Oracle8i Installation Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6) for Sun SPARC Solaris






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This chapter describes how to start the Oracle Universal Installer and install Oracle8i products on your system. Review and complete the tasks listed in Chapter 1, "System Requirements" and Chapter 2, "Pre-Installation" before beginning the installation.

Using Oracle Universal Installer

Complete these tasks to start Oracle Universal Installer:

Mount the Oracle8i CD-ROM

Start Oracle Universal Installer


Using the old Oracle Installer (the pre-Oracle Universal Installer shipped with releases 7.x and 8.0.x) to install products into a release 8.1 ORACLE_HOME directory is not supported. Likewise, you cannot install release 8.1 products into a release 7.x or 8.0.x ORACLE_HOME. 

Mount the Oracle8i CD-ROM

The Oracle8i CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format with Rockridge extensions. If you are using Volume Management software (available by default on Solaris) the CD-ROM is mounted automatically to /cdrom/oracle8i when you put it into the disk drive. Proceed to "Start Oracle Universal Installer".

If you are not using the Volume Management software, you must mount the CD-ROM manually. You must have root privileges to mount or unmount the CD-ROM manually. Be sure to unmount the CD-ROM before removing it from the drive by using the umount command

  1. Place the Oracle8i CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Log in as the root user and create a CD-ROM mount point directory:

    $ su root
    # mkdir cdrom_mount_point_directory
  3. Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory and exit the root account:

    # mount options device_name cdrom_mount_point_directory 
    # exit

Example 3-1 Mounting the CD-ROM Without Using Volume Management Software

$ su root
# mkdir /cdrom
# mount -r -F hsfs device_name /cdrom
# exit

Start Oracle Universal Installer


Do not run the Installer as the root user. 

To start the Installer:

  1. Log in as the oracle user.

  2. Go to the CD-ROM mount-point directory:

    cd cdrom_mount_point_directory
  3. Start the Installer by entering ./runInstaller.


    The Installer is capable of running a non-interactive installation of Oracle products and can optionally be configured for a "silent" mode which does not display anything on the screen. For instructions on using this feature of the Installer, see "Non-Interactive Installation and Configuration"

    Once the Installer is started, the Welcome window appears.

  4. Click Next.

    The File Locations window appears. Do not change the text in the Source field. This is the location of files for installation.

Figure 3-1 Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window

  • Enter the ORACLE_HOME directory path in which to install Oracle8i products in the Destination fields. The default location is the ORACLE_HOME environment variable if you set it prior to starting the Installer.

    If the destination directory you choose contains Oracle8i Release 1 (8.1.5) software, the older versions of the software will be upgraded to Release 2 (8.1.6). Oracle Corporation recommends that you install Release 2 (8.1.6) products into a new ORACLE_HOME.


    If you have an existing ORACLE_HOME created with a pre-8.1.x release, you must change the default installation location to a different location. 


    If you install Oracle8i into an ORACLE_HOME directory that already contains Oracle client software, the listener is not created. To create the listener, install Oracle8i in a different ORACLE_HOME. 

  • Click Next.

    If this is the first time any Oracle8i products are installed on the current system, the "UNIX Group Name" window appears. Otherwise, go to Step 8.

    In the "UNIX Group Name" field, specify the group which will have permission to update Oracle software on your system. This group should typically be the oinstall group that you created in "Create a UNIX Group for the Oracle Universal Installer Inventory".

  • Click Next.

    If /var/opt/oracle/ does not exist or is not writable by the oracle user, you will also be prompted in the window that appears to run /tmp/OraInstall/ in another terminal window as the root user. After you have done so, click Retry to continue the installation.

    The Available Products window appears.

    Figure 3-2 Oracle Universal Installer "Available Products" Window

  • Select the Oracle8i installation category you want to install and click Next. See "Product Installation Categories and Installation Types" for a description of each category.


