Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 27 The Parallel and Distributed Working Group

From Master Foilset for Java Grande Workshop and Forum Java 98/JavaOne Palo Alto/San Francisco -- February 28 98 March 24 98. by Geoffrey Fox

The first meeting of the Java Grande Parallel and Distributed Working Group was chaired by Denis Caromel of INRIA - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and George K. Thiruvathukal of Tools of Computing LLC and Argonne National Laboratory (Visitor in Math and Computer Science Division).
Approximately 50 people attended the working group meeting. Parallel and distributed computing comprises a vast array of topics. The working group initially decided to limit its focus to how parallel and distributed computing is addressed in the current instantiation of Java and its add-on frameworks. The high-performance computing community also has significant investments in research on frameworks and services (e.g., Globus, Legion, MPI, and others).

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