Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 5 July 97

Foil 22 Internet Services: News

From Overview of Basic Web and Internet Technologies Beijing Web Tutorial -- May 27-30 1997. by Geoffrey Fox *

Usenet newsgroups provide discussion forums on a wide range of topics. You can read the forums from a news server installed at your site.
The topics are organized into hierarchies. Some of the main categories are
  • alt - alternative topics
  • comp - computers and computing
  • misc - miscelleneous newsgroups
  • rec - recreational topics
  • sci - science-related topics
  • soc - social and cultural topics
Subtopic names are always shown as part of the hierarchy
  • sci.chem.electrochem and comp.parallel
People participate in newsgroups by contributing messages, called "posting", which everyone else on the list can read.
Some newsgroups are moderated, which means that posted messages are scanned by a human for appropriate content and style before being made public.
Many software packages are news readers, including Netscape web browsers - just ask your systems administrator what news server to use.

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