Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared August 19,1997

Foil 41 Some (New) Web Technologies in a Nutshell - Database

From Overview of Web Technologies NPAC Web Programming Course at JSU -- August 19,1997. by Geoffrey Fox *
(Prepared for SC96)
The Web provides a convenient integration environment for "mature" technologies migrating from existing computer environments.
Relational databases are a good example where it is now straightforward in Microsoft Access, Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase etc. to provide a Web Interface which can be used for data (mail, curricula material etc.) with Java/JavaScript/Forms based Interfaces
Object databases such as Illustra also interfaced to Web
Several excellent Java to Database packages becoming available with the JDBC standard based on ODBC which will cover later on
CORBA will have good Web and Java Interfaces but we will NOT discuss CORBA as we think it may be largely irrelevant as complex and not clearly going to "make it" as Web provides some of interoperability of CORBA automatically

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