HTML version of Abstract of Basic Foils prepared 3 Feb 98

Abstract of Overview of Distributed Objects and RMI in Java 1.1

From Overview of Distributed Objects and RMI in Java 1.1 ARL Database Tutorial and CPS616 -- February 98. by Nancy McCracken *

1 Java RMI allows the programming of distributed applications across the Internet. One Java application or applet (the client in this context) can call the methods of an instance, or object, of a class of a Java application (the server in this context) running on another host machine.
2 An example of Distributed Object Programming - similar to CORBA, except that CORBA allows the remote objects to be programmed in other languages.
  • CORBA is a more general solution, but is not fully in place and has more overhead.
3 References:
  • Core Java 1.1, Volume II - Advanced Features, Cay Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Sunsoft Press, 1998.
  • Advanced Java networking, Prashant Sridharan, Sunsoft Press, 1997.

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