Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared June 28,1996

Foil 1 Medical Application

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. by Roman Markowski
(0 to 5):

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Table of Contents for Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application

1 Medical Application
2 The Visible Human Project
3 Java based 2D Viewer
4 Data preperation
5 Segmentation
6 Visualization
Click outside pointer rectangle to move pointer
Click on Pointer to Hide
Click on Pointer + ALT to toggle message hiding
Click on Pointer + CNTL to abolish pointer
Click on Pointer + Shift to cycle families
Click outside + Alt is Change Image
Click outside + Control is Double Size
Click outside + Shift is Halve Size
Right Mouse Down on Pointer Toggles Index
Shift Right Mouse aligns top with scrolled Page
While With Mouse Down on Current Pointer
h hides This Message while m restores
i Toggles Index Aligned with Page Top
j Toggles Index Aligned with Scrolled View Top
a Abolishes Pointer while CNTL-Click restores
f cycles through pointer families
c cycles through members of a family
u increases Size Up and d decreases Down
Mouse Up-Down between changes of
Pointer to process new option