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LOCAL foilset Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Kickoff Meeting at NPAC on October 17,1995. Foils prepared October 17,1995
More Detail! * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Develop Technologies and demonstrate a set of four applications enhanced by use of innovative Collaborative Interaction and Visualization.
Point the way to Paradigm shifts in
  • Approach to DoD software development built on open reuseable interfaces and standards as opposed to large reuseable codes
  • HPCC supported collaboration exhibited in medical and command and control
i.e. Paradigm shift in both applications and software development for the applications
  • New Software Engineering Methodology linking programming and Web-based Information Systems and Productivity Tools
Demonstrate Applications and Approach in JWID and/or similar activities

Table of Contents for Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaborative Interaction and Visualization
NPAC- Vanguard
Sponsored by Rome Laboratory
PR No. C-5-2293/4
Contract F30602-95-C-0273
October 17, 1995
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overall Goals for 18 month Project
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Four Applications
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Role of The Four Applications
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Ten Technology Areas
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How do we tie all this together?
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Features of Crisis 2005
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some CrypticTopics in Crisis 2005
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Televirtual Collaborative Environment in Crisis 2005
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Technology Development for Crisis Management
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Infrastructure from
Parallel Computers to
ATM Network and
SGI Visualization Engine
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Special Computer Resources
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Rome Laboratory - NPAC ATM Infrastructure
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Four Applications
Command and Control
Electromagnetic Simulations
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A1: Real-Time Interactive Distributed Weather Information System
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A1: Proposed Implementation of Weather Application
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A3: NPAC/Syracuse Research Corporation Computational Electromagnetics Project
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A4: Medical Collaboration and Visualization System
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A4: Medical Collaboration -- Current Focus:
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII
Technology Background
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Proposal Specific Component Technologies
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Comments on the Technologies -- I
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Comments on the Technologies -- II
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T0: Enabling Technologies (ET) Project
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T2: Compression -- Motivation/Overview
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T2: Compression -- Implementation (2)
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T2: Compression -- Implementation Contd.(3)
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T4: Collaboration technologies and Simulated Environments
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T3: Collaboration -- NPACBoard Overview
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T3: Collaboration -- NPACBoard Features
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T4: 2D Terrain Rendering for Geographical Information Systems
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T4: Applications of 3D Terrain Rendering for Geographical Information Systems
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T4: Object-oriented Database Support for VRML -- Goal
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T4: Object-oriented Database Support for VRML -- Main Concepts
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T4: Object-oriented Database Support for VRML -- System architecture
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T5: Video on Demand technology status -- Implementation highlights
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T5: Video on Demand technology status - Ongoing research projects
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T5:Integration of Web and RDBMS Technologies
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML T5: Integration of Web and RDBMS Technologies - Future Plans

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