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Overview of JavaScript II -- From Cookies to Dynamical HTML

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox (Tom Scavo) at CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age on Spring Semester 99. Foils prepared 11 March 99

Cookies -- Store and Access information stored on client machines
LiveConnect -- Link Java and JavaScript
LiveWire -- Server Side ECMAScript
More advanced ways of defining, laying out and controlling web documents:
  • Where do HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, XLL, W3C DOM, Dynamic HTML fit in .....

Table of Contents for Overview of JavaScript II -- From Cookies to Dynamical HTML

There are two types of foils -- html and image which are each available in basic and JavaScript enabled "focused" style
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image Critical
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image has important information
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
denotes presence of Additional linked information which is greyed out if missing

1 CPS616 Web Technologies Lectures on JavaScript II Advanced Topics from Cookies to Dynamic HTML
2 Outline of Advanced Topics
Authoring Guide, Netscape Cookies 3 Introduction to Cookies
4 Cookies - "hidden" alternative
Cookies 5 Cookies -- Client Side Files
Authoring Guide, Using Cookies 6 Specification of a cookie - I
Authoring Guide, Using Cookies 7 Specification of a cookie - II
8 Use of Cookies in Server Program
JavaScript Utilities including Cookies 9 Use of Cookies in Client Program
10 Cookies Limitations
11 JavaScript Security
12 Same Origin Policy
13 The domain Property
14 Data Tainting
Signed Script Policy 15 Signed Scripts
Object-Signing Tools 16 Signed Scripts (cont'd)
17 Certificates
18 JAR Files
Signing Software with Netscape Signing Tool 1.0 19 Using signtool
Identifying Signed Scripts 20 Writing Signed Scripts
Using Expanded Privileges 21 Using Signed Scripts (cont'd)
LiveAudio and LiveConnect for Foil 22 22 LiveConnect
LiveConnect for Foil 23 23 LiveConnect (cont'd)
Making the Database Connection 24 LiveWire
Writing Server-side JavaScript Applications 25 LiveWire (cont'd)
XML References for Foil 26 26 References on XML
27 HTML Hypertext Markup Language Background
HTML Versions for Foil 28 28 History of HTML
29 HTML Strengths
30 HTML Shortcomings
31 Other Weaknesses
32 Logical vs. Visual Design
33 XML Extensible Markup Language
The official XML site from W3C 34 What is XML?
35 XML Compared with HTML and SGML
36 XML Language Elements
37 Dynamic HTML Hypertext Markup Language
38 What is DHTML?
39 Features of DHTML
40 Architecture of DHTML + XML
41 Components of DHTML
HTML 4.0 Recommendation 42 HTML 4.0
44 HTML 4.0 Features
45 Intrinsic Events
46 Deprecated Elements
47 The <OBJECT> Tag
Cascading Style Sheets for Foil 48 48 Cascading Style Sheets
49 CSS1 (and CSS2) Features
50 Specification of Styles: External
51 Embedded Styles
Document Object Model (DOM) 52 A Larger CSS Example
53 Document Object Model
Implementations of DHTML for Foil 54 54 Hierarchical Object Components in a Web Page
55 Use of Position Attributes in JavaScript
56 DHTML 1) Define Layers -- I
57 DHTML 1) Define Layers -- II
JavaScript DHTML Utilities 58 DHTML -- Decide on Browser
First DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 59 59 Define a Layer in a Document using <div></div>
DHTML Utilities and First DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 60 60 Set Positions of a Layer in DHTML
DHTML Utilities and First DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 61 61 Set Other Properties of a Layer in DHTML
DHTML Utilities and First DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 62 62 Changing Content of a DHTMLLayer
DHTML Utilities and Second DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 63 63 Capturing Events in Today's DHTML
DHTML Utilities and Second DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 64 64 A User Event Handler in DHTML
DHTML Utilities and Second DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 65 65 Event Processing Models
DHTML Utilities and Second DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 66 66 Calculating Geometry on Screen
NPAC DHTML Examples 67 DHTML Summary
68 Everywhere HTML

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