Class Datatype


public class Datatype
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
protected  int baseSize
protected  int baseType
protected  int[] displacements
protected  long handle
protected  int lb
protected  boolean lbSet
protected  int ub
protected  boolean ubSet
Constructor Summary
protected Datatype(int Type)
Method Summary
 void Commit()
          Commit a derived datatype.
static Datatype Contiguous(int count, Datatype oldtype)
          Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into contiguous locations.
 int Extent()
          Returns the extent of a datatype - the difference between upper and lower bound.
 void finalize()
static Datatype Hindexed(int[] array_of_blocklengths, int[] array_of_displacements, Datatype oldtype)
          Identical to indexed except that the displacements are expressed directly in terms of the buffer index, rather than the units of the old type.
static Datatype Hvector(int count, int blocklength, int stride, Datatype oldtype)
          Identical to vector except that the stride is expressed directly in terms of the buffer index, rather than the units of the old type.
static Datatype Indexed(int[] array_of_blocklengths, int[] array_of_displacements, Datatype oldtype)
          Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into a sequence of blocks where each block can contain a different number of copies and have a different displacement.
protected  boolean isObject()
 int Lb()
          Find the lower bound of a datatype - the least value in its displacement sequence.
 int Size()
          Returns the total size of a datatype - the number of buffer elements it represents.
static Datatype Struct(int[] array_of_blocklengths, int[] array_of_displacements, Datatype[] array_of_types)
          The most general type constructor.
 int Ub()
          Find the upper bound of a datatype - the greatest value in its displacement sequence.
static Datatype Vector(int count, int blocklength, int stride, Datatype oldtype)
          Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into locations that consist of equally spaced blocks.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected long handle


protected int baseType


protected int baseSize


protected int[] displacements


protected int lb


protected int ub


protected boolean ubSet


protected boolean lbSet
Constructor Detail


protected Datatype(int Type)
Method Detail


protected boolean isObject()


public int Extent()
           throws MPIException
Returns the extent of a datatype - the difference between upper and lower bound.

returns: datatype extent

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_EXTENT.


public int Size()
         throws MPIException
Returns the total size of a datatype - the number of buffer elements it represents.

returns: datatype size

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_SIZE.


public int Lb()
       throws MPIException
Find the lower bound of a datatype - the least value in its displacement sequence.

returns: displacement of lower bound from origin

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_LB.


public int Ub()
       throws MPIException
Find the upper bound of a datatype - the greatest value in its displacement sequence.

returns: displacement of upper bound from origin

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_UB.


public void Commit()
            throws MPIException
Commit a derived datatype. Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_COMMIT.


public void finalize()
              throws MPIException
finalize in class java.lang.Object


public static Datatype Contiguous(int count,
                                  Datatype oldtype)
                           throws MPIException
Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into contiguous locations.

count replication count
oldtype old datatype
returns: new datatype

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_CONTIGUOUS.

The base type of the new datatype is the same as the base type of oldtype.


public static Datatype Vector(int count,
                              int blocklength,
                              int stride,
                              Datatype oldtype)
                       throws MPIException
Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into locations that consist of equally spaced blocks.

count number of blocks
blocklength number of elements in each block
stride number of elements between start of each block
oldtype old datatype
returns: new datatype

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_VECTOR.

The base type of the new datatype is the same as the base type of oldtype.


public static Datatype Hvector(int count,
                               int blocklength,
                               int stride,
                               Datatype oldtype)
                        throws MPIException
Identical to vector except that the stride is expressed directly in terms of the buffer index, rather than the units of the old type.

count number of blocks
blocklength number of elements in each block
stride number of elements between start of each block
oldtype old datatype
returns: new datatype

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_HVECTOR.

Unlike other language bindings, the value of stride is not measured in bytes.


public static Datatype Indexed(int[] array_of_blocklengths,
                               int[] array_of_displacements,
                               Datatype oldtype)
                        throws MPIException
Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into a sequence of blocks where each block can contain a different number of copies and have a different displacement.

array_of_blocklengths number of elements per block
array_of_displacements displacement of each block in units of old type
oldtype old datatype
returns: new datatype

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_INDEXED.

The number of blocks is taken to be size of the array_of_blocklengths argument. The second argument, array_of_displacements, should be the same size. The base type of the new datatype is the same as the base type of oldtype.


public static Datatype Hindexed(int[] array_of_blocklengths,
                                int[] array_of_displacements,
                                Datatype oldtype)
                         throws MPIException
Identical to indexed except that the displacements are expressed directly in terms of the buffer index, rather than the units of the old type.

array_of_blocklengths number of elements per block
array_of_displacements displacement in buffer for each block
oldtype old datatype
returns: new datatype

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_HINDEXED.

Unlike other language bindings, the values in array_of_displacements are not measured in bytes.


public static Datatype Struct(int[] array_of_blocklengths,
                              int[] array_of_displacements,
                              Datatype[] array_of_types)
                       throws MPIException
The most general type constructor.

array_of_blocklengths number of elements per block
array_of_displacements displacement in buffer for each block
array_of_types type of elements in each block
returns: new datatype

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TYPE_STRUCT.

The number of blocks is taken to be size of the array_of_blocklengths argument. The second and third arguments, array_of_displacements, and array_of_types, should be the same size. Unlike other language bindings, the values in array_of_displacements are not measured in bytes. All elements of array_of_types with definite base types must have the same base type: this will be the base type of new datatype.