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Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at on 1995-96. Foils prepared April 1996
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Phy 105 and 106 constitute a course on Science for the Twentyfirst Century offered at Syracuse University to freshmen class of Non Science majors
These screendumps come from a set of Web based course material developed by the physics department in a team led by Professor G. Vidali
The electronic version is at The Multimedia Modules Prepared for Science for the 21st Century Introductory course for nonscience majors prepared by Physics department with the SETI module at the SETI(Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence) Module prepared for Science for the 21st Century
Other Professors include S.Catterall,M.Goldberg,E.Lipson and A.Middleton
Graduate student Marco Falcioni played a major role
Modules include Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence, Mind and Machines and PseudoScience and the Paranormal

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