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Foil 18 Some VRML Extension Candidates

From Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Application SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

Open Inventor (SGI) --- Superset of VRML, includes support for sensors and engines. Extensible by user provided dynamically loaded C++ clasees)
TBAG (Sun Microsystems) --- functional 3D graphics language with parametric support for time-varying and user-controllable geometries.
UGA (Brown University) --- object-oriented interpreted 3D language for rapid prototyping interactive 3D graphics applications.
Alice (Univ. of Virginia) --- based on Python, supports rapid prototyping for 3D graphics.
ANIM3D (Digital) --- based on Obliq, used for algorithm visualization.
Worlds (Worlds, Inc.) --- commercial product for multimedia collaboratory.
VRML+ (World, Inc.) --- collaboratory protocol with API support for dynamic modification of the VRML scene graph.
BE System (BE Software Company) --- Pascal-like language to specify behavior for Inventor nodes.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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