Master Set A of Overview Material on Parallel Computing for CPS615
Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science on Fall Semester 95. Foils prepared 29 August 1995Summary of Addons which lists all addon files pointed to in foilset This is a SINGLE file Containing all Foils in nonIMAGE (i.e. HTML) form This contains all WebWisdom links preceded by those referenced in this foilset This contains an Index of Foilset Suitable for Printing (There is no easy way of Printing
all foils -- just the index) This just contains Title of Foilset and Links
Secs 30
Technology Driving Forces for HPCC
Overview of What and Why is Computational Science
Needs to be expanded with further remarks on Information track and degree/certificate requirements
Elementary Discussion of Parallel Computing in the "real-world"