Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared May 26 99

Foil 6 Towards a complete solution ...

From Gateway Overview and Middle Tier Gateway Workshop Aberdeen Maryland -- 24-25 May 99. by Tom Haupt
(0 to 5):

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Table of Contents for Gateway Overview and Middle Tier

1 The Gateway System
2 Overview
3 Goals
4 Seamless Access
5 Three-Tier Architecture
6 Towards a complete solution ...
7 PSE Example: CCM
8 Target Architecture
9 Design Issues
10 Gateway Implementation
11 Gateway Implementation (2)
12 Gateway Implementation (3)
13 Gateway Implementation (4)
14 Front End
15 CTA specific knowledge database
16 Visual Authoring Tools
17 Example: Data Flow
18 Example: DARP
19 User and Group Profile
20 Resource Identification and Access
21 Visualizations, Collaboration, ...
22 Front-End infrastructure
23 Front-End Support
24 Portal Page
25 User Context
26 Gateway Initial Page
27 Control Applet
28 Screen Dump of the Control Applet
29 Navigator
30 CCM PSE Invoked from Gateway
31 Problem description toolboxes
32 Code toolboxes
33 Resource Request Toolbox
34 Other toolboxes
35 Middle-Tier
36 WebFlow Server
37 CORBA Based Middle-Tier
38 WebFlow Context Hierarchy
39 Middle-Tier modules serve as proxies of Back-End Services
40 Back End
41 Back End Services
42 WebFlow over Globus
43 How to add new Back-End hardware resources
44 Gateway Security
45 Security Model (Keberos)
46 Building Gateway Components
47 Middle-Tier is given by a mesh of WebFlow Servers that manage and coordinate distributed computation
48 How to develop a Gateway component (or a toolbox)
49 What does it take to convert a legacy (high performance) application into a Gateway Back-End service?
50 How the Back-End interacts with the rest of the system?
51 Implementing Back-End Services
52 What does it take to develop a Gateway module (a proxy)?
53 Example of IDL definition
54 Module functionality
55 Event binding
56 Front-End controls
57 Controlling a module
58 Selecting a Predefined Task
59 Visual Authoring Tools
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Click outside + Shift is Halve Size
Right Mouse Down on Pointer Toggles Index
Shift Right Mouse aligns top with scrolled Page
While With Mouse Down on Current Pointer
h hides This Message while m restores
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j Toggles Index Aligned with Scrolled View Top
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Pointer to process new option