -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); } else if (FindType(simple_name -> identifier_token)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_FIELD, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } else { VariableSymbol *variable = FindMisspelledVariableName(this_type, simple_name -> identifier_token); if (variable) ReportSemError(SemanticError::FIELD_NAME_MISSPELLED, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(), this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), this_type -> ExternalName(), variable -> Name()); else ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_FOUND, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } simple_name -> symbol = control.no_type; } return; } void Semantic::TypeAccessCheck(Ast *ast, TypeSymbol *type) { // // Unless we are processing the body of a type do not do type checking. // (This method may be invoked, for example, when FindFirstType invokes ProcessPackageOrType) // if (state_stack.Size() > 0) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); // // Type checking is necessary only for two types that are not enclosed within // the same outermost type. Note that if we are trying to access an inner type // T1.T2...Tn from this type, TypeAccessCheck is expected to be invoked first // for T1, then T1.T2, ... and finally for T1.T2...Tn, in turn. When invoked // for T1.T2, for example, this function only checks whether or not T1.T2 // is accessible from "this" type. It does not recheck whether or not T1 is // accessible. // if (this_type -> outermost_type != type -> outermost_type) { if (type -> ACC_PRIVATE()) ReportTypeInaccessible(ast, type); else if (type -> ACC_PROTECTED()) { // // TODO: we have filed a query to Sun regarding which test is required here! // // if (! (type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || this_type -> IsSubclass(type))) // if (! (type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || this_type -> HasProtectedAccessTo(type))) ReportTypeInaccessible(ast, type); } else if (! (type -> ACC_PUBLIC() || type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package)) ReportTypeInaccessible(ast, type); } } return; } void Semantic::TypeNestAccessCheck(AstExpression *name) { AstSimpleName *simple_name = name -> SimpleNameCast(); AstFieldAccess *field_access = name -> FieldAccessCast(); assert(simple_name || field_access); if (field_access) TypeNestAccessCheck(field_access -> base); TypeSymbol *type = (simple_name ? simple_name -> Type() : field_access -> Type()); if (type) TypeAccessCheck(name, type); return; } void Semantic::ConstructorAccessCheck(AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation, MethodSymbol *constructor) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); TypeSymbol *containing_type = constructor -> containing_type; if (this_type -> outermost_type != containing_type -> outermost_type) { if (constructor -> ACC_PRIVATE()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, class_creation -> class_type -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> right_parenthesis_token, constructor -> Header(), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } else if (! class_creation -> symbol -> TypeCast() -> Anonymous()) { if (constructor -> ACC_PROTECTED()) { // // TODO: we need to file a query to Sun regarding which test is required here! // According to the rules 6.6.2 in the JLS, access to a protected constructor // that is not contained in the same package is only valid through a "super(...)" call. // However, javac seems to have relaxed this restriction to allow subclass access... // // // TODO: we have filed a query to Sun regarding which test is required here! // // if (! (containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || this_type -> IsSubclass(containing_type))) // if (! (containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || this_type -> HasProtectedAccessTo(containing_type))) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::PROTECTED_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, class_creation -> class_type -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> right_parenthesis_token, constructor -> Header(), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } } else if (! (constructor -> ACC_PUBLIC() || containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, class_creation -> class_type -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> right_parenthesis_token, constructor -> Header(), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } } } return; } void Semantic::MemberAccessCheck(AstFieldAccess *field_access, TypeSymbol *base_type, TypeSymbol *containing_type, Symbol *symbol) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = symbol -> VariableCast(); MethodSymbol *method_symbol = symbol -> MethodCast(); assert(variable_symbol || method_symbol); AccessFlags *flags = (variable_symbol ? (AccessFlags *) variable_symbol : (AccessFlags *) method_symbol); AstExpression *base = field_access -> base; if (! (containing_type -> ACC_PUBLIC() || base_type -> ContainingPackage() == containing_type -> ContainingPackage())) ReportTypeInaccessible(base, containing_type); if (this_type -> outermost_type != containing_type -> outermost_type) { if (flags -> ACC_PRIVATE()) { ReportSemError((variable_symbol ? SemanticError::PRIVATE_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::PRIVATE_METHOD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), field_access -> identifier_token, field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } else if (flags -> ACC_PROTECTED()) { // // TODO: we have filed a query to Sun regarding which test is required here! // there also appears to be a mistake in the Language Spec in section // 6.6.2 re. access to protected members. The phrase "Q is S or a subclass of S" // should have been "Q is S or a superclass of S". // // if (! (containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || this_type -> IsSubclass(containing_type))) // if (! (base -> SuperExpressionCast() || containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || (this_type -> HasProtectedAccessTo(containing_type) && (base_type -> IsSubclass(this_type) || base_type -> IsOwner(this_type))))) { ReportSemError((variable_symbol ? SemanticError::PROTECTED_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::PROTECTED_METHOD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), field_access -> identifier_token, field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } } else if (! (flags -> ACC_PUBLIC() || containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package)) { ReportSemError((variable_symbol ? SemanticError::DEFAULT_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::DEFAULT_METHOD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), field_access -> identifier_token, field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } } return; } void Semantic::SimpleNameAccessCheck(AstSimpleName *simple_name, TypeSymbol *containing_type, Symbol *symbol) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = symbol -> VariableCast(); MethodSymbol *method_symbol = symbol -> MethodCast(); assert(variable_symbol || method_symbol); AccessFlags *flags = (variable_symbol ? (AccessFlags *) variable_symbol : (AccessFlags *) method_symbol); if (! (containing_type -> ACC_PUBLIC() || this_type -> ContainingPackage() == containing_type -> ContainingPackage())) ReportTypeInaccessible(simple_name, containing_type); if (this_type -> outermost_type != containing_type -> outermost_type) { if (flags -> ACC_PRIVATE()) { ReportSemError((variable_symbol ? SemanticError::PRIVATE_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::PRIVATE_METHOD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } else if (flags -> ACC_PROTECTED()) { if (! (containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package || this_type -> IsSubclass(containing_type))) { ReportSemError((variable_symbol ? SemanticError::PROTECTED_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::PROTECTED_METHOD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } } else if (! (flags -> ACC_PUBLIC() || containing_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package)) { ReportSemError((variable_symbol ? SemanticError::DEFAULT_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE : SemanticError::DEFAULT_METHOD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE), simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token), containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), containing_type -> ExternalName()); } } return; } void Semantic::FindVariableMember(TypeSymbol *type, AstFieldAccess *field_access) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); // // This operation may throw NullPointerException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } if (type -> Bad()) { // // If no error has been detected so far, report this as an error so that // we don't try to generate code later. On the other hand, if an error // had been detected prior to this, don't flood the user with spurious // messages. // if (NumErrors() == 0) ReportAccessedFieldNotFound(field_access, type); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (type == control.null_type || type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_REFERENCE, field_access -> base -> LeftToken(), field_access -> base -> RightToken(), type -> Name()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { TypeAccessCheck(field_access -> base, type); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = FindVariableInType(type, field_access); if (variable_symbol) { // // If a variable is FINAL and initialized with a constant expression, // we substitute the expression here. JLS section 15.27, pp 381-382. // // TODO: Note that the JLS is a bit ambiguous and that a strict reading // of 15.27 would prohibit substitution of a final constant value here. // However, javac seems to accept it and as the section on qualified name // only mentions "final" but not "static" and as it is not possible to derefence // a non-static final with a TypeName, we decided to relax the rules also. // if (variable_symbol -> ACC_FINAL() && field_access -> base -> IsName()) { // // If the field declaration of the type has been completely processed, // simply retrieve the value. Otherwise, compute the value of the // initialization expression in question on the fly if the variable // in question is not in the same type. Recall that static variables // must be processed in the textual order in which they appear in the // body of a type. Therefore, if the static initialization of a field // refers to another variable in the same type it must have appeared // before the current field declaration otherwise we will emit an error // message later... // if (variable_symbol -> IsDeclarationComplete()) field_access -> value = variable_symbol -> initial_value; else if (variable_symbol -> declarator) { AstVariableDeclarator *declarator = variable_symbol -> declarator -> VariableDeclaratorCast(); // // If the variable declarator in question exists and its computation is not // pending (to avoid looping) and it has a simple expression initializer. // if (declarator && (! declarator -> pending) && declarator -> variable_initializer_opt && (! declarator -> variable_initializer_opt -> ArrayInitializerCast())) { TypeSymbol *variable_type = (TypeSymbol *) variable_symbol -> owner; Semantic *sem = variable_type -> semantic_environment -> sem; field_access -> value = sem -> ComputeFinalValue(declarator); } } } TypeSymbol *containing_type = (TypeSymbol *) variable_symbol -> owner; if (variable_symbol -> ACC_PRIVATE() && // access to an private variable in an enclosing type ? this_type != containing_type && this_type -> outermost_type == containing_type -> outermost_type) { if (field_access -> IsConstant()) field_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; else { AstFieldAccess *method_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); method_access -> base = field_access -> base; // TODO: WARNING: sharing of Ast subtree !!! method_access -> dot_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> identifier_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; // the variable in question AstMethodInvocation *p = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); p -> method = method_access; p -> left_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; p -> right_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; p -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(variable_symbol); field_access -> resolution_opt = p; field_access -> symbol = p -> symbol; } } else { field_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; MemberAccessCheck(field_access, type, containing_type, variable_symbol); } } else { TypeSymbol *inner_type; if (inner_type = FindNestedType(type, field_access -> identifier_token)) ReportSemError(SemanticError::FIELD_IS_TYPE, field_access -> identifier_token, field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token)); else ReportAccessedFieldNotFound(field_access, type); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } } return; } // // NOTE that method names are not processed here but by the function // ProcessMethodName. // void Semantic::ProcessAmbiguousName(Ast *name) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); AstSimpleName *simple_name; // // ...If the ambiguous name is a simple name,... // if (simple_name = name -> SimpleNameCast()) { TypeSymbol *type; // // ... If the Identifier appears within the scope (6.3) if a local variable declaration (14.3) // or parameter declaration (8.4.1, 8.6.1, 14.18) with that name, then the ambiguous name is // reclassified as an ExpressionName... // // ...Otherwise, consider the class or interface C within whose declaration the Identifier occurs. // If C has one or more fields with that name, which may be either declared within it or inherited, // then the Ambiguous name is reclassified as an ExpressionName.... // SemanticEnvironment *where_found; VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = FindVariableInEnvironment(where_found, state_stack.Top(), simple_name -> identifier_token); if (variable_symbol) { // // A variable_symbol that is FINAL may have an initial value. // If variable_symbol is not final then its initial value is NULL. // simple_name -> value = variable_symbol -> initial_value; simple_name -> symbol = variable_symbol; // // If the variable belongs to an outer type, add the proper // pointer dereferences (and method access in the case of a // private variable) necessary to get to it. // if (where_found != state_stack.Top()) CreateAccessToScopedVariable(simple_name, where_found -> Type()); if (StaticRegion()) { if (! (variable_symbol -> IsLocal() || variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_CLASS_VARIABLE, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } else if (! variable_symbol -> IsDeclarationComplete()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } } if (ExplicitConstructorInvocation() && (! variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC())) { // // If the variable in question is an instance variable // that is declared in this_type (this_type is definitely // a class) or one of its super classes, then we have an error -> // TypeSymbol *type = variable_symbol -> owner -> TypeCast(); if (type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INSTANCE_VARIABLE_IN_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, simple_name -> identifier_token, simple_name -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token), type -> Name()); } } } // // ...Otherwise, if a type of that name is declared in the compilation unit (7.3) containing // the Identifier, either by a single-type-import declaration (7.5.1) or by a class or interface // type declaration (7.6), then the Ambiguous name is reclassified as a TypeName... // // ...Otherwise, if a type of that name is declared in another compilation unit (7.3) of the // package (7.1) of the compilation unit containing the Identifier, then the Ambiguous Name // is reclassified as a TypeName... // // ...Otherwise, if a type of that name is declared by exactly one type-import-on-demand declaration // (7.5.2) of the compilation unit containing the Identifier, then the AmbiguousName is reclassified // as a TypeName // // ...Otherwise, if a type of that name is declared by more than one type-import-on-demand declaration // of the compilation unit containing the Identifier, then a compile-time error results. // else if (type = FindType(simple_name -> identifier_token)) simple_name -> symbol = type; // // ...Otherwise, the Ambiguous name is reclassified as a PackageName. A later step determines // whether or not a package of that name actually exists. // else { NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(simple_name -> identifier_token); PackageSymbol *package = control.external_table.FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol); if (package) simple_name -> symbol = package; else { package = control.external_table.InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol, NULL); control.FindPathsToDirectory(package); simple_name -> symbol = package; } } } // // ...If the ambiguous name is a qualified name,... // else { AstFieldAccess *field_access = (AstFieldAccess *) name; assert(name -> FieldAccessCast()); TypeSymbol *type = NULL; if (field_access -> IsClassAccess()) { if (! control.option.one_one) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ONE_ONE_FEATURE, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken()); } AstTypeExpression *base = (AstTypeExpression *) field_access -> base; AstArrayType *array_type = base -> type -> ArrayTypeCast(); if (array_type) { AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = array_type -> type -> PrimitiveTypeCast(); TypeSymbol *unit = (primitive_type ? FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type) : MustFindType(array_type -> type)); type = unit -> GetArrayType((Semantic *) this, array_type -> NumBrackets()); } else { AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = base -> type -> PrimitiveTypeCast(); type = (primitive_type ? FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type) : MustFindType(base -> type)); } TypeSymbol *outermost_type = this_type -> outermost_type; if (type -> Primitive()) { if (type == control.int_type) type = control.Integer(); else if (type == control.double_type) type = control.Double(); else if (type == control.char_type) type = control.Character(); else if (type == control.long_type) type = control.Long(); else if (type == control.float_type) type = control.Float(); else if (type == control.byte_type) type = control.Byte(); else if (type == control.short_type) type = control.Short(); else if (type == control.boolean_type) type = control.Boolean(); else // (type == control.void_type) type = control.Void(); base -> symbol = type; field_access -> symbol = type -> FindVariableSymbol(control.type_name_symbol); assert(field_access -> symbol); } else { base -> symbol = type; if (outermost_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { TypeSymbol *class_literal_type = outermost_type -> FindOrInsertClassLiteralClass(field_access -> identifier_token); AddDependence(this_type, class_literal_type, field_access -> identifier_token); AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(field_access -> identifier_token); simple_name -> symbol = class_literal_type; AstFieldAccess *method_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); method_access -> base = simple_name; method_access -> dot_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> identifier_token = field_access -> identifier_token; AstStringLiteral *string_literal = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenStringLiteral(field_access -> identifier_token); string_literal -> value = type -> FindOrInsertClassLiteralName(control); string_literal -> symbol = control.String(); AstMethodInvocation *method_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); method_call -> method = method_access; method_call -> left_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_call -> AddArgument(string_literal); method_call -> right_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_call -> symbol = class_literal_type -> ClassLiteralMethod(); field_access -> resolution_opt = method_call; field_access -> symbol = (method_call -> symbol ? method_call -> symbol : control.no_type); } else { AddDependence(this_type, control.Class(), field_access -> identifier_token); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = outermost_type -> FindOrInsertClassLiteral(type); if (this_type == outermost_type) { AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(field_access -> identifier_token); simple_name -> symbol = variable_symbol; field_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; field_access -> resolution_opt = simple_name; } else { AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(field_access -> identifier_token); simple_name -> symbol = outermost_type; AstFieldAccess *method_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); method_access -> base = simple_name; method_access -> dot_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> identifier_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; // the variable in question AstMethodInvocation *method_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); method_call -> method = method_access; method_call -> left_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_call -> right_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_call -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetWriteAccessMethod(variable_symbol); field_access -> resolution_opt = method_call; field_access -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(variable_symbol); } } } } else { AstExpression* base = field_access -> base; AstFieldAccess *sub_field_access = base -> FieldAccessCast(); simple_name = base -> SimpleNameCast(); // // ...First, classify the name or expression to the left of the '.'... // if (simple_name || sub_field_access) ProcessAmbiguousName(base); else ProcessExpression(base); if (base -> symbol == control.no_type) { field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } wchar_t *identifier_name = lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token); PackageSymbol *package; Symbol *symbol = base -> symbol; if (field_access -> IsThisAccess() || field_access -> IsSuperAccess()) { if (! control.option.one_one) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ONE_ONE_FEATURE, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken()); } TypeSymbol *enclosing_type = symbol -> TypeCast(); if (enclosing_type == control.no_type) field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; else { if (! enclosing_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_A_TYPE, field_access -> base -> LeftToken(), field_access -> base -> RightToken()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (enclosing_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_A_CLASS, field_access -> base -> LeftToken(), field_access -> base -> RightToken(), enclosing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), enclosing_type -> ExternalName()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { if (! (this_type -> IsNestedIn(enclosing_type) && this_type -> CanAccess(enclosing_type))) { if (this_type == enclosing_type && field_access -> IsThisAccess()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISPLACED_THIS_EXPRESSION, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken()); } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ILLEGAL_THIS_FIELD_ACCESS, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), enclosing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), enclosing_type -> ExternalName(), this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), this_type -> ExternalName()); } field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { // // Note that in the case of a Super access, there will be further resolution later. // field_access -> resolution_opt = CreateAccessToType(field_access, enclosing_type); field_access -> symbol = field_access -> resolution_opt -> symbol; } } } } else if (package = symbol -> PackageCast()) { // // ... If there is a package whose name is the name to the left of the '.' and that package // contains a declaration of a type whose name is the same as the Identifier, then the // AmbiguousName is reclassified as a TypeName... // NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(field_access -> identifier_token); type = package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol); if (type) { if (type -> SourcePending()) control.ProcessHeaders(type -> file_symbol); field_access -> symbol = type; } else { FileSymbol *file_symbol = Control::GetFile(package, name_symbol, control.option.depend); if (file_symbol) { type = ReadType(file_symbol, package, name_symbol, field_access -> identifier_token); field_access -> symbol = type; } // // ... Otherwise, this AmbiguousName is reclassified as a PackageName. A later step determines // whether or not a package of that name actually exists... // else { PackageSymbol *subpackage = package -> FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol); if (! subpackage) // A new package ? { subpackage = package -> InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol); control.FindPathsToDirectory(subpackage); } field_access -> symbol = subpackage; } } } else if (sub_field_access && sub_field_access -> IsSuperAccess()) { if (sub_field_access -> Type() == control.no_type) field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (sub_field_access -> Type() == control.Object()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::OBJECT_HAS_NO_SUPER_TYPE, sub_field_access -> LeftToken(), sub_field_access -> RightToken(), sub_field_access -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), sub_field_access -> Type() -> ExternalName()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { type = sub_field_access -> Type() -> super; FindVariableMember(type, field_access); } } // // ...If the name to the left of the '.' is reclassified as a TypeName, then this AmbiguousName is // reclassified as an ExpressionName // else if (type = symbol -> TypeCast()) { if (type -> Bad()) { // // If no error has been detected so far, report this as an error so that // we don't try to generate code later. On the other hand, if an error // had been detected prior to this, don't flood the user with spurious // messages. // if (NumErrors() == 0) ReportAccessedFieldNotFound(field_access, type); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (type == control.null_type || type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_REFERENCE, base -> LeftToken(), base -> RightToken(), type -> Name()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { TypeAccessCheck(base, type); VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = FindVariableInType(type, field_access); if (variable_symbol) { if (base -> IsName()) // a type name (as opposed to an expression) ? { if (variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC()) { // // A variable_symbol that is STATIC and FINAL must have an initial value. // If it is dereferenced by a type name, then associate the value with the // subexpression to identify it as a constant subexpression. // if (variable_symbol -> ACC_FINAL()) { // // If the field declaration of the type has been completely processed, // simply retrieve the value. Otherwise, compute the value of the // initialization expression in question on the fly if the variable // in question is not in the same type. Recall that static variables // must be processed in the textual order in which they appear in the // body of a type. Therefore, if the static initialization of a field // refers to another variable in the same type it must have appeared // before the current field declaration otherwise we will emit an error // message later... // if (variable_symbol -> IsDeclarationComplete()) field_access -> value = variable_symbol -> initial_value; else if (variable_symbol -> declarator) { AstVariableDeclarator *declarator = variable_symbol -> declarator -> VariableDeclaratorCast(); // // If the variable declarator in question exists and its computation is not // pending (to avoid looping) and it has a simple expression initializer. // if (declarator && (! declarator -> pending) && declarator -> variable_initializer_opt && (! declarator -> variable_initializer_opt -> ArrayInitializerCast())) { TypeSymbol *type = (TypeSymbol *) variable_symbol -> owner; Semantic *sem = type -> semantic_environment -> sem; field_access -> value = sem -> ComputeFinalValue(declarator); } } } } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NAME_NOT_CLASS_VARIABLE, field_access -> identifier_token, field_access -> identifier_token, identifier_name); } } TypeSymbol *containing_type = (TypeSymbol *) variable_symbol -> owner; if (variable_symbol -> ACC_PRIVATE() && this_type != containing_type && this_type -> outermost_type == containing_type -> outermost_type) { if (field_access -> IsConstant()) field_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; else { AstFieldAccess *method_access = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenFieldAccess(); method_access -> base = field_access -> base; // TODO: WARNING: sharing of Ast subtree !!! method_access -> dot_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> identifier_token = field_access -> identifier_token; method_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; // the variable in question AstMethodInvocation *p = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); p -> method = method_access; p -> left_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; p -> right_parenthesis_token = field_access -> identifier_token; p -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(variable_symbol); field_access -> resolution_opt = p; field_access -> symbol = p -> symbol; } } else { field_access -> symbol = variable_symbol; MemberAccessCheck(field_access, type, containing_type, variable_symbol); } } else { TypeSymbol *inner_type = FindNestedType(type, field_access -> identifier_token); if (inner_type) { field_access -> symbol = inner_type; TypeAccessCheck(field_access, inner_type); } else { ReportAccessedFieldNotFound(field_access, type); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } } } } // // ...If the name to the left of the '.' is reclassified as an ExpressionName, then this // AmbiguousName is reclassified as an ExpressionName // else if (type = (TypeSymbol *) (symbol -> VariableCast() ? symbol -> VariableCast() -> Type((Semantic *) this, field_access -> dot_token) : (symbol -> MethodCast() ? symbol -> MethodCast() -> Type((Semantic *) this, field_access -> dot_token) : NULL))) { FindVariableMember(type, field_access); } else // illegal Name !!! { ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNKNOWN_QUALIFIED_NAME_BASE, base -> LeftToken(), base -> RightToken(), symbol -> Name()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } } if (type) { TypeSymbol *parent_type = (type -> IsArray() ? type -> base_type : type); if (! parent_type -> Primitive()) AddDependence(this_type, parent_type, field_access -> identifier_token); } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessFieldAccess(Ast *expr) { AstFieldAccess *field_access = (AstFieldAccess *) expr; ProcessAmbiguousName(field_access); if (field_access -> symbol != control.no_type) { PackageSymbol *package; TypeSymbol *type; if (package = field_access -> symbol -> PackageCast()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNKNOWN_AMBIGUOUS_NAME, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), package -> PackageName()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if ((type = field_access -> symbol -> TypeCast()) && (! field_access -> IsThisAccess())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_FIELD, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> RightToken(), type -> Name()); field_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { VariableSymbol *variable = field_access -> symbol -> VariableCast(); if (variable && (! variable -> IsTyped())) variable -> ProcessVariableSignature((Semantic *) this, field_access -> identifier_token); } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessCharacterLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstCharacterLiteral *char_literal = (AstCharacterLiteral *) expr; LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(char_literal -> character_literal_token); if (! literal -> value) control.int_pool.FindOrInsertChar(literal); if (literal -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE, char_literal -> LeftToken(), char_literal -> RightToken()); char_literal -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { char_literal -> value = literal -> value; char_literal -> symbol = control.char_type; } } void Semantic::ProcessIntegerLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstIntegerLiteral *int_literal = (AstIntegerLiteral *) expr; LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(int_literal -> integer_literal_token); if (! literal -> value) control.int_pool.FindOrInsertInt(literal); if (literal -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_INT_VALUE, int_literal -> LeftToken(), int_literal -> RightToken()); int_literal -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { int_literal -> value = literal -> value; int_literal -> symbol = control.int_type; } } void Semantic::ProcessLongLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstLongLiteral *long_literal = (AstLongLiteral *) expr; LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(long_literal -> long_literal_token); if (! literal -> value) control.long_pool.FindOrInsertLong(literal); if (literal -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_LONG_VALUE, long_literal -> LeftToken(), long_literal -> RightToken()); long_literal -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { long_literal -> value = literal -> value; long_literal -> symbol = control.long_type; } } void Semantic::ProcessFloatingPointLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstFloatingPointLiteral *float_literal = (AstFloatingPointLiteral *) expr; LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(float_literal -> floating_point_literal_token); if (! literal -> value) control.float_pool.FindOrInsertFloat(literal); if (literal -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE, float_literal -> LeftToken(), float_literal -> RightToken()); float_literal -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { float_literal -> value = literal -> value; float_literal -> symbol = control.float_type; } } void Semantic::ProcessDoubleLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstDoubleLiteral *double_literal = (AstDoubleLiteral *) expr; LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(double_literal -> double_literal_token); if (! literal -> value) control.double_pool.FindOrInsertDouble(literal); if (literal -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE, double_literal -> LeftToken(), double_literal -> RightToken()); double_literal -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { double_literal -> value = literal -> value; double_literal -> symbol = control.double_type; } } void Semantic::ProcessTrueLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstExpression *true_literal = (AstTrueLiteral *) expr; true_literal -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) 1); true_literal -> symbol = control.boolean_type; } void Semantic::ProcessFalseLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstExpression *false_literal = (AstFalseLiteral *) expr; false_literal -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) 0); false_literal -> symbol = control.boolean_type; } void Semantic::ProcessStringLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstStringLiteral *string_literal = (AstStringLiteral *) expr; LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(string_literal -> string_literal_token); if (! literal -> value) control.Utf8_pool.FindOrInsertString(literal); if (literal -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_STRING_VALUE, string_literal -> LeftToken(), string_literal -> RightToken()); string_literal -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { string_literal -> value = literal -> value; string_literal -> symbol = control.String(); } } void Semantic::ProcessArrayAccess(Ast *expr) { AstArrayAccess *array_access = (AstArrayAccess *) expr; // // This operation may throw NullPointerException or IndefOutOfBoundsException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } ProcessExpression(array_access -> base); ProcessExpression(array_access -> expression); array_access -> expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(array_access -> expression); if (array_access -> expression -> Type() != control.int_type && array_access -> expression -> symbol != control.no_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGER, array_access -> expression -> LeftToken(), array_access -> expression -> RightToken(), array_access -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); } TypeSymbol *array_type = array_access -> base -> Type(); if (array_type -> IsArray()) array_access -> symbol = array_type -> ArraySubtype(); else { if (array_type != control.no_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_ARRAY, array_access -> base -> LeftToken(), array_access -> base -> RightToken(), array_access -> base -> Type() -> Name()); array_access -> symbol = control.no_type; } return; } MethodSymbol *Semantic::FindMethodMember(TypeSymbol *type, AstMethodInvocation *method_call) { MethodSymbol *method = NULL; AstFieldAccess *field_access = method_call -> method -> FieldAccessCast(); if (type -> Bad()) { // // If no error has been detected so far, report this as an error so that // we don't try to generate code later. On the other hand, if an error // had been detected prior to this, don't flood the user with spurious // messages. // if (NumErrors() == 0) ReportMethodNotFound(method_call, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token)); method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (type == control.null_type || type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_REFERENCE, field_access -> base -> LeftToken(), field_access -> base -> RightToken(), type -> Name()); method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); TypeAccessCheck(field_access -> base, type); method = FindMethodInType(type, method_call); if (method) { if (method -> ACC_PRIVATE() && this_type != method -> containing_type && this_type -> outermost_type == method -> containing_type -> outermost_type) method_call -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(method); else { method_call -> symbol = method; MemberAccessCheck(field_access, type, method -> containing_type, method); } } else method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } return method; } void Semantic::ProcessMethodName(AstMethodInvocation *method_call) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); // // This operation may throw: // // OutOfMemoryError // NoSuchMethodError // IllegalAccessError // IncompatibleClassChangeError // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } AstSimpleName *simple_name; if (simple_name = method_call -> method -> SimpleNameCast()) { SemanticEnvironment *where_found; MethodSymbol *method = FindMethodInEnvironment(where_found, state_stack.Top(), method_call); if (! method) method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; else { if (! method -> ACC_STATIC()) { // // We are in a static region if we are: // . in the body of a static method // . in the body of a static initializer // . precessing an initializer expression for a static variable. // // See StaticRegion() Semantic.h for more detail. // // Note that a constructor is never static. // if (StaticRegion()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NOT_CLASS_METHOD, simple_name -> identifier_token, method_call -> right_parenthesis_token, lex_stream -> Name(simple_name -> identifier_token)); } else if (ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) { if (this_type -> IsSubclass(method -> containing_type)) { // // If the method in question is an instance method // that is declared in this_type (this_type is definitely // a class) or one of its super classes, then we have an error -> // ReportSemError(SemanticError::INSTANCE_METHOD_IN_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), method -> Header(), method -> containing_type -> Name()); } } } method_call -> symbol = method; // // If the method is a private method belonging to an outer type, // give the ast simple_name access to its read_method. // if (where_found != state_stack.Top()) CreateAccessToScopedMethod(method_call, where_found -> Type()); } } else { AstFieldAccess *field_access = method_call -> method -> FieldAccessCast(); AstExpression* base = field_access -> base; AstFieldAccess *sub_field_access = base -> FieldAccessCast(); if (base -> SimpleNameCast() || sub_field_access) ProcessAmbiguousName(base); else ProcessExpression(base); if (base -> symbol == control.no_type) { method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } TypeSymbol *type = NULL; Symbol *symbol = base -> symbol; // // If the base is a "super" field access, resolve it before proceeding // if (sub_field_access && sub_field_access -> IsSuperAccess()) { if (sub_field_access -> Type() == control.no_type) method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (sub_field_access -> Type() == control.Object()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::OBJECT_HAS_NO_SUPER_TYPE, sub_field_access -> LeftToken(), sub_field_access -> RightToken(), sub_field_access -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), sub_field_access -> Type() -> ExternalName()); method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { MethodSymbol *method = FindMethodMember(sub_field_access -> Type() -> super, method_call); // // TODO: This test was added in order to pass the test in section, page 159. // All I can find in the spec is that one example. Nowhere else could I find a // more formal statement. // if (method && method -> ACC_ABSTRACT()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ABSTRACT_METHOD_INVOCATION, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token)); } } } else if (type = symbol -> TypeCast()) { if (type -> Bad()) { // // If no error has been detected so far, report this as an error so that // we don't try to generate code later. On the other hand, if an error // had been detected prior to this, don't flood the user with spurious // messages. // if (NumErrors() == 0) ReportMethodNotFound(method_call, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token)); method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (type == control.null_type || type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_REFERENCE, base -> LeftToken(), base -> RightToken(), type -> Name()); method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { TypeAccessCheck(base, type); MethodSymbol *method = FindMethodInType(type, method_call); if (method) { if (base -> IsName() && (! method -> ACC_STATIC())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_NOT_CLASS_METHOD, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token)); } // // TODO: This test was added in order to pass the test in section, page 159. // All I can find in the spec is that one example. Nowhere else could I find a // more formal statement. // else if (base -> SuperExpressionCast() && method -> ACC_ABSTRACT()) ReportSemError(SemanticError::ABSTRACT_METHOD_INVOCATION, field_access -> LeftToken(), field_access -> identifier_token, lex_stream -> Name(field_access -> identifier_token)); if (method -> ACC_PRIVATE() && this_type != method -> containing_type && this_type -> outermost_type == method -> containing_type -> outermost_type) method_call -> symbol = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(method); else { method_call -> symbol = method; MemberAccessCheck(field_access, type, method -> containing_type, method); } } else method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } } else if (type = (TypeSymbol *) (symbol -> VariableCast() ? symbol -> VariableCast() -> Type((Semantic *) this, field_access -> dot_token) : (symbol -> MethodCast() ? symbol -> MethodCast() -> Type((Semantic *) this, field_access -> dot_token) : NULL))) { (void) FindMethodMember(type, method_call); } else // illegal Name !!! { PackageSymbol *package = symbol -> PackageCast(); NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(field_access -> identifier_token); if (package && (package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol) || Control::GetFile(package, name_symbol, control.option.depend))) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_METHOD, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), name_symbol -> Name()); } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNKNOWN_QUALIFIED_NAME_BASE, field_access -> base -> LeftToken(), field_access -> base -> RightToken(), symbol -> Name()); } method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; } if (type) { TypeSymbol *parent_type = (type -> IsArray() ? type -> base_type : type); if (! parent_type -> Primitive()) AddDependence(this_type, parent_type, field_access -> identifier_token); } } if (method_call -> symbol != control.no_type) { MethodSymbol *method = (MethodSymbol *) method_call -> symbol; if (exception_set) { for (int i = method -> NumThrows((Semantic *) this, method_call -> method -> RightToken()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) exception_set -> AddElement(method -> Throws(i)); // TODO: what to do? // if (! method -> ACC_STATIC()) // exception_set -> AddElement(NullPointerException()); // if (method -> ACC_NATIVE()) // exception_set -> AddElement(control.UnsatisfiedLinkError()); } for (int i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); if (expr -> Type() != method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type()) method_call -> Argument(i) = ConvertToType(expr, method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type()); } // // Recall that an instance initializer in the body of an anonymous type can // throw any exception. The test below allows us to skip such blocks. // if (! (this_type -> Anonymous() && ThisMethod() && ThisMethod() -> Identity() == control.block_init_name_symbol)) { for (int k = method -> NumThrows((Semantic *) this, method_call -> method -> RightToken()) - 1; k >= 0; k--) { TypeSymbol *exception = method -> Throws(k); if (! CatchableException(exception)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCATCHABLE_METHOD_THROWN_CHECKED_EXCEPTION, method_call -> LeftToken(), method_call -> RightToken(), method -> Header(), exception -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), exception -> ExternalName()); } } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessMethodInvocation(Ast *expr) { AstMethodInvocation *method_call = (AstMethodInvocation *) expr; bool no_bad_argument = true; for (int i = 0; i < method_call -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = method_call -> Argument(i); ProcessExpression(expr); // TODO: ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(expr); no_bad_argument = no_bad_argument && (expr -> symbol != control.no_type); } if (no_bad_argument) { ProcessMethodName(method_call); if (method_call -> symbol != control.no_type) { MethodSymbol *method = (MethodSymbol *) method_call -> symbol; if (! method -> IsTyped()) method -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, method_call -> left_parenthesis_token); } } else method_call -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessNullLiteral(Ast *expr) { AstNullLiteral *null_literal = (AstNullLiteral *) expr; null_literal -> value = control.NullValue(); null_literal -> symbol = control.null_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessThisExpression(Ast *expr) { AstThisExpression *this_expression = (AstThisExpression *) expr; if (StaticRegion()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISPLACED_THIS_EXPRESSION, this_expression -> LeftToken(), this_expression -> RightToken()); this_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::THIS_IN_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, this_expression -> LeftToken(), this_expression -> RightToken(), lex_stream -> Name(this_expression -> this_token)); this_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else this_expression -> symbol = ThisType(); return; } void Semantic::ProcessSuperExpression(Ast *expr) { AstSuperExpression *super_expression = (AstSuperExpression *) expr; if (StaticRegion() || ThisType() == control.Object()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISPLACED_SUPER_EXPRESSION, super_expression -> LeftToken(), super_expression -> RightToken()); super_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::THIS_IN_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION, super_expression -> LeftToken(), super_expression -> RightToken(), lex_stream -> Name(super_expression -> super_token)); super_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else super_expression -> symbol = ThisType() -> super; } void Semantic::ProcessParenthesizedExpression(Ast *expr) { AstParenthesizedExpression *parenthesized = (AstParenthesizedExpression *) expr; ProcessExpression(parenthesized -> expression); parenthesized -> value = parenthesized -> expression -> value; parenthesized -> symbol = parenthesized -> expression -> symbol; } void Semantic::UpdateGeneratedLocalConstructor(MethodSymbol *constructor) { TypeSymbol *local_type = constructor -> containing_type; MethodSymbol *local_constructor = constructor -> LocalConstructor(); assert(local_constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()); BlockSymbol *block_symbol = local_constructor -> block_symbol; for (int i = 0; i < constructor -> NumFormalParameters(); i++) { VariableSymbol *param = constructor -> FormalParameter(i), *symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(param -> Identity()); assert(symbol); symbol -> SetExternalIdentity(param -> ExternalIdentity()); // TODO: do we really need this ? symbol -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++); if (symbol -> Type() == control.long_type || symbol -> Type() == control.double_type) block_symbol -> max_variable_index++; local_constructor -> AddFormalParameter(symbol); } // // If we are dealing with a constructor generated for an anonymous type and // the super type of the anonymous type is an inner type then the generated // constructor accepts an additional formal parameter which is the containing // type of the super type, and the name of the parameter is #0. // VariableSymbol *super_this0_variable = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(control.MakeParameter(0)); if (super_this0_variable) { super_this0_variable -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++); local_constructor -> AddFormalParameter(super_this0_variable); } local_constructor -> SetSignature(control); // // // AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_declaration = (AstConstructorDeclaration *) constructor -> method_or_constructor_declaration; assert(constructor_declaration -> ConstructorDeclarationCast()); AstConstructorBlock *constructor_block = constructor_declaration -> constructor_body; if (! (constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt && constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt -> ThisCallCast())) { constructor_block -> AllocateLocalInitStatements(local_type -> NumConstructorParameters()); // // Generate an assignment statement for each local variable parameter. // Note that we do not initialize the this$0 here as the real constructor // will do that. If the local_type is static, its constructor_parameters // list does not start with this$0. // for (int i = (local_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); i < local_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); i++) { VariableSymbol *param = local_type -> ConstructorParameter(i), *symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(param -> Identity()); assert(symbol); AstSimpleName *lhs = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(constructor_block -> left_brace_token); lhs -> symbol = param; AstSimpleName *rhs = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(constructor_block -> left_brace_token); rhs -> symbol = symbol; AstAssignmentExpression *assign = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::EQUAL, constructor_block -> left_brace_token); assign -> left_hand_side = lhs; assign -> expression = rhs; assign -> symbol = lhs -> Type(); AstExpressionStatement *stmt = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenExpressionStatement(); stmt -> expression = assign; stmt -> semicolon_token_opt = constructor_block -> left_brace_token; stmt -> is_reachable = true; stmt -> can_complete_normally = true; constructor_block -> AddLocalInitStatement(stmt); } } // // // AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(constructor_block -> left_brace_token); simple_name -> symbol = constructor; assert(! constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()); AstMethodInvocation *method_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodInvocation(); method_call -> method = simple_name; method_call -> left_parenthesis_token = constructor_block -> left_brace_token; method_call -> right_parenthesis_token = constructor_block -> left_brace_token; method_call -> symbol = simple_name -> symbol; method_call -> AllocateArguments(constructor -> NumFormalParameters() + 1); if (! local_type -> ACC_STATIC()) { AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(constructor_block -> left_brace_token); simple_name -> symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(control.this0_name_symbol); assert(simple_name -> symbol); method_call -> AddArgument(simple_name); } for (int k = 0; k < constructor -> NumFormalParameters(); k++) { VariableSymbol *param = constructor -> FormalParameter(k), *symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(param -> Identity()); AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(constructor_block -> left_brace_token); simple_name -> symbol = symbol; method_call -> AddArgument(simple_name); } AstExpressionStatement *stmt = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenExpressionStatement(); stmt -> expression = method_call; stmt -> semicolon_token_opt = constructor_block -> left_brace_token; stmt -> is_reachable = true; stmt -> can_complete_normally = true; constructor_block -> original_constructor_invocation = stmt; return; } void Semantic::UpdateLocalConstructors(TypeSymbol *inner_type) { if (! ThisType() -> IsLocal()) // the method containing inner_type is not itself embedded in another method { // // Compute the set of local_classes we need to process here - they are // the inner_type itself and all the classes that are embedded in its body. // Tuple<TypeSymbol *> local_classes(8); TypeSymbol *outermost_type = inner_type -> outermost_type; if (outermost_type -> local) // The set of local types in the outermost type is not empty? { for (TypeSymbol *local_type = (TypeSymbol *) outermost_type -> local -> FirstElement(); local_type; local_type = (TypeSymbol *) outermost_type -> local -> NextElement()) { if (local_type -> CanAccess(inner_type)) local_classes.Next() = local_type; } } for (int j = 0; j < outermost_type -> num_anonymous_types(); j++) { if (outermost_type -> AnonymousType(j) -> CanAccess(inner_type)) local_classes.Next() = outermost_type -> AnonymousType(j); } // // We now update each type T2 containing a call to a constructor of // T1 to make sure that T2 has a copy of or access to all the local // variables required by T1. // for (int k = 0; k < local_classes.Length(); k++) { TypeSymbol *target_local_type = local_classes[k]; for (int i = 0; i < target_local_type -> NumLocalConstructorCallEnvironments(); i++) { SemanticEnvironment *env = target_local_type -> LocalConstructorCallEnvironment(i); TypeSymbol *source_local_type = env -> Type(); if (! source_local_type -> CanAccess(target_local_type)) { for (int j = (target_local_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); j < target_local_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); j++) { VariableSymbol *local = target_local_type -> ConstructorParameter(j) -> accessed_local; if (env -> symbol_table.FindVariableSymbol(local -> Identity()) != local) source_local_type -> FindOrInsertLocalShadow(local); } } } } // // Now update the constructor bodies to reflect the new local variable counts and mark the local_type completed. // for (int l = 0; l < local_classes.Length(); l++) { TypeSymbol *local_type = local_classes[l]; AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration = local_type -> declaration -> ClassDeclarationCast(); AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation = local_type -> declaration -> ClassInstanceCreationExpressionCast(); assert(class_declaration || class_creation); AstClassBody *class_body = (class_declaration ? class_declaration -> class_body : class_creation -> class_body_opt); if (class_body -> default_constructor) UpdateGeneratedLocalConstructor(class_body -> default_constructor -> constructor_symbol); else { for (int i = 0; i < class_body -> NumConstructors(); i++) UpdateGeneratedLocalConstructor(class_body -> Constructor(i) -> constructor_symbol); for (int k = 0; k < local_type -> NumPrivateAccessConstructors(); k++) UpdateGeneratedLocalConstructor(local_type -> PrivateAccessConstructor(k)); } local_type -> MarkLocalClassProcessingCompleted(); } // // Now update the constructor calls // for (int m = 0; m < local_classes.Length(); m++) { TypeSymbol *target_local_type = local_classes[m]; assert(target_local_type -> LocalClassProcessingCompleted()); for (int i = 0; i < target_local_type -> NumLocalConstructorCallEnvironments(); i++) { Ast *call = target_local_type -> LocalConstructorCallEnvironment(i) -> ast_construct; SemanticEnvironment *env = target_local_type -> LocalConstructorCallEnvironment(i); TypeSymbol *source_local_type = env -> Type(); AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation; AstSuperCall *super_call; AstThisCall *this_call; if (class_creation = call -> ClassInstanceCreationExpressionCast()) { if (class_creation -> symbol != control.no_type) { if (source_local_type -> CanAccess(target_local_type)) { for (int j = (target_local_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); j < target_local_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); j++) { VariableSymbol *local = target_local_type -> ConstructorParameter(j) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(class_creation -> new_token); simple_name -> symbol = local; if (source_local_type != target_local_type) { state_stack.Push(source_local_type -> semantic_environment); CreateAccessToScopedVariable(simple_name, target_local_type); state_stack.Pop(); } class_creation -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } } else { for (int j = (target_local_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); j < target_local_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); j++) { VariableSymbol *local = target_local_type -> ConstructorParameter(j) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(class_creation -> new_token); simple_name -> symbol = (env -> symbol_table.FindVariableSymbol(local -> Identity()) == local ? local : source_local_type -> FindOrInsertLocalShadow(local)); assert(simple_name -> symbol -> VariableCast()); class_creation -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } } MethodSymbol *constructor = (MethodSymbol *) class_creation -> class_type -> symbol; assert(constructor); assert(constructor -> MethodCast()); assert(! constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()); assert(constructor -> LocalConstructor()); class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = constructor -> LocalConstructor(); } } else if (super_call = call -> SuperCallCast()) { if (super_call -> symbol -> MethodCast()) { for (int j = (target_local_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); j < target_local_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); j++) { VariableSymbol *local = target_local_type -> ConstructorParameter(j) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(super_call -> super_token); simple_name -> symbol = env -> symbol_table.FindVariableSymbol(local -> Identity()); assert(simple_name -> symbol -> VariableCast()); super_call -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } MethodSymbol *constructor = (MethodSymbol *) super_call -> symbol; assert(constructor -> MethodCast() && (! constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor())); assert(constructor -> LocalConstructor()); super_call -> symbol = constructor -> LocalConstructor(); } } else { this_call = (AstThisCall *) call; assert(this_call -> ThisCallCast()); if (this_call -> symbol -> MethodCast()) { for (int j = (target_local_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); j < target_local_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); j++) { VariableSymbol *local = target_local_type -> ConstructorParameter(j) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(this_call -> this_token); simple_name -> symbol = env -> symbol_table.FindVariableSymbol(local -> Identity()); assert(simple_name -> symbol -> VariableCast()); this_call -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } MethodSymbol *constructor = (MethodSymbol *) this_call -> symbol; assert(constructor -> MethodCast() && (! constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor())); assert(constructor -> LocalConstructor()); this_call -> symbol = constructor -> LocalConstructor(); } } } } } return; } void Semantic::GetAnonymousConstructor(AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation, TypeSymbol *anonymous_type) { LexStream::TokenIndex left_loc = class_creation -> class_type -> LeftToken(), right_loc = class_creation -> right_parenthesis_token; TypeSymbol *super_type = anonymous_type -> super; MethodSymbol *super_constructor = FindConstructor(super_type, class_creation, left_loc, right_loc); if (! super_constructor) { class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } // // Make constructor symbol. The associated symbol table will not contain too many elements... // BlockSymbol *block_symbol = new BlockSymbol(super_constructor -> NumFormalParameters() + 3); block_symbol -> max_variable_index = 1; // All types need a spot for "this". MethodSymbol *constructor = anonymous_type -> InsertConstructorSymbol(control.init_name_symbol); constructor -> SetType(control.void_type); constructor -> SetContainingType(anonymous_type); constructor -> SetBlockSymbol(block_symbol); constructor -> SetACC_PUBLIC(); // // Report error is super constructor has throws clause, but add the exceptions to the local throws // clause to avoid spurious errors later !!! // int num_throws = super_constructor -> NumThrows((Semantic *) this, left_loc); if (num_throws > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_throws; i++) { TypeSymbol *exception = super_constructor -> Throws(i); ReportSemError(SemanticError::CONSTRUCTOR_DOES_NOT_THROW_SUPER_EXCEPTION, class_creation -> new_token, class_creation -> RightToken(), StringConstant::US_EMPTY, exception -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), exception -> ExternalName(), super_constructor -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), super_constructor -> containing_type -> ExternalName()); constructor -> AddThrows(exception); } } VariableSymbol *this0_variable = NULL; if (anonymous_type -> IsInner()) { this0_variable = block_symbol -> InsertVariableSymbol(control.this0_name_symbol); this0_variable -> MarkSynthetic(); this0_variable -> SetType(anonymous_type -> ContainingType()); this0_variable -> SetOwner(constructor); this0_variable -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++); } for (int j = 0; j < super_constructor -> NumFormalParameters(); j++) { VariableSymbol *param = super_constructor -> FormalParameter(j), *symbol = block_symbol -> InsertVariableSymbol(param -> Identity()); symbol -> SetType(param -> Type()); symbol -> SetOwner(constructor); symbol -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++); if (symbol -> Type() == control.long_type || symbol -> Type() == control.double_type) block_symbol -> max_variable_index++; constructor -> AddFormalParameter(symbol); } // // // AstSuperCall *super_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSuperCall(); super_call -> base_opt = class_creation -> base_opt; // save initial base_opt super_call -> dot_token_opt = class_creation -> new_token; super_call -> super_token = class_creation -> new_token; super_call -> left_parenthesis_token = class_creation -> new_token; super_call -> right_parenthesis_token = class_creation -> new_token; super_call -> semicolon_token = class_creation -> new_token; super_call -> is_reachable = true; super_call -> can_complete_normally = true; super_call -> symbol = super_constructor; // // If it is in a static region, the anonymous class does not need a this$0 argument // class_creation -> base_opt = (anonymous_type -> ACC_STATIC() ? (AstExpression *) NULL : CreateAccessToType(class_creation, anonymous_type -> ContainingType())); AstClassBody *class_body = class_creation -> class_body_opt; AstReturnStatement *return_statement = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenReturnStatement(); return_statement -> return_token = class_body -> left_brace_token; return_statement -> expression_opt = NULL; return_statement -> semicolon_token = class_body -> left_brace_token; return_statement -> is_reachable = true; AstBlock *block = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenBlock(); block -> block_symbol = constructor -> block_symbol -> InsertBlockSymbol(1); // this symbol table will be empty block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // this block contains one statement block -> left_brace_token = class_body -> left_brace_token; block -> right_brace_token = class_body -> left_brace_token; block -> is_reachable = true; block -> can_complete_normally = false; block -> AddStatement(return_statement); AstConstructorBlock *constructor_block = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenConstructorBlock(); constructor_block -> left_brace_token = class_body -> left_brace_token; constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt = super_call; constructor_block -> block = block; constructor_block -> right_brace_token = class_body -> left_brace_token; AstMethodDeclarator *method_declarator = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodDeclarator(); method_declarator -> identifier_token = left_loc; method_declarator -> left_parenthesis_token = class_creation -> left_parenthesis_token; method_declarator -> right_parenthesis_token = right_loc; AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_declaration = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenConstructorDeclaration(); constructor_declaration -> constructor_declarator = method_declarator; constructor_declaration -> constructor_body = constructor_block; constructor_declaration -> constructor_symbol = constructor; constructor -> method_or_constructor_declaration = constructor_declaration; // // Note that the constructor for the anonymous type is not added to the class body here // beacause we've already completely compiled it and the arguments to its super call // do not contain "valid" SimpleName Ast expressions. It is added to the constructor // body later in get_anonymous_type... // // class_body -> default_constructor = constructor_declaration; // VariableSymbol *super_this0_variable = NULL; if (anonymous_type -> IsLocal()) { GenerateLocalConstructor(constructor); MethodSymbol *generated_constructor = constructor -> LocalConstructor(); assert(! constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()); assert(generated_constructor); block_symbol = generated_constructor -> block_symbol; // use the environment of the generated constructor... if (super_call -> base_opt) { // // Add the this$0 parameter for the super type. However, only mark it complete and // do not yet assign a number to it. This will be done after we know // how many extra "local" variable shadows are needed. See UpdateGeneratedLocalConstructor // super_this0_variable = block_symbol -> InsertVariableSymbol(control.MakeParameter(0)); super_this0_variable -> MarkSynthetic(); super_this0_variable -> SetType(super_call -> base_opt -> Type()); super_this0_variable -> SetOwner(generated_constructor); super_this0_variable -> MarkComplete(); } if (super_type -> IsLocal()) // a local type may use enclosed local variables? { if (super_type -> LocalClassProcessingCompleted()) { // // TODO: Should we set the size for the super_call arguments here ??? // for (int i = 1; i < super_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); i++) { VariableSymbol *local = super_type -> ConstructorParameter(i) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(super_call -> super_token); anonymous_type -> FindOrInsertLocalShadow(local); simple_name -> symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(local -> Identity()); assert(simple_name -> symbol); super_call -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } assert(super_constructor -> LocalConstructor() && (! super_constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor())); super_call -> symbol = super_constructor -> LocalConstructor(); } else // are we currently within the body of the type in question ? super_type -> AddLocalConstructorCallEnvironment(GetEnvironment(super_call)); } } else if (super_call -> base_opt) { super_this0_variable = block_symbol -> InsertVariableSymbol(control.MakeParameter(0)); super_this0_variable -> MarkSynthetic(); super_this0_variable -> SetType(super_call -> base_opt -> Type()); super_this0_variable -> SetOwner(constructor); super_this0_variable -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++); constructor -> AddFormalParameter(super_this0_variable); } // // Complete the definition of the constructor and update the super call accordingly. // if (super_this0_variable) { class_creation -> AddArgument(super_call -> base_opt); // pass the original base expression as argument to anonymous class. AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(class_creation -> new_token); simple_name -> symbol = super_this0_variable; super_call -> base_opt = simple_name; // pass the base expression argument to the super class } constructor -> SetSignature(control, this0_variable); // we now have all the information to set the signature of the constructor. // // Are we guaranteed to have all the info available here? Yes, // because if the anonymous type is not local to a method, then its super // type cannot be local to a method. Therefore, no extra argument (other than // the proper this$0 specified in the base) is needed. If on the other hand the // anonymous type is local and its supertype is also local, it must have appeared // before the anonymous type and therefore its information has already been computed. // for (int k = 0; k < super_constructor -> NumFormalParameters(); k++) { VariableSymbol *param = super_constructor -> FormalParameter(k), *symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(param -> Identity()); assert(symbol); AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(class_creation -> new_token); simple_name -> symbol = symbol; super_call -> AddArgument(simple_name); } class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = constructor; return; } TypeSymbol *Semantic::GetAnonymousType(AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation, TypeSymbol *super_type) { TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(); if (super_type -> ACC_FINAL()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::SUPER_IS_FINAL, class_creation -> class_type -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> class_type -> RightToken(), super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), super_type -> ExternalName()); } AstClassBody *class_body = class_creation -> class_body_opt; TypeSymbol *outermost_type = this_type -> outermost_type; // // Make up a proper name for the anonymous type // int num = outermost_type -> num_anonymous_types() + 1; wchar_t str[11], *p = &str[10]; *p = U_NULL; do { p--; *p = U_0 + (num % 10); num /= 10; } while (num > 0); int length = wcslen(p) + outermost_type -> NameLength() + 1; // +1 for $ wchar_t *anonymous_name = new wchar_t[length + 1]; wcscpy(anonymous_name, outermost_type -> Name()); wcscat(anonymous_name, StringConstant::US__DS_); wcscat(anonymous_name, p); NameSymbol *name_symbol = control.FindOrInsertName(anonymous_name, length); assert((! ThisMethod()) || LocalSymbolTable().Top()); TypeSymbol *inner_type = (ThisMethod() ? LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertAnonymousTypeSymbol(name_symbol) : this_type -> InsertAnonymousTypeSymbol(name_symbol)); inner_type -> SetACC_PRIVATE(); inner_type -> MarkAnonymous(); inner_type -> outermost_type = outermost_type; inner_type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet; inner_type -> subtypes_closure = new SymbolSet; inner_type -> semantic_environment = new SemanticEnvironment((Semantic *) this, inner_type, state_stack.Top()); inner_type -> declaration = class_creation; inner_type -> file_symbol = source_file_symbol; inner_type -> SetOwner(ThisMethod() ? (Symbol *) ThisMethod() : (Symbol *) this_type); // // Add 3 extra elements for padding. May need a default constructor and other support elements. // inner_type -> SetSymbolTable(class_body -> NumClassBodyDeclarations() + 3); inner_type -> SetLocation(); inner_type -> SetSignature(control); // // TODO: As an anonymous type cannot be a super class, it makes sense to mark // is final. This allows jikes to be consistent with javac in emitting an // error message when the anonymous class is checked in an instanceof // operation against an interface. However, this fact is not documented // in the 1.1 document. Furthermore, the class file that is emitted for an // anonymous flag (when processed by javac) does not have the FINAL flag turned on. // We also turn this flag off after processing the body of the anonymmous type. // See bolow... // inner_type -> SetACC_FINAL(); if (StaticRegion()) inner_type -> SetACC_STATIC(); else inner_type -> InsertThis(0); if (super_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { inner_type -> AddInterface(super_type); inner_type -> super = control.Object(); } else inner_type -> super = super_type; outermost_type -> AddAnonymousType(inner_type); delete [] anonymous_name; // // // GetAnonymousConstructor(class_creation, inner_type); // // Now process the body of the anonymous class !!! // CheckClassMembers(inner_type, class_body); ProcessNestedTypeHeaders(inner_type, class_body); if (inner_type -> owner -> MethodCast()) ProcessSuperTypesOfOuterType(inner_type); else ProcessNestedSuperTypes(inner_type); // // If the class body has not yet been parsed, do so now. // if (class_body -> UnparsedClassBodyCast()) { if (! control.parser -> InitializerParse(lex_stream, class_body)) compilation_unit -> kind = Ast::BAD_COMPILATION; // mark the fact that syntax errors were detected else { inner_type -> MarkHeaderProcessed(); ProcessMembers(inner_type -> semantic_environment, class_body); CompleteSymbolTable(inner_type -> semantic_environment, class_body -> left_brace_token, class_body); } if (! control.parser -> BodyParse(lex_stream, class_body)) compilation_unit -> kind = Ast::BAD_COMPILATION; // mark the fact that syntax errors were detected else ProcessExecutableBodies(inner_type -> semantic_environment, class_body); } else // The relevant bodies have already been parsed { inner_type -> MarkHeaderProcessed(); ProcessMembers(inner_type -> semantic_environment, class_body); CompleteSymbolTable(inner_type -> semantic_environment, class_body -> left_brace_token, class_body); ProcessExecutableBodies(inner_type -> semantic_environment, class_body); } // // Add the default constructor to the body of the anonymous type. // If the symbol was resolve to "no_type" then constructor will be NULL // MethodSymbol *constructor = class_creation -> class_type -> symbol -> MethodCast(); if (constructor) { class_body -> default_constructor = (AstConstructorDeclaration *) constructor -> method_or_constructor_declaration; if (inner_type -> IsLocal()) { inner_type -> AddLocalConstructorCallEnvironment(GetEnvironment(class_creation)); UpdateLocalConstructors(inner_type); } } // // TODO: See comment above regarding the setting of this flag. // inner_type -> ResetACC_FINAL(); return inner_type; } void Semantic::ProcessClassInstanceCreationExpression(Ast *expr) { AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *class_creation = (AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *) expr; if (class_creation -> base_opt || class_creation -> class_body_opt) { if (! control.option.one_one) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ONE_ONE_FEATURE, class_creation -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> RightToken()); } } // // This operation may throw OutOfMemoryError // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } Ast *actual_type = class_creation -> class_type -> type; TypeSymbol *type; if (class_creation -> base_opt) { ProcessExpression(class_creation -> base_opt); TypeSymbol *enclosing_type = class_creation -> base_opt -> Type(); if (enclosing_type == control.no_type) { class_creation -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } else if (enclosing_type == control.null_type || enclosing_type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_REFERENCE, class_creation -> base_opt -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> base_opt -> RightToken(), enclosing_type -> ExternalName()); class_creation -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } // // The grammar guarantees that the actual type is a simple name. // type = MustFindNestedType(enclosing_type, actual_type); if (type -> ACC_STATIC()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_NOT_INNER_CLASS, actual_type -> LeftToken(), actual_type -> RightToken(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); } } else { type = MustFindType(actual_type); if (type -> IsInner()) class_creation -> base_opt = CreateAccessToType(class_creation, type -> ContainingType()); } bool no_bad_argument = true; for (int i = 0; i < class_creation -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = class_creation -> Argument(i); ProcessExpression(expr); // TODO: ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(expr); no_bad_argument = no_bad_argument && (expr -> symbol != control.no_type); } TypeSymbol *anonymous_type = NULL; if (! no_bad_argument) { class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = control.no_type; class_creation -> symbol = type; } else { MethodSymbol *method = FindConstructor((type -> ACC_INTERFACE() ? control.Object() : type), class_creation, actual_type -> LeftToken(), class_creation -> right_parenthesis_token); if (! method) { class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = control.no_type; class_creation -> symbol = type; } else { if (class_creation -> base_opt && (class_creation -> base_opt -> symbol != control.no_type) && (class_creation -> base_opt -> Type() != method -> containing_type -> ContainingType())) { assert(method -> containing_type); assert(method -> containing_type -> ContainingType()); assert(class_creation -> base_opt -> Type()); assert(CanMethodInvocationConvert(method -> containing_type -> ContainingType(), class_creation -> base_opt -> Type())); class_creation -> base_opt = ConvertToType(class_creation -> base_opt, method -> containing_type -> ContainingType()); } for (int i = 0; i < class_creation -> NumArguments(); i++) { AstExpression *expr = class_creation -> Argument(i); if (expr -> Type() != method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type()) class_creation -> Argument(i) = ConvertToType(expr, method -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type()); } if (class_creation -> class_body_opt) anonymous_type = GetAnonymousType(class_creation, type); else { if (type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_A_CLASS, actual_type -> LeftToken(), actual_type -> RightToken(), type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), type -> ExternalName()); class_creation -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } else if (type -> ACC_ABSTRACT()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ABSTRACT_TYPE_CREATION, actual_type -> LeftToken(), actual_type -> RightToken(), type -> ExternalName()); } class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = method; if (exception_set) { for (int i = method -> NumThrows((Semantic *) this, actual_type -> RightToken()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) exception_set -> AddElement(method -> Throws(i)); } if (! (ThisType() -> Anonymous() && ThisMethod() && ThisMethod() -> Identity() == control.block_init_name_symbol)) { for (int k = method -> NumThrows((Semantic *) this, actual_type -> RightToken()) - 1; k >= 0; k--) { TypeSymbol *exception = method -> Throws(k); if (! CatchableException(exception)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCATCHABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_THROWN_CHECKED_EXCEPTION, actual_type -> LeftToken(), actual_type -> RightToken(), type -> ExternalName(), exception -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), exception -> ExternalName()); } } } } class_creation -> symbol = (anonymous_type ? anonymous_type : type); if (method -> ACC_PRIVATE() && ThisType() != type && ThisType() -> outermost_type == type -> outermost_type) { // // TODO: Awaiting language clarification. // ReportSemError(SemanticError::PRIVATE_ENCLOSED_CONSTRUCTOR, class_creation -> new_token, class_creation -> right_parenthesis_token, method -> Header()); method = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(method); class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = method; } else ConstructorAccessCheck(class_creation, method); // // A local type may use enclosed local variables. So, we at least allocate the // space for adding these extra arguments. If the type being created has already been // fully processed, add the extra arguments here. // if ((! anonymous_type) && type -> IsLocal()) { if (type -> LocalClassProcessingCompleted() && method -> LocalConstructor()) { assert(! method -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()); class_creation -> class_type -> symbol = method -> LocalConstructor(); assert(method -> LocalConstructor() -> signature); // // Are we currently within the body of the method that contains // the local type in question? // if (type -> owner == ThisMethod()) { for (int i = (type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); i < type -> NumConstructorParameters(); i++) { VariableSymbol *local = type -> ConstructorParameter(i) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(class_creation -> new_token); simple_name -> symbol = local; class_creation -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } } else { for (int i = (type -> ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1); i < type -> NumConstructorParameters(); i++) { VariableSymbol *local = type -> ConstructorParameter(i) -> accessed_local; AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(class_creation -> new_token); simple_name -> symbol = ThisType() -> FindOrInsertLocalShadow(local); class_creation -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name); } } } else // are we within body of type in question? Save processing for later. See ProcessClassDeclaration in body.cpp type -> AddLocalConstructorCallEnvironment(GetEnvironment(class_creation)); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessArrayCreationExpression(Ast *expr) { AstArrayCreationExpression *array_creation = (AstArrayCreationExpression *) expr; // // This operation may throw OutOfMemoryError or NegativeArraySizeException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } AstArrayType *array_type; TypeSymbol *type; if (array_type = array_creation -> array_type -> ArrayTypeCast()) { if (! control.option.one_one) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ONE_ONE_FEATURE, array_creation -> LeftToken(), array_creation -> RightToken()); } AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = array_type -> type -> PrimitiveTypeCast(); type = (primitive_type ? FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type) : MustFindType(array_type -> type)); } else { AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = array_creation -> array_type -> PrimitiveTypeCast(); type = (primitive_type ? FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type) : MustFindType(array_creation -> array_type)); } int num_dimensions = (array_type ? array_type -> NumBrackets() : array_creation -> NumDimExprs() + array_creation -> NumBrackets()); if (num_dimensions > 0) type = type -> GetArrayType((Semantic *) this, num_dimensions); array_creation -> symbol = type; for (int i = 0; i < array_creation -> NumDimExprs(); i++) { AstDimExpr *dim_expr = array_creation -> DimExpr(i); ProcessExpression(dim_expr -> expression); AstExpression *expr = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(dim_expr -> expression); if (expr -> Type() != control.int_type && expr -> symbol != control.no_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGER, dim_expr -> expression -> LeftToken(), dim_expr -> expression -> RightToken(), dim_expr -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); } dim_expr -> expression = expr; } if (array_creation -> array_initializer_opt) ProcessArrayInitializer((AstArrayInitializer *) array_creation -> array_initializer_opt, type); return; } void Semantic::ProcessPostUnaryExpression(Ast *expr) { AstPostUnaryExpression *postfix_expression = (AstPostUnaryExpression *) expr; ProcessExpression(postfix_expression -> expression); postfix_expression -> symbol = postfix_expression -> expression -> symbol; if (postfix_expression -> symbol != control.no_type) { if (! postfix_expression -> expression -> IsLeftHandSide()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_A_NUMERIC_VARIABLE, postfix_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), postfix_expression -> expression -> RightToken(), postfix_expression -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); postfix_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! control.IsNumeric(postfix_expression -> Type())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, postfix_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), postfix_expression -> expression -> RightToken(), postfix_expression -> Type() -> Name()); postfix_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! postfix_expression -> expression -> ArrayAccessCast()) // some kind of name { MethodSymbol *read_method = NULL; AstSimpleName *simple_name = postfix_expression -> expression -> SimpleNameCast(); if (simple_name) { if (simple_name -> resolution_opt) read_method = simple_name -> resolution_opt -> symbol -> MethodCast(); } else { AstFieldAccess *field_access = (AstFieldAccess *) postfix_expression -> expression; if (field_access -> resolution_opt) read_method = field_access -> resolution_opt -> symbol -> MethodCast(); } VariableSymbol *variable_symbol; if (read_method) { variable_symbol = (VariableSymbol *) read_method -> accessed_member; postfix_expression -> write_method = TypeSymbol::GetWriteAccessMethod(variable_symbol); } else variable_symbol = postfix_expression -> expression -> symbol -> VariableCast(); } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessPLUS(AstPreUnaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> expression); expr -> expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> expression); expr -> value = expr -> expression -> value; expr -> symbol = expr -> expression -> symbol; } void Semantic::ProcessMINUS(AstPreUnaryExpression *expr) { AstIntegerLiteral *int_literal; AstLongLiteral *long_literal; if (int_literal = expr -> expression -> IntegerLiteralCast()) { LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(int_literal -> integer_literal_token); expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsertNegativeInt(literal); if (expr -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_INT_VALUE, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else expr -> symbol = control.int_type; } else if (long_literal = expr -> expression -> LongLiteralCast()) { LiteralSymbol *literal = (LiteralSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(long_literal -> long_literal_token); expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsertNegativeLong(literal); if (expr -> value == &control.bad_value) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_LONG_VALUE, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else expr -> symbol = control.long_type; } else { ProcessExpression(expr -> expression); expr -> expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> expression); expr -> symbol = expr -> expression -> symbol; if (expr -> expression -> IsConstant()) { TypeSymbol *type = expr -> Type(); if (type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(-literal -> value); } else if (type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(-literal -> value); } else if (type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(-literal -> value); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(-literal -> value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessTWIDDLE(AstPreUnaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> expression); if (expr -> expression -> symbol != control.no_type && (! control.IsIntegral(expr -> expression -> Type()))) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> expression -> RightToken(), expr -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { expr -> expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> expression); if (expr -> expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> expression -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(~literal -> value); } else // assert(expr -> expression -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(~literal -> value); } } expr -> symbol = expr -> expression -> symbol; } return; } void Semantic::ProcessNOT(AstPreUnaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> expression); if (expr -> expression -> symbol != control.no_type && expr -> expression -> Type() != control.boolean_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_BOOLEAN, expr -> expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> expression -> RightToken(), expr -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { if (expr -> expression -> IsConstant()) { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(literal -> value ? 