HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 August 1996

Foil 38 Superficial Observations on High Performance Communication

From CPS615-Introduction-Course,Driving Technology and HPCC Current Status and Futures CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox *
Secs 86
1 ATM ISDN Wireless Satellite advancing rapidly in commercial arena which is adopting research rapidly
2 Social forces (deregulation in the U.S.A.) are tending to accelerate adoption of digital communication technologies
  • These are often NEW applications (porting of POTS relatively easy!) such as interactive TV/Shopping
  • Tremendous competition between different telecommunication sectors encourages new technology now to ensure future success
3 Not clear how to make money on Web(Internet) but growing interest/acceptance by general public
  • huge sales in home multimedia PC's -- comparable to TV's in volume
4 Integration of Communities and Opportunities
  • Computing and Communication and Information Industries merging -- similar impact on academic departments will(should) happen

in Table To:

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