Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 October 1995

Foil 66 Delta System Hardware Configuration

From New CPS615 Foils-- B 28 August 95 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 513 compute nodes using i860 processors with 16 MBytes memory each
2 9 service nodes using 80386 processors with 8MBytes memory
3 32 disk I/O nodes using 80386 processors with 8 MBytes memory each controlling 2- 1.5 GByte disks
4 9 tape I/O nodes using 80386 processors with 8 MBytes memory
  • 7 with 2 Exabyte 5 GByte tape drives each
  • 2 with 2 Exabyte 2 GByte tape drives each
5 2 ethernet nodes using 80386 processors with 8 MBytes memory
6 2 HIPPI interfaces using i860 processors with 32 MBytes memory

in Table To:

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