    For a list of products installed with each installation type, see the appropriate product section in Appendix A, "Oracle8i Products"

  • Proceed to one of the following sections based on the selection you made in step 8.

    If You Selected...  See this Section... 

    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 

    "Oracle8i Enterprise Edition"

    Oracle8i Client  

    "Oracle8i Client"

    Oracle8i Management Infrastructure  

    "Oracle8i Management Infrastructure"

    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition

    The Installation Types window appears.

    1. Select one of the types of installations and click Next.

    2. Proceed to one of the following sections based on the selection you made in step 1.

      If You Selected...  See this Section... 

      Typical or Minimal 

      "Typical or Minimal"



    Typical or Minimal

    1. If Oracle Universal Installer detects an earlier version of an Oracle database on your system, you are prompted to upgrade your database with the Oracle Data Migration Assistant. Select the Upgrade or Migrate an Existing Database check box to have Oracle Data Migration Assistant start immediately after installation to migrate your database to an Oracle8i Release 2 (8.1.6) database.

    2. Click Next

      If you selected Minimal, the Select Starter Database window appears. If you selected Typical, go to step 5 (an Oracle8i database is installed without prompting you. See "Identifying Your Database Environment").

    3. Select Yes to install an Oracle8i database. Selecting No installs all server products except a database. You can create your database later by manually running Oracle Database Configuration Assistant or with a SQL script.

    4. Click Next

      If the oracle user is not a member of the dba group created in "Create UNIX Groups for Database Administrators", or if there is a UNIX group with a name other than dba that serves as the OSDBA group, the Privileged Operating System Groups window appears. Enter the name of a UNIX group of which the oracle user is a member that will serve as the OSDBA group. If a separate UNIX group will server as the OSOPER group, specify it in this window as well.

    5. Click Next

      The Database Identification window appears.

    6. Enter the Global Database Name and SID in the fields provided:

      This Field...  Is the... 

      Global Database Name 

      Full database name that uniquely distinguishes it from any other database in your network domain. For example:

      where sales is the name you want to call your database and is the network domain in which the database is located. 


      System Identifier (SID), the database instance name that uniquely distinguishes it from any other database on your system. The SID field defaults to the database name portion of the Global Database Name (sales in the example above) (until you reach eight characters or enter a period). You can accept or change the default value. 

    7. Click Next.

      The Database File Location window appears.

    8. In the Directory for Database Files field, enter the path of the database file mount point. You can also use the Browse... button to navigate to the path of the mount point.

    9. Click Next.

      The Summary window appears.

    10. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space. You cannot make any product or space allocation changes once the installation begins

    11. Click Install. Wait until the selected products are installed.

    12. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

      The Configuration Tools window appears at the end of installation and, based on your selections above, starts the following assistants to create and configure your database and network environments.

      Table 3-1 Configuration Assistants
      This Assistant...  Starts...  And... 

      Net8 Configuration Assistant 

      In all cases 

      Automatically configures your Net8 server networking software. See "Understanding Net8 Configuration" for a description of the configuration procedures performed. 

      Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 

      If you selected:

      • Typical

      • Minimal or Custom, then answered "Yes" when prompted to install an Oracle8i database.


      Automatically creates an Oracle8i Release 8.1.6 database. See "Identifying Your Database Environment"

      Oracle Database Migration Assistant 

      If you selected to migrate or upgrade a database when prompted at step 1

      Migrates or upgrade the selected database to Oracle8i release 8.1.6. 

      Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant 

      If you selected to install Oracle Management Server in the Custom installation type. 

      Creates or configures an Enterprise Manager repository. See step 4 of "Oracle Management Server" and refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for instructions on how to use the assistant. 

      The Configuration Tools window displays the results of running these assistants.

    13. Click Next to continue.

      The End of Installation window appears.

    14. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer, or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

    15. See section "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.


    The Available Products window displays all products available for installation.

