The evaluation of the second and third terms is carried out by once again
using 9 temporary grid functions. Recall that , the contravariant
form of the shift, is stored. Since
is compatible with
we can
. Hence we are left with calculating
Here once again we use a 9 grid functions to store the components of
first and then add
to form
eqn. (19). Then evaluating eqn. (
) becomes a
matter of using the temporary variables for
Use second order finite differencing for time derivative. 5 Modules for these routines
C in evolve_g1 call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta1,t11,'x',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta1,t12,'y',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta1,t13,'z',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta2,t21,'x',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta2,t22,'y',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta2,t23,'z',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta3,t31,'x',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta3,t32,'y',ml,dl,nl) call diff(nx,ny,nz,h,beta3,t33,'z',ml,dl,nl) C in evolve_g2 FORALL (i=1:3,j=1:3) t(i,j) = t(i,j)+c(1,i,j)*beta(1)+c(2,i,j)*beta(2) . +c(3,i,j)*beta(3) END FORALL FORALL (i=1:3,j=1:3) t(i,j) = t(i,1) * g(1,j) + t(i,2) * g(2,j) + t(i,3) * g(3,j) END FORALL C in evolve_g3 FORALL (j=1:3,i=1:3,i<=j) t(i,j) = t(i,j) + t(j,i) t(j,i) = t(i,j) END FORALL C in evolve_g4 FORALL (i=1:3,j=1:3) t(i,j) = t(i,j) - 2.0d0*alpha(1) * ( g(1,i) * k(1,j) + . g(2,i) * k(2,j) + g(3,i) * k(3,j) ) END FORALL C in evolve_g5 FORALL (j=1:3,i=1:3,i<=j) g(i,j,1) = 2.0d0*dt*t(i,j) + g(i,j,-1) END FORALL