HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 1996

Foil 10 Data Compression Techniques

From Image Format Basics CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. by Nancy J. McCracken * See also color IMAGE

Symmetric and Asymmetric Compression: asymmetric techniques require substantially more work to either compress or decompress the data. For example, retrieval of stored images would be best served by a compression technique that may be lengthy to compress (once), but is very fast to decompress every time the image is requested.
Adaptive Encoding: depends on the properties of the data.
Lossy and Lossless compression: In a lossless compression, the data is unchanged after compression and decompression. In a lossy compression, the data will be less precise.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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