// $Id: lookup.h,v 1.5 1999/02/12 14:39:13 shields Exp $
copyright notice

#ifndef lookup_INCLUDED
#define lookup_INCLUDED

#include "config.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "tuple.h"
#include "long.h"
#include "double.h"

class Symbol;
class PackageSymbol;
class TypeSymbol;
class MethodSymbol;
class MethodShadowSymbol;
class BlockSymbol;
class VariableSymbol;
class VariableShadowSymbol;
class LabelSymbol;
class LiteralSymbol;
class NameSymbol;

class PathSymbol;
class DirectorySymbol;
class FileSymbol;

class ShadowSymbol;

class LiteralValue;
class IntLiteralValue;
class LongLiteralValue;
class FloatLiteralValue;
class DoubleLiteralValue;
class Utf8LiteralValue;

class Utf8LiteralTable;
class NameLookupTable;
class LiteralLookupTable;

class AstBinaryExpression;
class AstExpression;

class Hash
    // HASH takes as argument a pointer to a character string    
    // and its length which it hashes it into a location in the name  
    // hash table.                                                    

    inline static unsigned Function(wchar_t *head, int len)
    { sum the last 5 characters using the polynomial (ci == char[len+i-5])
      ((((((((c0 * 128)+c1)*128)+c2)*128)+c3)*128)*c4)

        unsigned long hash_value = head[len >> 1]; // start with center (or unique) letter
        wchar_t *tail = &head[len - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < 5 && head < tail; i++)
            unsigned k = *tail--;
            hash_value += ((k << 7) + *head++);

        return hash_value;

    // Same as above function for a regular "char" string.
    inline static unsigned Function(char *head, int len)
    { sum the last 5 characters using the polynomial (ci == char[len+i-5])
      ((((((((c0 * 128)+c1)*128)+c2)*128)+c3)*128)*c4)

        unsigned long hash_value = head[len >> 1]; // start with center (or unique) letter
        char *tail = &head[len - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < 5 && head < tail; i++)
            unsigned k = *tail--;
            hash_value += ((k << 7) + *head++);

        return hash_value;

    inline static unsigned Function(IEEEfloat value)
        return value.Word();

    inline static unsigned Function(IEEEdouble value)
        unsigned result = value.HighWord() + value.LowWord();
        return result;

class DirectoryEntry
    DirectoryEntry *next;
    int length;
    char *name;

    DirectoryEntry() : name(NULL),
        image = this;

    virtual ~DirectoryEntry()
        delete [] name;

    inline void Initialize(DirectorySymbol *directory_, char *name_, int length_)
        directory = directory_;
        length = length_;
        name = new char[length + 1];
        memmove(name, name_, length * sizeof(char));
        name[length] = U_NULL;


    inline void Initialize(DirectoryEntry *entry, char *name_, int length_)
        Initialize(entry -> directory, name_, length_);

    time_t Mtime();

    bool IsDummy() { return this != image; }

    // See FoldedDirectoryEntry for an explanation of the use of this function
    virtual DirectoryEntry *Image() { return this; }

    DirectorySymbol *directory;
    DirectoryEntry *image;
    time_t mtime_;

// This object is needed only for systems such as Windows NT/95/98 that
// treat filenames in a case-insensitive fashion.
class FoldedDirectoryEntry : public DirectoryEntry
    FoldedDirectoryEntry(DirectoryEntry *image_) { DirectoryEntry::image = image_; }
    virtual ~FoldedDirectoryEntry() {}

    virtual DirectoryEntry *Image() { return image; }

class DirectoryTable
    Tuple<DirectoryEntry *> entry_pool;

    DirectoryTable(int estimate = 1024);

    DirectoryEntry *FindEntry(char *, int);
    DirectoryEntry *InsertEntry(DirectorySymbol *, char *, int);

    // See FoldedDirectoryEntry for an explanation of the use of this function
    DirectoryEntry *FindCaseInsensitiveEntry(char *, int);
    void InsertCaseInsensitiveEntry(DirectoryEntry *);