0 : 1); } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; } return; } void Semantic::ProcessPLUSPLUSOrMINUSMINUS(AstPreUnaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> expression); if (expr -> expression -> symbol != control.no_type) { if (! expr -> expression -> IsLeftHandSide()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_A_NUMERIC_VARIABLE, expr -> expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> expression -> RightToken(), expr -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! control.IsNumeric(expr -> expression -> Type())) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, expr -> expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> expression -> RightToken(), expr -> expression -> Type() -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! expr -> expression -> ArrayAccessCast()) // some kind of name { MethodSymbol *read_method = NULL; AstSimpleName *simple_name = expr -> expression -> SimpleNameCast(); if (simple_name) { if (simple_name -> resolution_opt) read_method = simple_name -> resolution_opt -> symbol -> MethodCast(); } else { AstFieldAccess *field_access = (AstFieldAccess *) expr -> expression; if (field_access -> resolution_opt) read_method = field_access -> resolution_opt -> symbol -> MethodCast(); } VariableSymbol *variable_symbol; if (read_method) { variable_symbol = (VariableSymbol *) read_method -> accessed_member; expr -> write_method = TypeSymbol::GetWriteAccessMethod(variable_symbol); } else variable_symbol = expr -> expression -> symbol -> VariableCast(); } } expr -> symbol = expr -> expression -> symbol; return; } void Semantic::ProcessPreUnaryExpression(Ast *expr) { AstPreUnaryExpression *prefix_expression = (AstPreUnaryExpression *) expr; (this ->* ProcessPreUnaryExpr[prefix_expression -> pre_unary_tag])(prefix_expression); return; } inline bool Semantic::CanWideningPrimitiveConvert(TypeSymbol *target_type, TypeSymbol *source_type) { if (target_type == control.double_type) return (source_type == control.float_type || source_type == control.long_type || source_type == control.int_type || source_type == control.char_type || source_type == control.short_type || source_type == control.byte_type); else if (target_type == control.float_type) return (source_type == control.long_type || source_type == control.int_type || source_type == control.char_type || source_type == control.short_type || source_type == control.byte_type); else if (target_type == control.long_type) return (source_type == control.int_type || source_type == control.char_type || source_type == control.short_type || source_type == control.byte_type); else if (target_type == control.int_type) return (source_type == control.char_type || source_type == control.short_type || source_type == control.byte_type); else if (target_type == control.short_type) return source_type == control.byte_type; return false; } inline bool Semantic::CanNarrowingPrimitiveConvert(TypeSymbol *target_type, TypeSymbol *source_type) { if (target_type == control.byte_type) return (source_type == control.double_type || source_type == control.float_type || source_type == control.long_type || source_type == control.int_type || source_type == control.char_type || source_type == control.short_type); else if (target_type == control.char_type) return (source_type == control.double_type || source_type == control.float_type || source_type == control.long_type || source_type == control.int_type || source_type == control.short_type || source_type == control.byte_type); else if (target_type == control.short_type) return (source_type == control.double_type || source_type == control.float_type || source_type == control.long_type || source_type == control.int_type || source_type == control.char_type); else if (target_type == control.int_type) return (source_type == control.double_type || source_type == control.float_type || source_type == control.long_type); else if (target_type == control.long_type) return (source_type == control.double_type || source_type == control.float_type); else if (target_type == control.float_type) return source_type == control.double_type; return false; } bool Semantic::CanMethodInvocationConvert(TypeSymbol *target_type, TypeSymbol *source_type) { if (target_type == control.no_type || source_type == control.no_type) return false; if (source_type -> Primitive()) { if (! target_type -> Primitive()) return false; return (target_type == source_type || CanWideningPrimitiveConvert(target_type, source_type)); } else { if (target_type -> Primitive()) return false; if (source_type -> IsArray()) { if (target_type -> IsArray()) { TypeSymbol *source_subtype = source_type -> ArraySubtype(); TypeSymbol *target_subtype = target_type -> ArraySubtype(); return (source_subtype -> Primitive() && target_subtype -> Primitive() ? (source_subtype == target_subtype) : CanMethodInvocationConvert(target_subtype, source_subtype)); } return (target_type == control.Object() || target_type == control.Cloneable() || // // TODO: This is an undocumented feature, but this fix appears to make sense. // (control.option.one_one && target_type == control.Serializable() && source_type -> Implements(target_type))); } else if (source_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { if (target_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) return source_type -> IsSubinterface(target_type); else if (target_type != control.Object()) // target is a class type return false; } else if (source_type != control.null_type) // source_type is a class { if (target_type -> IsArray()) return false; else if (target_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) return source_type -> Implements(target_type); else if (! source_type -> IsSubclass(target_type)) return false; } } return true; } bool Semantic::CanAssignmentConvertReference(TypeSymbol *target_type, TypeSymbol *source_type) { return (target_type == control.no_type || source_type == control.no_type || CanMethodInvocationConvert(target_type, source_type) ); } bool Semantic::CanAssignmentConvert(TypeSymbol *target_type, AstExpression *expr) { return (target_type == control.no_type || expr -> symbol == control.no_type || CanMethodInvocationConvert(target_type, expr -> Type()) || IsIntValueRepresentableInType(expr, target_type) ); } bool Semantic::CanCastConvert(TypeSymbol *target_type, TypeSymbol *source_type, LexStream::TokenIndex tok) { if (source_type == target_type || source_type == control.no_type || target_type == control.no_type) return true; if (source_type -> Primitive()) { if (! target_type -> Primitive()) return false; return (CanWideningPrimitiveConvert(target_type, source_type) || CanNarrowingPrimitiveConvert(target_type, source_type)); } else { if (target_type -> Primitive()) return false; if (source_type -> IsArray()) { if (target_type -> IsArray()) { TypeSymbol *source_subtype = source_type -> ArraySubtype(); TypeSymbol *target_subtype = target_type -> ArraySubtype(); return (source_subtype -> Primitive() && target_subtype -> Primitive() ? (source_subtype == target_subtype) : CanCastConvert(target_subtype, source_subtype, tok)); } return (target_type == control.Object() || target_type == control.Cloneable() || // // TODO: This is an undocumented feature, but this fix appears to make sense. // (control.option.one_one && target_type == control.Serializable() && source_type -> Implements(target_type))); } else if (source_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { if (target_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { if (! source_type -> expanded_method_table) ComputeMethodsClosure(source_type, tok); if (! target_type -> expanded_method_table) ComputeMethodsClosure(target_type, tok); // // Iterate over all methods in the source symbol table of the source_type interface; // For each such method, if the target_type contains a method with the same signature, // then make sure that the two methods have the same return type. // ExpandedMethodTable *source_method_table = source_type -> expanded_method_table; int i; for (i = 0; i < source_method_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); i++) { MethodSymbol *method1 = source_method_table -> symbol_pool[i] -> method_symbol; MethodShadowSymbol *method_shadow2 = target_type -> expanded_method_table -> FindOverloadMethodShadow(method1, (Semantic *) this, tok); if (method_shadow2) { if (! method1 -> IsTyped()) method1 -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, tok); MethodSymbol *method2 = method_shadow2 -> method_symbol; if (! method2 -> IsTyped()) method2 -> ProcessMethodSignature((Semantic *) this, tok); if (method1 -> Type() != method2 -> Type()) break; } } return (i == source_method_table -> symbol_pool.Length()); // all the methods passed the test } else if (target_type -> ACC_FINAL() && (! target_type -> Implements(source_type))) return false; } else if (source_type != control.null_type) // source_type is a class { if (target_type -> IsArray()) { if (source_type != control.Object()) return false; } else if (target_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) { if (source_type -> ACC_FINAL() && (! source_type -> Implements(target_type))) return false; } else if ((! source_type -> IsSubclass(target_type)) && (! target_type -> IsSubclass(source_type))) return false; } } return true; } LiteralValue *Semantic::CastPrimitiveValue(TypeSymbol *target_type, AstExpression *expr) { LiteralValue *literal_value = NULL; TypeSymbol *source_type = expr -> Type(); if (target_type == source_type) literal_value = expr -> value; else if (source_type != control.no_type) { char output_string[25]; int len; if (target_type == control.String()) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { // // TODO: Check correctness !!! // DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; // sprintf(output_string, "%E", literal -> value); literal -> value.String(output_string); len = strlen(output_string); literal_value = control.Utf8_pool.FindOrInsert(output_string, len); } else if (source_type == control.float_type) { // // TODO: Check correctness !!! // FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; // sprintf(output_string, "%E", literal -> value); literal -> value.String(output_string); len = strlen(output_string); // // javac does not add the L suffix // // output_string[len++] = U_F; // output_string[len] = U_NULL; literal_value = control.Utf8_pool.FindOrInsert(output_string, len); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal -> value.String(output_string); len = strlen(output_string); // // javac does not add the L suffix // // output_string[len++] = U_L; // output_string[len] = U_NULL; literal_value = control.Utf8_pool.FindOrInsert(output_string, len); } else if (source_type == control.char_type) { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.Utf8_pool.FindOrInsert(literal -> value); } else if (control.IsSimpleIntegerValueType(source_type)) { // // TODO: Check correctness !!! // IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; sprintf(output_string, "%i", literal -> value); len = strlen(output_string); literal_value = control.Utf8_pool.FindOrInsert(output_string, len); } } else if (target_type == control.double_type) { if (source_type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; IEEEdouble value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; IEEEdouble value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; IEEEdouble value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } } else if (target_type == control.float_type) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; IEEEfloat value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; IEEEfloat value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; IEEEfloat value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } } else if (target_type == control.long_type) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; LongInt value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else if (source_type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; LongInt value(literal -> value); literal_value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert((LongInt) literal -> value); } } else if (target_type == control.int_type) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((literal -> value).IntValue()); } else if (source_type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(literal -> value.IntValue()); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (literal -> value).LowWord()); } else literal_value = expr -> value; } else if (target_type == control.char_type) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (u2) (literal -> value.IntValue())); } else if (source_type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (u2) (literal -> value.IntValue())); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (u2) (literal -> value).LowWord()); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (u2) literal -> value); } } else if (target_type == control.short_type) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i2) (literal -> value.IntValue())); } else if (source_type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i2) (literal -> value.IntValue())); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i2) (literal -> value).LowWord()); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i2) literal -> value); } } else if (target_type == control.byte_type) { if (source_type == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *literal = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i1) (literal -> value.IntValue())); } else if (source_type == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *literal = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i1) (literal -> value.IntValue())); } else if (source_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *literal = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i1) (literal -> value).LowWord()); } else { IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> value; literal_value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((int) (i1) literal -> value); } } } return literal_value; } // // We only need to cast the value of constant primitive expressions. // inline LiteralValue *Semantic::CastValue(TypeSymbol *target_type, AstExpression *expr) { return (LiteralValue *) (expr -> IsConstant() && target_type -> Primitive() ? CastPrimitiveValue(target_type, expr) : (expr -> value == control.NullValue() ? expr -> value : NULL)); } void Semantic::ProcessCastExpression(Ast *expr) { AstCastExpression *cast_expression = (AstCastExpression *) expr; // // This operation may throw ClassCastException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } ProcessExpression(cast_expression -> expression); TypeSymbol *source_type = cast_expression -> expression -> Type(); // // Recall that the type is optional only when the compiler inserts // a CAST conversion node into the program. // AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = cast_expression -> type_opt -> PrimitiveTypeCast(); TypeSymbol *target_type; if (primitive_type) target_type = FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type); else if (cast_expression -> type_opt -> IsName()) target_type = MustFindType(cast_expression -> type_opt); else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_CAST_TYPE, cast_expression -> type_opt -> LeftToken(), cast_expression -> type_opt -> RightToken()); cast_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } int num_dimensions = cast_expression -> NumBrackets(); target_type = (num_dimensions == 0 ? target_type : target_type -> GetArrayType((Semantic *) this, num_dimensions)); if (CanAssignmentConvert(target_type, cast_expression -> expression)) { cast_expression -> symbol = target_type; cast_expression -> value = CastValue(target_type, cast_expression -> expression); } else if (CanCastConvert(target_type, source_type, cast_expression -> right_parenthesis_token_opt)) { cast_expression -> kind = Ast::CHECK_AND_CAST; cast_expression -> symbol = target_type; cast_expression -> value = CastValue(target_type, cast_expression -> expression); } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_CAST_CONVERSION, cast_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), cast_expression -> expression -> RightToken(), source_type -> Name(), target_type -> Name()); cast_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } return; } AstExpression *Semantic::ConvertToType(AstExpression *expr, TypeSymbol *type) { if (expr -> Type() == control.null_type) return expr; LexStream::TokenIndex loc = expr -> LeftToken(); AstCastExpression *result = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenCastExpression(); result -> left_parenthesis_token_opt = loc; result -> type_opt = NULL; result -> right_parenthesis_token_opt = loc; result -> expression = expr; result -> symbol = type; result -> value = CastValue(type, expr); return result; } AstExpression *Semantic::PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(AstExpression *unary_expression) { TypeSymbol *type = unary_expression -> Type(); if (type == control.no_type) return unary_expression; if (! control.IsNumeric(type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, unary_expression -> LeftToken(), unary_expression -> RightToken(), type -> Name()); unary_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return unary_expression; } return ((type == control.byte_type || type == control.short_type || type == control.char_type) ? ConvertToType(unary_expression, control.int_type) : unary_expression); } void Semantic::BinaryNumericPromotion(AstBinaryExpression *binary_expression) { AstExpression *left_expr = binary_expression -> left_expression; AstExpression *right_expr = binary_expression -> right_expression; TypeSymbol *left_type = left_expr -> Type(), *right_type = right_expr -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) { binary_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } if (! control.IsNumeric(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, left_expr -> LeftToken(), left_expr -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); binary_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } else if (! control.IsNumeric(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, right_expr -> LeftToken(), right_expr -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); binary_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } if (left_type == control.double_type) { if (right_type != control.double_type) binary_expression -> right_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> right_expression, control.double_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.double_type; } else if (right_type == control.double_type) { if (left_type != control.double_type) binary_expression -> left_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> left_expression, control.double_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.double_type; } else if (left_type == control.float_type) { if (right_type != control.float_type) binary_expression -> right_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> right_expression, control.float_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.float_type; } else if (right_type == control.float_type) { if (left_type != control.float_type) binary_expression -> left_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> left_expression, control.float_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.float_type; } else if (left_type == control.long_type) { if (right_type != control.long_type) binary_expression -> right_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> right_expression, control.long_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.long_type; } else