    1. Select appropriate products to install and click Next.

    2. Provide appropriate responses to any windows that appear.

      The Summary window appears.

    3. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space. You cannot make any product or space allocation changes once the installation begins

    4. Click Install. Wait until the selected products are installed.

    5. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

      The End of Installation window appears.

    6. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

    7. See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.

    Oracle8i Client


    For a list of products installed with each installation type, see the appropriate product section in Appendix A, "Oracle8i Products"

    The Installation Types window appears.

    1. Select the Oracle installation type you want to install and click Next.

    2. Proceed to one of the following sections based on the selection you made in step 1.

      If You Selected...  See this Section... 

      Administrator, Programmer, or Application User 

      "Administrator, Programmer or Application User"



    Administrator, Programmer or Application User

    1. Click Next.

      The Summary window appears.

    2. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space. You cannot make any product or space allocation changes once the installation begins

    3. Click Install. Wait until the selected products are installed.

    4. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

      The End of Installation window appears.

    5. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer, or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

    6. See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.


    The Available Products window displays all products available for installation.

    1. Select appropriate products to install and click Next.

    2. Provide appropriate responses to any windows that appear.

      The Summary window appears.

    3. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space. You cannot make any product or space allocation changes once the installation begins

    4. Click Install. Wait until the selected products are installed.

    5. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

      The End of Installation window appears.

    6. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer, or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

    7. See section "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.

    Oracle8i Management Infrastructure


    For a list of products installed with each installation type, see the appropriate product section in Appendix A, "Oracle8i Products"

    The Installation Types window appears.

    1. Select one of the types of installations and click Next.

    2. Proceed to one of the following sections based on the selection you made in step 1.

      If You Selected...  See this Section... 

      Oracle Management Server 

      "Oracle Management Server"

      Oracle Internet Directory 

      "Oracle Internet Directory"



    Oracle Management Server

    1. Select the repository to use with the Oracle Management Server.

      Type  In this Situation... 

      Existing repository 

      A Release 2.1 repository has already been created and configured for the environment to be managed and you want this management server to share the existing 2.1 repository, or you want to upgrade or migrate an existing repository from a previous release. 

      New repository 

      Neither a Release 2.1 repository, nor an existing repository is available to the environment to be managed.  

    The Summary window appears.

    1. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space. You cannot make any product or space allocation changes once the installation begins

    2. Click Install. Wait until the selected products are installed.

      Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant starts at the end of installation.

    3. Provide responses to Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant based on the selection you made in step 1.

      If You Selected...  You are Prompted to... 

      existing repository 

      Provide the following repository connection information:

      • user name and password for the existing repository.

      • database service containing the existing repository, specified with the format:


        If the existing repository is 1.x, you cannot migrate until a 2.1 repository exists. First choose new repository to create a new repository, then exit and use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Migration Assistant to migrate to a 2.1 repository.

      • verify new repository connection information.


      new repository 

      Enter the following information regarding the database in which to create the new repository:

      • username (with DBA privileges) and password.

      • database service containing the new repository, specified with the format:


      Additional windows appear to help you create a repository in the selected database. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for additional information. 


      The default port number used by most databases is 1521. 

    4. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

    The End of Installation window appears.

  • Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer, or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

  • See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.

    Oracle Internet Directory


    If an Oracle8i database release 8.1.6 is not currently installed, Oracle Universal Installer automatically installs one in the same ORACLE_HOME directory in which Oracle Internet Directory is installed. If Oracle Universal Installer detects an existing Oracle8i database in this location, it does not install another one. However, for optimal results, Oracle corporation recommends that you install Oracle Internet Directory on a system that does not currently have an Oracle8i database. 


    If an Oracle8i Release 2 (8.1.6) database is currently installed, ensure that the database and the listener are running, and that you can connect with the internal user account without being prompted for a password:

    $ sqlplus internal

    If you were prompted for a password, see Chapter 1 of the Oracle8i Administrator's Guide for information on configuring the internal user account to log in without a password. 

