Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared March 18 97

Foil 2 Abstract of Java in HPCC Presentation

From Java and Web Technologies in HPCC SIAM Conference Minneapolis -- OO Methods Session -- March 16 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

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We describe 3 major areas where Java (and other Web Technologies) can have significant impact
1) Java can be used to build user Interfaces and here we describe the Virtual Programming Laboratory VPL
2) Java can support coarse grain integration and metacomputing
  • Here we describe both WebFlow (AVS on the web) and Tango (a Java Collaboratory)
  • Both Computational Steering and "Forces Modelling" seem naturally implemented with this technology
3) Java as a traditional compiled language for computational kernels
  • Here we discuss sequential and parallel issues
  • Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments

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