HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared August 4 1996

Foil 98 Near and Future Projects

From MetaComputing -- the Informal Supercomputer Tutorial for CRPC Annual Meeting at Argonne -- May 13 1996. by Mark Baker * See also color IMAGE

WWW-Based Project Undertaken at NPAC
How It All Fits Together
The FAFNER servers are hierarchical; root server, plus several major subservers - each in turn has subservers, and so forth.
Subserver depends on its parent for sieving tasks.
The sieving clients (GNFS or GNFSD) are the leaves of the FAFNER tree; they get a single task from a FAFNER server, and then spend time computing the problem.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

Page produced by wwwfoil on Wed Feb 19 1997