Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 27 August 1996

Foil 155 Categories of Industrial and Government Applications of HPCC (with reference to academic applications)

From CPS615-Introduction-Course,Driving Technology and HPCC Current Status and Futures CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

Define information generally to include both CNN headline news and the insights on QCD gotten from lattice gauge theories
Information Production e.g. Simulation
  • Major concentration of MPP and HPCC at present
Information Analysis e.g. Extraction of location of oil from seismic data, Extraction of customer preferences from purchase data
  • Growing area of importance and Short term major MPP opportunity in decision support combined with parallel databases
Information Access and Dissemination - InfoVision e.g. Transaction Processing, Video-On-Demand
  • Enabled by National Information Infrastructure
  • Very promising medium term market for MPP but need the NII
  • to be reasonably pervasive before area "takes off"
Information Integration .
  • Integrates Information Production Analysis and Access e.g.
    • Decision support in business
    • Command and Control for Military
    • Concurrent Engineering and Agile Manufacturing
  • Largest Long Term Market for MPP

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