    The following information is automatically set during installation:

    The...  Is Automatically Set to... 

    Use of an Encrypted Password 


    Approximate number of directory entries to be stored in Oracle Internet Directory 

    Under 10,000 entries 

    Password of the Administrator Distinguished Name 


    The Oracle Internet Directory Database File Location window appears.

    1. Enter a directory location in which to install the Oracle Internet Directory database files. Oracle Corporation recommends installing database files and Oracle software on separate drives. These database files contain Oracle Internet Directory-specific tables and schema created during configuration.

    2. Click Next.

      The Summary window appears.

    3. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space. You cannot make any product or space allocation changes once the installation begins

    4. Click Install. Wait until the selected products are installed.

    5. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

      The End of Installation window appears.

    6. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer, or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

    7. See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.


    The Available Products window displays all products available for installation.

    1. Select appropriate products to install and click Next.

    2. Provide appropriate responses to any windows that appear.


      For a list of products installed with each installation type, see the appropriate product section in Appendix A, "Oracle8i Products"

      The Summary window appears.

    3. Review the information to ensure that you have enough disk space and click Install.

    4. When prompted, run the script. See "Run the Script" for instructions.

      The End of Installation window appears.

    5. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer, or click Next Install to install additional products. Clicking Next Install returns you to the "Oracle Universal Installer "File Locations" Window".

    6. See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session" for information about accessing Oracle Universal Installer log files.

    Run the Script

    The Installer creates the script in the ORACLE_HOME directory and prompts you to run the script when it finishes installing Oracle products. Log in as the root user and run the script to set the necessary file permissions for Oracle products, and perform other root-related configuration activities:

    # cd $ORACLE_HOME
    # ./

    If you install Oracle Parallel Server, you must run the script on every node in the cluster.

    The script prompts you to confirm the environment before it performs any actions. If you need to reset the environment, terminate the script. If you terminate the script, you must re-run it. You do not need to run Oracle Universal Installer again. Click OK in the alert window after runs successfully to continue the installation.

    Depending on the products you installed, messages are displayed to inform you of the progress of You might also be prompted for user names and be given additional instructions.

    You will be asked by the script to specify the local bin directory. If this directory does not already exist, creates it for you.

    Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session

    The Installer creates the oraInventory directory the first time it is run to keep an inventory of products that it installs on your system as well as other installation information. The location of oraInventory is defined in /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc.

    Do not delete or manually alter the oraInventory directory or its contents. Doing so can prevent the Installer from locating products that you install on your system.

    The latest log file is oraInventory_location/logs/installActions.log. Log file names of previous installation sessions take the form installActionsdatetime.log. For example:

    Installing Oracle Parallel Server

    During installation, software products are installed on the node from which the Oracle Universal Installer is run and pushed to the other selected nodes in the cluster.

    See Also:

    The Oracle 8i Parallel Server Setup and Configuration Guide

    Re-Installing Oracle Parallel Server

    If the installation fails before completion and you have to re-install, you must click the Yes button to all the Installer dialog boxes that ask "Do you want to re-install name of a product?". Otherwise the remote copy operation to the other nodes will miss the products for which you declined the re-install.

    Cleaning Up After a Failed Installation

    If an installation fails, you might need to remove files that the Installer created during the last session before you attempt another installation.

    To clean up after a failed installation:

    1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.

    2. Click the De-install Products button and select any products that were left after the failed installation.

    3. Click the Remove button.

    To complete the clean up, you might need to manually remove the
    ORACLE_HOME directory.