        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 1021,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 8191

    DirectoryEntry **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    inline static unsigned Hash(char *head, int len) { return Hash::Function(head, len); }

    void Rehash();

class Symbol
    Symbol  *next;

    enum SymbolKind
         TYPE, // class or interface



    SymbolKind Kind() { return _kind; }
    virtual wchar_t *Name()   { return (wchar_t *) NULL; }
    virtual int NameLength() { return 0; }
    virtual NameSymbol *Identity() { return (NameSymbol *) NULL; }

    PackageSymbol        *PackageCast()        { return (PackageSymbol *) (_kind == PACKAGE ? this : NULL); }
    TypeSymbol           *TypeCast()           { return (TypeSymbol *) (_kind == TYPE ? this : NULL); }
    MethodSymbol         *MethodCast()         { return (MethodSymbol *) (_kind == METHOD ? this : NULL); }
    BlockSymbol          *BlockCast()          { return (BlockSymbol *) (_kind == BLOCK ? this : NULL); }
    VariableSymbol       *VariableCast()       { return (VariableSymbol *) (_kind == VARIABLE ? this : NULL); }
    LabelSymbol          *LabelCast()          { return (LabelSymbol *) (_kind == LABEL ? this : NULL); }
    LiteralSymbol        *LiteralCast()        { return (LiteralSymbol *) (_kind == LITERAL ? this : NULL); }
    NameSymbol           *NameCast()           { return (NameSymbol *) (_kind == NAME ? this : NULL); }

    PathSymbol           *PathCast()           { return (PathSymbol *) (_kind == PATH ? this : NULL); }
    DirectorySymbol      *DirectoryCast()      { return (DirectorySymbol *) (_kind == _DIRECTORY ? this : NULL); }
    FileSymbol           *FileCast()           { return (FileSymbol *) (_kind == _FILE ? this : NULL); }

    virtual ~Symbol() {}

    SymbolKind _kind;

class LiteralValue
    LiteralValue *next;
    int constant_pool_index,

    virtual ~LiteralValue() {}

class IntLiteralValue : public LiteralValue
    int value;

    virtual ~IntLiteralValue() {}

    void Initialize(int value_)
        value = value_;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_index = 0;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_class = 0;

class LongLiteralValue : public LiteralValue
    LongInt value;

    virtual ~LongLiteralValue() {}

    void Initialize(LongInt value_)
        value = value_;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_index = 0;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_class = 0;

class FloatLiteralValue : public LiteralValue
    IEEEfloat value;

    virtual ~FloatLiteralValue() {}

    void Initialize(IEEEfloat value_)
        value = value_;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_index = 0;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_class = 0;

class DoubleLiteralValue : public LiteralValue
    IEEEdouble value;

    virtual ~DoubleLiteralValue() {}

    void Initialize(IEEEdouble value_)
        value = value_;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_index = 0;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_class = 0;

class Utf8LiteralValue : public LiteralValue
    char *value;
    int  length;
    int  constant_pool_index_String, // index when used as String
         constant_pool_index_Class;  // index when used as Class

    Utf8LiteralValue() : value(NULL)

    virtual ~Utf8LiteralValue()
        delete [] value;

    void Initialize(char *value_, int length_, unsigned hash_address_)
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_index = 0;
        LiteralValue::constant_pool_class = 0;
        constant_pool_index_String = 0;
        constant_pool_index_Class = 0;

        length = length_;
        value = new char[length + 1];
        memmove(value, value_, length * sizeof(char));
        value[length] = U_NULL;

        hash_address = hash_address_;


    friend class Utf8LiteralTable;

    unsigned hash_address;

class NameSymbol : public Symbol
 NameSymbols are internal symbol representations. NameSymbols are hashed
    into a NameLookupTable using the method NameLookupTable::FindOrInsertName.
    They are linked in a linear chain data structure for searching using the
    field "next". The FindOrInsertName method automatically sets both the "next"
    and hash_address fields.

