Results of "Collaboratory and Telecommunication Experiments" project; contract No C-4-2803, 22 Aug 1994 - 21 August 1995
Evaluation the basic functionality and benchmarking of several collaboration software and hardware products (Unix, McIntosh, IBM PC platforms)
Description available
In-depth evaluation and installation (NPAC, RL, SUNY HSC, Columbia, LT Schools) of Communique (InSoft), InPerson (SGI), ProShare (Intel)
Multivendor standards and interoperability (T.120, H.320)
Initial Investigation of Digital Video Everywhere (InSoft)
Experiments with ProShare and InPerson over ISDN 2D+D
Other technologies
Multicast Backbone (MBONE)
MUD/MOO - Multi-User Dungeons / MUD Object Oriented
Groupware (Collabra, Lotus Notes)