    Installing Legato Storage Manager Manually

    The usual procedure for installing Legato Storage Manager is to select Legato Storage Manager when you use the Oracle Universal Installer to install Oracle software using the Custom installation type of Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. If you do not install Legato Storage Manager using Oracle Universal Installer, you can manually install it with the following steps:


    If you are updating Legato Storage Manager, be sure to perform a partial removal of Legato Storage Manager using the procedure in the section "Removing an Existing Legato Storage Manager Installation" in Chapter 2. Be sure not to remove any existing Legato Storage Manager files in the /nsr directory. For more information on updating, refer to the section "Updating Legato Storage Manager"

    1. Be sure no Legato Storage Manager or NetWorker software is installed on your system. The Legato Storage Manager installer, lsminst (step 3 below), attempts to detect existing Legato software. If Legato software exists but is not detected, both the existing Legato software and the Legato Storage Manager might not function properly.

    2. From the Oracle8i Release 2 (8.1.6) CD-ROM mount point, go to the lsm directory:

      $ cd lsm
    3. As root user, install the Legato Storage Manager software using the following lsminst command:

      # ./lsminst cd_rom_mount_point/stage/Components/lsm

      For each prompt asking if you want to continue the installation, enter Yes.

      When prompted for a directory to use for client and server information, you can accept the default or enter another directory name. To check that the directory used has sufficient disk space, see the "Legato Storage Manager Software Requirements" table.

      When prompted for a device name, you can enter either a carriage return ([ENTER]) or a proper no-rewind, BSD-semantics tape device name. The device is used by Legato Storage Manager for backups after it has been properly configured in the LSM Administrator GUI. For details on device configuration, see Chapter 3 in the Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide.

      For all other prompts displayed by lsminst, press [ENTER].

    4. Update the MANPATH and PATH environment variables as required. MANPATH must include /usr/share/man, the pathname of the directory where the Legato Storage Manager man pages are installed. PATH must include /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, the pathnames of the directories where the Legato Storage Manager binaries are installed.

    5. For each ORACLE_HOME to be enabled for Legato Storage Manager backups, follow these steps:


      If you later install another ORACLE_HOME on your system, you must follow these steps to enable Legato Storage Manager backups from that ORACLE_HOME. 

      1. Log in as the oracle user.

      2. Copy stage/Components/lsm/lib/ from the Oracle8i CD-ROM to the file $ORACLE_HOME/lib/

        $ cp stage/Components/lsm/lib/ $ORACLE_HOME/lib/
      3. Shut down all Oracle instances that use this ORACLE_HOME.

      4. Remove the symbolic link $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ and create a symbolic link from $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ to

        $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib
        $ rm
        $ ln -s
      5. Restart all Oracle instances that use this ORACLE_HOME.

    Updating Legato Storage Manager

    To update to a newer version of Legato Storage Manager, follow these steps:

    1. Perform a partial removal of Legato Storage Manager using the procedure in the section "Removing an Existing Legato Storage Manager Installation" in Chapter 2.

      Do not remove any existing Legato Storage Manager files in the /nsr directory.

    2. Install the updated version of Legato Storage Manager using the procedure in the section "Installing Legato Storage Manager Manually".

    Removing Legato Storage Manager Version 5.5


    You cannot remove Legato Storage Manager by using the Installer. Use the following steps to remove Legato Storage Manager version 5.5. 

    To remove Legato Storage Manager version 5.5, follow these steps:

    1. For each ORACLE_HOME on your system enabled for backups, follow these steps to remove the Media Management API of Legato Storage Manager:

      1. Shut down Oracle instances that use ORACLE_HOMEs enabled for backups.

      2. Remove $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ and create a symbolic link from $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ to

        $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib
        $ rm
        $ rm
        $ ln -s
      3. Restart all Oracle instances that use this ORACLE_HOME.

    2. As root user, stop the Legato Storage Manager daemons by using the
      nsr_shutdown command:

      # nsr_shutdown
    3. As root user, remove the Legato Storage Manager software by using the following pkgrm command:

      # pkgrm ORCLman ORCLserv ORCLnode ORCLdrvr ORCLclnt


      Be sure to remove the software packages in the exact order shown in step 3

    For each prompt displayed by the pkgrm command, enter "Yes."