    Each NameSymbol has:
     name_          a wchar string
     length         and it's length
     hash_address   this is a hash index into the symbol hash table. Searching for a
                    matching symbol starts with this entry and walks the chain of next pointers.
     index          this is the position in the symbol_pool, the list of all symbols.
     next           an inherited pointer to the next Symbol object
                    all Symbols are singly linked thru this field.
     _kind          an enumerated type SymbolKind from Symbol
                    _kind is used to determine the success of casting this
                    Symbol to the various subtypes.
     method Name()
     method NameLength()
     method NameSymbol()
     method Utf8Name()
     method UtfNameLength()
     method PackageCast()
     method TypeCast()
     method BlockCast()
     method VariableCast()
     method LabelCast()
     method LiteralCast()
     method NameCast()
     method PathCast()
     method DirectoryCast()
     method FileCast()

    int index;
    Utf8LiteralValue *Utf8_literal;

    virtual wchar_t *Name()   { return name_; }
    virtual int NameLength() { return length; }
    virtual NameSymbol *Identity() { return this; }
    char *Utf8Name() { return (char *) (Utf8_literal ? Utf8_literal -> value : NULL); }
    int Utf8NameLength() { return (Utf8_literal ? Utf8_literal -> length : 0); }

    NameSymbol() : name_(NULL)

    virtual ~NameSymbol()
        delete [] name_;

    inline void Initialize(wchar_t *str, int length_, unsigned hash_address_, int index_)
        Symbol::_kind = NAME;

        hash_address = hash_address_;
        index = index_;

        length = length_;
        name_ = new wchar_t[length + 1];
        memmove(name_, str, length * sizeof(wchar_t));
        name_[length] = U_NULL;

        Utf8_literal = NULL;



    friend class NameLookupTable;

    wchar_t *name_;
    int length;
    unsigned hash_address;

class NameLookupTable
NameLookupTable is a combination of a linear linked list and a hash table.
The hash table is stored in "base" and is an array of NameSymbol objects.
Character strings representing symbols are given to the FindOrInsertName
method which will hash into the base array and starts a linear search for the
NameSymbol. If it is found, the NameSymbol is returned, else we do two things:
we create a new NameSymbol which we chain to the end of the symbol_pool list
and we create a hash entry in the base array. The newly created NameSymbol
is returned.

A NameLookupTable consists of:
   symbol_pool    a Tuple of NameSymbol objects
   base           an array of NameSymbol objects
   hash_size      the current length of the base array
   constructor NameLookupTable 
   method FindOrInsertName  lookup and maybe create a NameSymbol object
   method Hash              returns a hash code, given a string or number
   method Rehash            which resizes the base array if > 50% full

    Tuple<NameSymbol *> symbol_pool;

    NameLookupTable(int estimate = 16384);

    NameSymbol *FindOrInsertName(wchar_t *, int);


        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 4093,

        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 32771

    NameSymbol **base;

    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];

    int prime_index;

    inline static unsigned Hash(wchar_t *head, int len) { return Hash::Function(head, len); }

    void Rehash();

class LiteralSymbol : public Symbol
    LiteralValue *value;

    virtual wchar_t *Name()   { return name_; }
    virtual int NameLength() { return length; }
    virtual NameSymbol *Identity() { return (NameSymbol *) NULL; }

    LiteralSymbol() : name_(NULL)

    virtual ~LiteralSymbol()
        delete [] name_;

    void Initialize(wchar_t *str, unsigned hash_address_, int length_)
        Symbol::_kind = LITERAL;

        hash_address = hash_address_;

        length = length_;
        name_ = new wchar_t[length + 1];
        memmove(name_, str, length * sizeof(wchar_t));
        name_[length] = U_NULL;

        value = NULL;


    friend class LiteralLookupTable;

    wchar_t *name_;
    int length;
    unsigned hash_address;

class LiteralLookupTable
    Tuple<LiteralSymbol *> symbol_pool;