if (right_type == control.long_type) { if (left_type != control.long_type) binary_expression -> left_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> left_expression, control.long_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.long_type; } else { if (left_type != control.int_type) binary_expression -> left_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> left_expression, control.int_type); if (right_type != control.int_type) binary_expression -> right_expression = ConvertToType(binary_expression -> right_expression, control.int_type); binary_expression -> symbol = control.int_type; } return; } void Semantic::BinaryNumericPromotion(AstAssignmentExpression *assignment_expression) { AstExpression *left_expr = assignment_expression -> left_hand_side; AstExpression *right_expr = assignment_expression -> expression; TypeSymbol *left_type = left_expr -> Type(), *right_type = right_expr -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) return; if (! control.IsNumeric(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, left_expr -> LeftToken(), left_expr -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); return; } else if (! control.IsNumeric(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, right_expr -> LeftToken(), right_expr -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); return; } if (left_type == control.double_type) { if (right_type != control.double_type) assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, control.double_type); } else if (right_type == control.double_type) { if (left_type != control.double_type) assignment_expression -> left_hand_side = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> left_hand_side, control.double_type); } else if (left_type == control.float_type) { if (right_type != control.float_type) assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, control.float_type); } else if (right_type == control.float_type) { if (left_type != control.float_type) assignment_expression -> left_hand_side = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> left_hand_side, control.float_type); } else if (left_type == control.long_type) { if (right_type != control.long_type) assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, control.long_type); } else if (right_type == control.long_type) { if (left_type != control.long_type) assignment_expression -> left_hand_side = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> left_hand_side, control.long_type); } else { if (left_type != control.int_type) assignment_expression -> left_hand_side = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> left_hand_side, control.int_type); if (right_type != control.int_type) assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, control.int_type); } return; } void Semantic::BinaryNumericPromotion(AstConditionalExpression *conditional_expression) { AstExpression *left_expr = conditional_expression -> true_expression; AstExpression *right_expr = conditional_expression -> false_expression; TypeSymbol *left_type = left_expr -> Type(), *right_type = right_expr -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) { conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } if (! control.IsNumeric(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, left_expr -> LeftToken(), left_expr -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } else if (! control.IsNumeric(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_NUMERIC, right_expr -> LeftToken(), right_expr -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; return; } if (left_type == control.double_type) { if (right_type != control.double_type) conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, control.double_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.double_type; } else if (right_type == control.double_type) { if (left_type != control.double_type) conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, control.double_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.double_type; } else if (left_type == control.float_type) { if (right_type != control.float_type) conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, control.float_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.float_type; } else if (right_type == control.float_type) { if (left_type != control.float_type) conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, control.float_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.float_type; } else if (left_type == control.long_type) { if (right_type != control.long_type) conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, control.long_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.long_type; } else if (right_type == control.long_type) { if (left_type != control.long_type) conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, control.long_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.long_type; } else { if (left_type != control.int_type) conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, control.int_type); if (right_type != control.int_type) conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, control.int_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.int_type; } return; } void Semantic::ProcessPLUS(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (left_type == control.String() || right_type == control.String()) { // // This operation may throw OutOfMemoryException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } if (left_type != control.String()) { AddStringConversionDependence(left_type, expr -> binary_operator_token); AstExpression *left_expression = expr -> left_expression; if (left_type == control.void_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::VOID_TO_STRING, left_expression -> LeftToken(), left_expression -> RightToken()); expr -> left_expression = ConvertToType(left_expression, control.String()); if (left_expression -> IsConstant()) expr -> left_expression -> value = CastPrimitiveValue(control.String(), left_expression); } else if (right_type != control.String()) { AddStringConversionDependence(right_type, expr -> binary_operator_token); AstExpression *right_expression = expr -> right_expression; if (right_type == control.void_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::VOID_TO_STRING, right_expression -> LeftToken(), right_expression -> RightToken()); expr -> right_expression = ConvertToType(right_expression, control.String()); if (right_expression -> IsConstant()) expr -> right_expression -> value = CastPrimitiveValue(control.String(), right_expression); } AddDependence(ThisType(), control.StringBuffer(), expr -> binary_operator_token); // // If both subexpressions are strings constants, identify the result as // as a string constant, but do not perform the concatenation here. The // reason being that if we have a long expression of the form // // s1 + s2 + ... + sn // // where each subexpression s(i) is a string constant, we want to perform // one concatenation and enter a single result into the constant pool instead // of n-1 subresults. See CheckStringConstant in lookup.cpp. // expr -> symbol = control.String(); } else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value + right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value + right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value + right -> value); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value + right -> value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessLEFT_SHIFT(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (! control.IsIntegral(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> left_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> left_expression -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! control.IsIntegral(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> right_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> right_expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { expr -> left_expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> left_expression); expr -> right_expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> right_expression); if (expr -> right_expression -> Type() == control.long_type) expr -> right_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> right_expression, control.int_type); expr -> symbol = expr -> left_expression -> symbol; if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value << (right -> value & 0x3F)); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value << (0x1F & right -> value)); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessRIGHT_SHIFT(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (! control.IsIntegral(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> left_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> left_expression -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! control.IsIntegral(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> right_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> right_expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { expr -> left_expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> left_expression); expr -> right_expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> right_expression); if (expr -> right_expression -> Type() == control.long_type) expr -> right_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> right_expression, control.int_type); expr -> symbol = expr -> left_expression -> symbol; if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value >> (right -> value & 0x3F)); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value >> (0x1F & right -> value)); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (! control.IsIntegral(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> left_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> left_expression -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (! control.IsIntegral(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> right_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> right_expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else { expr -> left_expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> left_expression); expr -> right_expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(expr -> right_expression); if (expr -> right_expression -> Type() == control.long_type) expr -> right_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> right_expression, control.int_type); expr -> symbol = expr -> left_expression -> symbol; if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; int right_value = right -> value & 0x3F; LongInt value = left -> value >> right_value; if (left -> value < 0) value += (LongInt(2) << (63 - right_value)); expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; int value = left -> value >> (0x1F & right -> value); if (left -> value < 0) value += (2 << (31 - (0x1F & right -> value))); expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessLESS(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value < right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value < right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value < right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value < right -> value ? 1 : 0); } } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessGREATER(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value > right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value > right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value > right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value > right -> value ? 1 : 0); } } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessLESS_EQUAL(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value <= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value <= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value <= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value <= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessGREATER_EQUAL(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value >= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value >= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value >= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else // assert(expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value >= right -> value ? 1 : 0); } } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessAND(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { if (left_type == control.boolean_type && right_type == control.boolean_type) expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); TypeSymbol *expr_type = expr -> Type(); if (expr_type != control.no_type) { if (! control.IsIntegral(expr_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), expr_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value & right -> value); } else // assert(expr_type == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value & right -> value); } } } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessXOR(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { if (left_type == control.boolean_type && right_type == control.boolean_type) expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); TypeSymbol *expr_type = expr -> Type(); if (expr_type != control.no_type) { if (! control.IsIntegral(expr_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), expr_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value ^ right -> value); } else // assert(expr_type == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value ^ right -> value); } } } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessIOR(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { if (left_type == control.boolean_type && right_type == control.boolean_type) expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); TypeSymbol *expr_type = expr -> Type(); if (expr_type != control.no_type) { if (! control.IsIntegral(expr_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), expr_type -> Name()); expr -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr_type == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value | right -> value); } else // assert(expr_type == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value | right -> value); } } } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessAND_AND(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { if (left_type != control.boolean_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_BOOLEAN, expr -> left_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> left_expression -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); } else if (right_type != control.boolean_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_BOOLEAN, expr -> right_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> right_expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); } else if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant()) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; if (! left -> value) expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(0); else if (expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value && right -> value ? 1 : 0); } } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessOR_OR(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { if (left_type != control.boolean_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_BOOLEAN, expr -> left_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> left_expression -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); } else if (right_type != control.boolean_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_BOOLEAN, expr -> right_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> right_expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); } else if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant()) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; if (left -> value) expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(1); else if (expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value || right -> value ? 1 : 0); } } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessEQUAL_EQUAL(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { if (left_type != right_type) { if (left_type -> Primitive() && right_type -> Primitive()) BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); else if (CanCastConvert(left_type, right_type, expr -> binary_operator_token)) expr -> right_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> right_expression, left_type); else if (CanCastConvert(right_type, left_type, expr -> binary_operator_token)) expr -> left_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> left_expression, right_type); else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_FOR_BINARY_EXPRESSION, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), expr -> left_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), expr -> left_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName(), expr -> right_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), expr -> right_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName()); } } else { if (left_type == control.void_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::VOID_TYPE_IN_EQUALITY_EXPRESSION, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), expr -> left_expression -> Type() -> Name(), expr -> right_expression -> Type() -> Name()); expr -> symbol = left_type; } if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { LiteralValue *left = expr -> left_expression -> value; LiteralValue *right = expr -> right_expression -> value; if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value == right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value == right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left == right ? 