    This procedure does not remove the /nsr directory, containing the Legato Storage Manager client and media index files and resource configuration files. 

  • To remove the Legato Storage Manager index and resource configuration files, remove the /nsr directory by running the following command as root user:

    # rm -rf /nsr/* /nsr

    If you remove the /nsr directory containing the index and configuration information, you will not be able to restore from the Legato Storage Manager backups. If you later re-install Legato Storage Manager or install another Legato product, you will need to rebuild the configuration.

    Non-Interactive Installation and Configuration

    You can perform a non-interactive installation of Oracle8i products by supplying the Oracle Universal Installer with a response file. The Installer uses the variables and values contained in this text file to provide answers to some or all of the Installer's user prompts. If you include responses for all of the Installer's prompts in the response file, you can run a "silent" installation that displays no graphical output. You can also run Oracle Data Migration Assistant, Net8 Configuration Assistant, Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, and Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant non-interactively by using response files.

    Preparing the Response File

    There are ten Oracle Universal Installer response files, one for each install category and type, and four configuration tool response files included on the Oracle8i Release 2 (8.1.6) CD-ROM. You will need to edit the response file to suit your environment. In particular, the custom response files need extensive editing before you can use them for a non-interactive session.

    To use a response file, copy the response file from the Oracle8i CD-ROM to a drive mounted on your system. For example:

    $ cd cdrom_mount_point_directory/stage/Response/
    $ cp svrtypical.rsp local_directory

    Edit the response file you want to use with any text editor to include information specific to your system. Each file contains instructions for properly configuring the response file. Table 3-2 lists the response files included on the Oracle8i CD-ROM.

    Table 3-2 Response Files
    File Name  Provides Responses for... 


    Typical installation of Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 


    Minimal installation of Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 


    Custom installation of Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 


    Oracle Management Server installation of Oracle8i Management Infrastructure 


    Oracle Internet Directory installation of Oracle8i Management Infrastructure 


    Custom installation of Oracle8i Management Infrastructure 


    Administrator installation of Oracle8i Client 


    Programmer installation of Oracle8i Client 


    Application User installation of Oracle8i Client 


    Custom installation of Oracle8i Client 


    Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 


    Net8 Configuration Assistant 


    Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant 

    Specifying a Response File

    To make the Installer use the response file at install time, follow the same steps as described in the section "Start Oracle Universal Installer", but specify the location of the response file that you wish to use as a parameter when starting the Installer. To make a configuration assistant use a response file, invoke it at the command line using the same parameters.

    $ ./runInstaller [-silent] -responseFile filename

    To perform a completely silent installation or configuration session, use the -silent parameter. In silent mode, the DISPLAY environment variable must still be set as described in "DISPLAY".

    To run the Oracle Enterprise Manger Configuration Assistant in non-interactive mode, you must use both the -silent and -responseFile parameters.

    The success or failure of the installation is logged in the silentInstall.log file. If an Oracle Inventory exists on your system, then the silentInstall.log file is created there. Otherwise, it is created in the oraInventory_location/logs/ directory. The detailed results of the non-interactive installation session are found in the
    oraInventory_location/logs/installActions.log file. See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session".


    The Installer or configuration assistant will fail if you attempt a non-interactive session without appropriately configuring a response file. 

    Error Handling

    Values for variables that are of the wrong context, format, or type are treated as if no value were specified. Variables which are outside any section are ignored.

    A non-interactive installation fails if no response file is specified or if you attempt a silent installation with an incorrect or incomplete response file. If you attempt a silent installation and the Installer encounters an error, such as insufficient disk space, the installation fails. The results of your non-interactive installation is recorded in the installation session's log file. See "Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session".

    Validation of Values from Response File

    The Installer or configuration assistant performs calculation and validation of the response file at run time. Failure of the validation process ends the installation or configuration.

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