HELP! * PURPLE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared June 15,95

Foil 31 WebWindows -- Milestones

From REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC REU Seminar -- June 8,95. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

We refer to X Windows, NeWS and Display PostScript as to the first generation distributed interpretative client-server models.
We view the current WWW as the second generation technology -- it is client-multiserver and based on very simple telescripting (HTTP/MIME scripted or interpreted communication).
With dynamic Web extensions, we are now starting the third generation systems which will be multiclient-multiserver (collaboratory), will include agents (such as Telescript, Safe-Tcl) and will evolve towards increased interactivity and televirtuality.
In fact, the most attractive current MIME extension effort -- VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) develops 3D extension of HTML in terms of some ~40 new data structures (VRML Nodes) that will offer soon (mid '95) "3D clickable imagemaps" composed of distributed objects that are downloaded/telescripted and locally rendered in the real-time.
WebWindows will allow integrated support of National and Grand Challenges and so give HPCC large pervasive opportunities.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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