1 : 0); } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessNOT_EQUAL(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type != control.no_type && right_type != control.no_type) { if (left_type != right_type) { if (left_type -> Primitive() && right_type -> Primitive()) BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); else if (CanCastConvert(left_type, right_type, expr -> binary_operator_token)) expr -> right_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> right_expression, left_type); else if (CanCastConvert(right_type, left_type, expr -> binary_operator_token)) expr -> left_expression = ConvertToType(expr -> left_expression, right_type); else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_FOR_BINARY_EXPRESSION, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), expr -> left_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), expr -> left_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName(), expr -> right_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), expr -> right_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName()); } } else { if (left_type == control.void_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::VOID_TYPE_IN_EQUALITY_EXPRESSION, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); expr -> symbol = left_type; } if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { LiteralValue *left = expr -> left_expression -> value; LiteralValue *right = expr -> right_expression -> value; if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value != right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value != right -> value ? 1 : 0); } else expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left != right ? 1 : 0); } } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessSTAR(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value * right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value * right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value * right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value * right -> value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessMINUS(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value - right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value - right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value - right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value - right -> value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessSLASH(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); // // This operation may throw ArithmeticException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value / right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; expr -> value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value / right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; if (right -> value == 0) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ZERO_DIVIDE, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); } else expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value / right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; if (right -> value == 0) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ZERO_DIVIDE, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); } // // There is a bug in the intel hardware where if one tries to compute ((2**32-1) / -1), he gets a ZeroDivide exception. // Thus, instead of using the straightforward code below, we use the short-circuited one that follows: // // else expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value / right -> value); // else expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(right -> value == -1 ? -(left -> value) : left -> value / right -> value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessMOD(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) expr -> symbol = control.no_type; else { BinaryNumericPromotion(expr); // // This operation may throw ArithmeticException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } if (expr -> left_expression -> IsConstant() && expr -> right_expression -> IsConstant()) { if (expr -> Type() == control.double_type) { DoubleLiteralValue *left = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; DoubleLiteralValue *right = (DoubleLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; IEEEdouble result = IEEEdouble((u4) 0); IEEEdouble::Fmodulus(left -> value, right -> value, result); expr -> value = control.double_pool.FindOrInsert(result); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.float_type) { FloatLiteralValue *left = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; FloatLiteralValue *right = (FloatLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; IEEEfloat result = IEEEfloat(0); IEEEfloat::Fmodulus(left -> value, right -> value, result); expr -> value = control.float_pool.FindOrInsert(result); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.long_type) { LongLiteralValue *left = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; LongLiteralValue *right = (LongLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; if (right -> value == 0) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ZERO_DIVIDE, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); } else expr -> value = control.long_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value % right -> value); } else if (expr -> Type() == control.int_type) { IntLiteralValue *left = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> left_expression -> value; IntLiteralValue *right = (IntLiteralValue *) expr -> right_expression -> value; if (right -> value == 0) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::ZERO_DIVIDE, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken()); } // // There is a bug in the intel hardware where if one tries to compute ((2**32-1) / -1), he gets a ZeroDivide exception. // Thus, instead of using the straightforward code below, we use the short-circuited one that follows: // // else expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert(left -> value % right -> value); // else expr -> value = control.int_pool.FindOrInsert((left -> value == (signed) 0x80000000 && right -> value == (signed) 0xffffffff) ? 0 : left -> value % right -> value); } } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessINSTANCEOF(AstBinaryExpression *expr) { ProcessExpression(expr -> left_expression); ProcessExpression(expr -> right_expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = expr -> left_expression -> Type(), *right_type = expr -> right_expression -> Type(); if (left_type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_REFERENCE, expr -> left_expression -> LeftToken(), expr -> left_expression -> RightToken(), expr -> left_expression -> Type() -> Name()); } else if (! CanCastConvert(right_type, left_type, expr -> binary_operator_token)) // can left_type (source) be cast into right_type { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_INSTANCEOF_CONVERSION, expr -> LeftToken(), expr -> RightToken(), left_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), left_type -> ExternalName(), right_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), right_type -> ExternalName()); } expr -> symbol = control.boolean_type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessBinaryExpression(Ast *expr) { AstBinaryExpression *binary_expression = (AstBinaryExpression *) expr; (this ->* ProcessBinaryExpr[binary_expression -> binary_tag])(binary_expression); return; } void Semantic::ProcessTypeExpression(Ast *expr) { AstTypeExpression *type_expression = (AstTypeExpression *) expr; AstArrayType *array_type = type_expression -> type -> ArrayTypeCast(); Ast *actual_type = (array_type ? array_type -> type : type_expression -> type); AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = actual_type -> PrimitiveTypeCast(); TypeSymbol *type = (primitive_type ? FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type) : MustFindType(actual_type)); if (array_type) type = type -> GetArrayType((Semantic *) this, array_type -> NumBrackets()); type_expression -> symbol = type; return; } void Semantic::ProcessConditionalExpression(Ast *expr) { AstConditionalExpression *conditional_expression = (AstConditionalExpression *) expr; ProcessExpression(conditional_expression -> test_expression); ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(conditional_expression -> true_expression); ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(conditional_expression -> false_expression); TypeSymbol *test_type = conditional_expression -> test_expression -> Type(); TypeSymbol *true_type = conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type(); TypeSymbol *false_type = conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type(); if (test_type == control.no_type || true_type == control.no_type || false_type == control.no_type) conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; else if (test_type != control.boolean_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_BOOLEAN, conditional_expression -> test_expression -> LeftToken(), conditional_expression -> test_expression -> RightToken(), conditional_expression -> test_expression -> Type() -> Name()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (true_type == control.void_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_IS_VOID, conditional_expression -> true_expression -> LeftToken(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> RightToken(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> Name()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (false_type == control.void_type) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_IS_VOID, conditional_expression -> false_expression -> LeftToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> RightToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> Name()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (true_type -> Primitive()) { if (! false_type -> Primitive() || (true_type != false_type && (true_type == control.boolean_type || false_type == control.boolean_type))) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_FOR_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION, conditional_expression -> false_expression -> LeftToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> RightToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else // must be a numeric type { if (true_type == false_type) conditional_expression -> symbol = true_type; else // must be a numeric type { if (true_type == control.byte_type && false_type == control.short_type) { conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, control.short_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.short_type; } else if (true_type == control.short_type && false_type == control.byte_type) { conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, control.short_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.short_type; } else if (IsIntValueRepresentableInType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, true_type)) { conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, true_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = true_type; } else if (IsIntValueRepresentableInType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, false_type)) { conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, false_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = false_type; } else BinaryNumericPromotion(conditional_expression); } // // If all the relevant subexpressions are constants, compute the results and // set the value of the expression accordingly. // if (conditional_expression -> test_expression -> IsConstant()) { IntLiteralValue *test = (IntLiteralValue *) conditional_expression -> test_expression -> value; if (test -> value && conditional_expression -> true_expression -> IsConstant()) conditional_expression -> value = conditional_expression -> true_expression -> value; else if ((! test -> value) && conditional_expression -> false_expression -> IsConstant()) conditional_expression -> value = conditional_expression -> false_expression -> value; } } } else { if (true_type == false_type) conditional_expression -> symbol = true_type; else if (false_type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_FOR_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION, conditional_expression -> false_expression -> LeftToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> RightToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } else if (true_type == control.null_type) conditional_expression -> symbol = false_type; else if (false_type == control.null_type) conditional_expression -> symbol = true_type; else if (CanAssignmentConvert(false_type, conditional_expression -> true_expression)) { conditional_expression -> true_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> true_expression, false_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = false_type; } else if (CanAssignmentConvert(true_type, conditional_expression -> false_expression)) { conditional_expression -> false_expression = ConvertToType(conditional_expression -> false_expression, true_type); conditional_expression -> symbol = true_type; } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_FOR_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION, conditional_expression -> false_expression -> LeftToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> RightToken(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), conditional_expression -> false_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), conditional_expression -> true_expression -> Type() -> ExternalName()); conditional_expression -> symbol = control.no_type; } } return; } void Semantic::ProcessAssignmentExpression(Ast *expr) { AstAssignmentExpression *assignment_expression = (AstAssignmentExpression *) expr; AstExpression *left_hand_side = assignment_expression -> left_hand_side; ProcessExpression(left_hand_side); ProcessExpressionOrStringConstant(assignment_expression -> expression); TypeSymbol *left_type = left_hand_side -> Type(), *right_type = assignment_expression -> expression -> Type(); assignment_expression -> symbol = left_type; if (left_type == control.no_type || right_type == control.no_type) return; if (left_hand_side -> ArrayAccessCast()) { // // This operation may throw ArrayStoreException // SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top(); if (exception_set && (! left_type -> Primitive())) { exception_set -> AddElement(control.RuntimeException()); exception_set -> AddElement(control.Error()); } } else // the left-hand-side is a name { MethodSymbol *read_method = NULL; AstSimpleName *simple_name = left_hand_side -> SimpleNameCast(); if (simple_name) { if (simple_name -> resolution_opt) read_method = simple_name -> resolution_opt -> symbol -> MethodCast(); } else { AstFieldAccess *field_access = (AstFieldAccess *) left_hand_side; if (field_access -> resolution_opt) read_method = field_access -> resolution_opt -> symbol -> MethodCast(); } if (read_method) { VariableSymbol *symbol = (VariableSymbol *) read_method -> accessed_member; assignment_expression -> write_method = TypeSymbol::GetWriteAccessMethod(symbol); } } if (assignment_expression -> assignment_tag == AstAssignmentExpression::EQUAL) { if (left_type != right_type) { if (CanAssignmentConvert(left_type, assignment_expression -> expression)) assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, left_type); else if (assignment_expression -> expression -> IsConstant() && control.IsSimpleIntegerValueType(assignment_expression -> expression -> Type())) { if (left_type == control.byte_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_BYTE_VALUE, assignment_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> expression -> RightToken()); else if (left_type == control.char_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE, assignment_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> expression -> RightToken()); else ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_SHORT_VALUE, assignment_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> expression -> RightToken()); } else { ReportSemError(SemanticError::INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_FOR_ASSIGNMENT, assignment_expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> RightToken(), left_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), left_type -> ExternalName(), right_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(), right_type -> ExternalName()); } } return; } // // In the current spec, it is stated that the type of both the left-hand // and right-hand side of an "op=" assignment must be primitive. However, // the left-hand side may be of type String if the operator is "+=" and // that case, the right-hand side may also be of type String (or anything // else). // // TODO: CONFIRM THAT THERE WAS A MISTAKE IN THE SPEC. // if (left_type == control.String() && assignment_expression -> assignment_tag == AstAssignmentExpression::PLUS_EQUAL) { if (right_type != control.String()) { if (right_type == control.void_type) ReportSemError(SemanticError::VOID_TO_STRING, assignment_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> expression -> RightToken()); assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, control.String()); } return; } if (! left_type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_PRIMITIVE, left_hand_side -> LeftToken(), left_hand_side -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); return; } if (! right_type -> Primitive()) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_PRIMITIVE, assignment_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); return; } switch(assignment_expression -> assignment_tag) { case AstAssignmentExpression::PLUS_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::STAR_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::SLASH_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::MOD_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::MINUS_EQUAL: BinaryNumericPromotion(assignment_expression); break; case AstAssignmentExpression::LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL: if (! control.IsIntegral(left_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, left_hand_side -> LeftToken(), left_hand_side -> RightToken(), left_type -> Name()); } if (! control.IsIntegral(right_type)) { ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_INTEGRAL, assignment_expression -> expression -> LeftToken(), assignment_expression -> expression -> RightToken(), right_type -> Name()); } assignment_expression -> left_hand_side = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(left_hand_side); assignment_expression -> expression = PromoteUnaryNumericExpression(assignment_expression -> expression); if (assignment_expression -> expression -> Type() == control.long_type) assignment_expression -> expression = ConvertToType(assignment_expression -> expression, control.int_type); break; case AstAssignmentExpression::AND_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::XOR_EQUAL: case AstAssignmentExpression::IOR_EQUAL: if (left_type != control.boolean_type || right_type != control.boolean_type) // if anyont of the exprs is not boolean BinaryNumericPromotion(assignment_expression); break; default: assert(0); break; } return; }