HELP! * PURPLE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared June 15,95

Foil 30 WebWindows -- Implementation

From REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC REU Seminar -- June 8,95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Technically, WebWindows has some aspects similar to X Windows (client-server) and NeWS/Display PostScript (interpreted). However, the Web model is higher level than X and simpler/more open than NeWS/DPS.
Clients interprets MIME, servers interpret HTTP. Both protocols are currently very simple and extensible -- MIME via new types, HTTP via new methods. These extensions is a slow process, under control of Internet RFC and STD documents.
Additionally, both clients and servers functionality is extensible via CCI (Common Client Interface) and CGI (Common Gateway Interface) mechanisms. These extensions are MUCH easier and safer than changing existing conventional operating systems and so useful for prototyping and experimenting with new ideas.
  • A revolution in Operating System Research -- we can all do it!
CCI is still platform-dependent and not a finished design. CGI is rather stable (although only ~1 year old!) and the base of most current dynamic extensions (including NPAC work on WebTools).

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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