Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared August 19,1997

Foil 40 Some Web Technologies in a Nutshell - PERL

From Overview of Web Technologies NPAC Web Programming Course at JSU -- August 19,1997. by Geoffrey Fox *

PERL is a relatively old technology which is being overtaken by Java tidal wave.
Still PERL has much better Systems and Document handling capability than Java
  • Very good for UNIX as much easier than Shell for system scripts -- PC versions exist but not so well integrated into O/S
  • Wonderful regular expression handling
PERL is traditional and probably best (today) choice for server CGI extensions and development of filters
-- especially those for text documents
PERL5 is object oriented but much less elegant (in my opinion) than Java
  • PERL5 has very useful multidimensional associative and regular arrays
PERL has well understood links to databases such as Oracle oraperl

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