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Foil 87 VRML Cone Node - II

From Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science -- Winter-Spring Semester 96 and 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Alvin Leung, Meryem Ispirli * See also color IMAGE

If the current material binding is PER_PART or PER_PART_INDEXED, the first current material is used for the sides of the cone, and the second is used for the bottom.
Otherwise, the first material is used for the entire cone.
When a texture is applied to a cone, it is applied differently to the sides and bottom.
  • On the sides, the texture wraps counterclockwise (from above) starting at the back of the cone.
  • The texture has a vertical seam at the back, intersecting the yz-plane.
  • For the bottom, a circle is cut out of the texture square and applied to the cone's base circle.
  • The texture appears right side up when the top of the cone is rotated towards the -Z axis.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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