    LiteralSymbol *FindOrInsertLiteral(wchar_t *, int);

        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 1021,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 8191

    LiteralSymbol **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    inline static unsigned Hash(wchar_t *head, int len) { return Hash::Function(head, len); }

    void Rehash();

class IntLiteralTable
    Tuple<IntLiteralValue *> symbol_pool;

    IntLiteralTable(LiteralValue *);

    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertNull()
        return FindOrInsert(0);

    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertChar(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertInt(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertHexInt(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertOctalInt(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertNegativeInt(LiteralSymbol *);

    IntLiteralValue *FindOrInsert(int);

#ifdef TEST
    // To prevent arithmentic conversion to allow illegal calls inadvertently.
    void FindOrInsert(LongInt) {}
    void FindOrInsert(float)   {}
    void FindOrInsert(double)  {}

        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 4093,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 32771

    IntLiteralValue **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    static int int32_limit;

    LiteralValue *bad_value;

    void Rehash();

class LongLiteralTable
    Tuple<LongLiteralValue *> symbol_pool;

    LongLiteralTable(LiteralValue *);

    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertLong(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertHexLong(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertOctalLong(LiteralSymbol *);
    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertNegativeLong(LiteralSymbol *);

    LongLiteralValue *FindOrInsert(LongInt);

#ifdef TEST
    // To prevent arithmentic conversion to allow illegal calls inadvertently.
    void FindOrInsert(int)    {}
    void FindOrInsert(float)  {}
    void FindOrInsert(double) {}


        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 1021,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 8191

    LongLiteralValue **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    static LongInt int64_limit;

    LiteralValue *bad_value;

    void Rehash();

class FloatLiteralTable
    Tuple<FloatLiteralValue *> symbol_pool;

    FloatLiteralTable(LiteralValue *);

    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertFloat(LiteralSymbol *);

    FloatLiteralValue *FindOrInsert(IEEEfloat);

#ifdef TEST
    // To prevent arithmentic conversion to allow illegal calls inadvertently.
    void FindOrInsert(int)     {}
    void FindOrInsert(LongInt) {}
    void FindOrInsert(double)  {}


        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 1021,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 8191

    FloatLiteralValue **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    LiteralValue *bad_value;

    inline static unsigned Hash(IEEEfloat value) { return Hash::Function(value); }

    void Rehash();

class DoubleLiteralTable
    Tuple<DoubleLiteralValue *> symbol_pool;

    DoubleLiteralTable(LiteralValue *);

    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertDouble(LiteralSymbol *);

    DoubleLiteralValue *FindOrInsert(IEEEdouble);

#ifdef TEST
    // To prevent arithmentic conversion to allow illegal calls inadvertently.
    void FindOrInsert(int)     {}
    void FindOrInsert(LongInt) {}
    void FindOrInsert(float)   {}


        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 1021,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 8191

    DoubleLiteralValue **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    LiteralValue *bad_value;

    inline static unsigned Hash(IEEEdouble value) { return Hash::Function(value); }

    void Rehash();

class Utf8LiteralTable
    Tuple<Utf8LiteralValue *> symbol_pool;

    Utf8LiteralTable(LiteralValue *);

    LiteralValue *FindOrInsertString(LiteralSymbol *);

    Utf8LiteralValue *FindOrInsert(char *, int);
    Utf8LiteralValue *FindOrInsert(wchar_t);

    void CheckStringConstant(AstExpression *expr);


    Tuple<AstExpression *> *expr;
    bool IsConstant(AstExpression *);

        DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE = 4093,
        MAX_HASH_SIZE = 32771

    Utf8LiteralValue **base;
    int hash_size;

    static int primes[];
    int prime_index;

    LiteralValue *bad_value;

    inline static unsigned Hash(char *head, int len) { return Hash::Function(head, len); }

    void Rehash();