Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 29 August 1995

Foil 38 Current Important Parallel Computers --1995

From Initial CPS615 Course and Parallel Computing Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

There are several machines still being used but the number of vendors and diversity of designs has shrunk
The SIMD Maspar and AMT DAP are focusing on database and other niche markets such as signal processing. They are not considered mainstream any longer.
The MIMD nCUBE3 is not deployed and the nCUBE2 is uncompetitive in science arena. The company is focusing on video server market.
The major pure MIMD distributed memory machines are the IBM SP-2 and Intel Paragon with the IBM having the best node CPU and the Paragon a superior network
There is a spectrum of shared memory machines from
  • CRAY T3D using Digital alpha RISC node where shared memory support translates into low latency message passing support for small messages on a basically distributed architecture
  • Convex Exemplar uses HP's RISC node in a cluster of shared memory modules
  • The SGI Power Challenge represents a powerful BUS based system in modest size systems with initial scaling viewing bunchs of Power challenge machines as a distributed memory system.

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