HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 1996

Foil 11 Run-Length Encoding

From Image Format Basics CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. by Nancy J. McCracken * Critical Information in IMAGE

Images tend to have large areas that are a solid color, so that there are many pixels in a row with the same value. In Run-Length Encoding, each such set of pixel values are replaced by the run count and the run value.
  • AAAAAAAAAbbbbTTTTTTT becomes 8A3b6T
where the run count is the length of the run - 1.
This scheme is easy to implement and fast to both compress and decompress. It achieves good rates of compression on simple pictures.
It is not as successful on complex pictures, such as color photographs, where there are more gradations of color.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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