Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 11 March 99

Foil 64 A User Event Handler in DHTML

From Overview of JavaScript II -- From Cookies to Dynamical HTML CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age -- Spring Semester 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox (Tom Scavo)

DHTML Utilities and Second DHTML Example in html and text for Foil 64
function WW_processclick(e) { // Process Mouse Click
var clickX = WW_eventx(e); // Extract Mouse Click Position
var clickY = WW_eventy(e);
// Position Top right of pointer at mouse click
var width = WW_getlayerwidth(WW_pointerlayer);
WW_layershow(WW_pointerlayer); // Make pointer visible
WW_layertotop(WW_pointerlayer); // set zindex=1000
WW_offpointerblock(); // remove stray mouseover messages
window.status = 'click'; // flag action
// true implies that you continue conventional processing i.e.
return true; // that clicks on links are recognized
} // End WW_processclick(e)

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