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Java and Web Technologies in HPCC

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at SIAM Conference Minneapolis -- OO Methods Session on March 16 97. Foils prepared March 18 97

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We describe 3 major areas where Java (and other Web Technologies) can have significant impact
1) Java can be used to build user Interfaces and here we describe the Virtual Programming Laboratory VPL
2) Java can support coarse grain integration and metacomputing
  • Here we describe both WebFlow (AVS on the web) and Tango (a Java Collaboratory)
  • Both Computational Steering and "Forces Modelling" seem naturally implemented with this technology
3) Java as a traditional compiled language for computational kernels
  • Here we discuss sequential and parallel issues
  • Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Variety of Foils Used Starting January 97
Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset
Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-
Master for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation
Master Set of Presentations on Java for Computational Science

Table of Contents for Java and Web Technologies in HPCC

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1 The Role of Java in Scientific Computing
SIAM Meeting Mar 16,97 Minneapolis
Session on OO Methods in Parallel Processing organized by Dennis Gannon
2 Abstract of Java in HPCC Presentation
3 Java for Scientific Computing Resource
4 There are (at least) 3 Major Roles for JAVA in Computation
5 The 3 Roles of Java

Java for User Interfaces
6 Java for Building User Interfaces
7 Summary of the VPL -- Virtual Programming Laboratory
8 The Virtual Programming Laboratory
9 User view of the VPL
10 VPL Used in Cornell HPF Virtual Workshop
11 Client-server interaction in VPL as it is implemented in Virtual Workshop
12 Server Side Structure of the VPL
13 Structure of Java Wrappers in the VPL
14 Architecture of use of JPVS (Java Performance Visualization System) with C + MPI Program
15 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I
16 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - II
17 The Java Applet Supporting Data Visualization in the VPL

Java and Web Technologies for Coarse Grain Integration
18 Web Based MetaComputing
19 Java Server Based Web Computing
20 Java Server Structure in WebFlow
21 Different WebVM Approachs
22 Article on MIP Sucking Java Applets

Collaboration with Java Servers
23 TANGOsim Collaboration/ Simulation/ Training in Java
24 TANGO Collaborative System Control Panel
25 Typical Web Collaboration Architecture
26 The TANGOsim C2 Application
27 Command and Control Screen with F15 Track
28 C2 application Radar Officer Screen
29 TANGO Highlights - I
30 Global Architecture of Tango System
31 Tango Client Communication Structure
32 TANGO Highlights - II
33 RomeLab C2 Auxiliary Applications
34 Tango Application to Education
35 Distributed Tango WebWisdom

Integration of Collaboration and Computing
36 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - I
37 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
38 TANGOsim for Distributed Simulation and Computational Steering - II

Java as a Language for Computational Science
39 Java as the Language for Computational Kernels!
40 Some Critical Features of Java as a Programming Language
41 Comparison of Java and Fortran 77/90
42 Java Links the Bottom and Top of Pyramid
43 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- I
44 What Limits Performance of Compiled Java?
45 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- II
46 Hierarchy of Software Levels
47 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- III
48 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
49 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II
50 Network of Web Servers and Clients
51 Remarks on HPJava -- Data Parallel Java - II
52 Integration of Interpreted and Compiled Environments
53 Select Active Processors in HPJava Demo
54 Game of Life Execution Pattern in HPJava Demo

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