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Foil 99 VRML1.0 Level Of Detail LOD Node - I

From Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science -- Winter-Spring Semester 96 and 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Alvin Leung, Meryem Ispirli * See also color IMAGE

See Discussion of our Terrain Renderer in VRML for use of LOD Node
This group node is used to allow applications to switch between various representations of objects automatically.
The children of this node typically represent the same object or objects at varying levels of detail, from highest detail to lowest.
The specified center point of the LOD is transformed by the current transformation into world space, and the distance from the transformed center to the world-space eye point is calculated.
If the distance is less than the first value in the ranges array, then the first child of the LOD group is drawn.
If between the first and second values in the ranges array, the second child is drawn, etc.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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