Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 11 March 99

Foil 8 Use of Cookies in Server Program

From Overview of JavaScript II -- From Cookies to Dynamical HTML CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age -- Spring Semester 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox (Tom Scavo)

The Brower passes to server any cookies that are valid for a given page in HTTP header
Note only name=value is passed because PATH DOMAIN SECURE and EXPIRES are used to check if cookie should be passed
The server stores cookie strings in $HTTP_COOKIE environment variable as name1=value1; name2=value2;
  • It is easy for CGI script to decode this $HTTP_COOKIE environment variable
One can send cookies back to client using Set-cookie: name1=value1; expires= .. ; domain= ...; etc. before the content-type: text/html header line

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Thu Mar 11 1999