Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at on 1995-96. Foils prepared April 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
Phy 105 and 106 constitute a course on Science for the Twentyfirst Century offered at Syracuse University to freshmen class of Non Science majors |
These screendumps come from a set of Web based course material developed by the physics department in a team led by Professor G. Vidali |
The electronic version is at The Multimedia Modules Prepared for Science for the 21st Century Introductory course for nonscience majors prepared by Physics department with the SETI module at the SETI(Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence) Module prepared for Science for the 21st Century |
Other Professors include S.Catterall,M.Goldberg,E.Lipson and A.Middleton |
Graduate student Marco Falcioni played a major role |
Modules include Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence, Mind and Machines and PseudoScience and the Paranormal |
This table of Contents
Electronic version is The Multimedia Modules Prepared for Science for the 21st Century Introductory course for nonscience majors prepared by Physics department |
See more recent Gateway to Phy105/106 Modules |
and presentation Vidali's Presentation on Phy105/106 |
Electronic version is The Multimedia Modules Prepared for Science for the 21st Century Introductory course for nonscience majors prepared by Physics department |
Electronic version is the SETI(Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence) Module prepared for Science for the 21st Century |
Mind and Machines Module |
Mind and Machines Module |
Mind and Machines Module |
Mind and Machines Module |
Relativity Module |
Relativity Module |
Relativity Module |
Relativity Module |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
The Homepage of PHY106 gives information on day-to-day course activities (homework assignments, students' term projects, lecture notes, review notes for exams, etc.), as well as on resources for homework assignments and students' term projects. These resources are organized in modules. |
Some (such as SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence -, Mind and Machine) are self contained units written by our team, while others (such as Evolution vs. Creationism, Pseudoscience/Paranormal/Skepticism Page) are collections of annotated links to other Web pages. |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
The Homepage of PHY106 gives information on day-to-day course activities (homework assignments, students' term projects, lecture notes, review notes for exams, etc.), as well as on resources for homework assignments and students' term projects. These resources are organized in modules. bullet1:Some (such as SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence -, Mind and Machine) are self contained units written by our team, while others (such as Evolution vs. Creationism, Pseudoscience/Paranormal/Skepticism Page) are collections of annotated links to other Web pages. |
Homepage of module SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). An interactive tour of the universe and the past and current search for life and inteligence by Gianfranco Vidali, Marco Falcioni and Eric Gregory. The module illustrates how different branches of science (astronomy, biology, communication technology, etc.) are used for a goal (the Search). |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Seti Module |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
An interactive tutorial to the brain and the machines trying to model its functions. Produced by Simon Catterall. |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
A collection of links on the debate of evolution vs. creationism by Edward Lipson. |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |
A collection of links by Edward Lipson. |
From Gianfranco Vidali April 1996 |