HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared August 4 1996

Foil 99 Near and Future Projects

From MetaComputing -- the Informal Supercomputer Tutorial for CRPC Annual Meeting at Argonne -- May 13 1996. by Mark Baker * See also color IMAGE

WWW-Based Project Undertaken at NPAC
When the answers are ready (in the form of a text file containing a few 100 or few 1000 relations), the clients send them back to their FAFNER server.
There, they are distilled, archived, and ultimately sent back to Bellcore, where they are integrated into the final solution - the factoring of RSA number.
Successfully computed RSA-130.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

Page produced by wwwfoil on Wed Feb 19 1997