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LOCAL foilset Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
More Detail! * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

What Is Televirtuality?
  • HyperWorld of New Media
  • Potential Major Players
  • Current Developments in VRML Forum
VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
  • VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML
  • VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc.
  • VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont)
VRML+ -- A Model for VRML based Collaboratory
  • VRML+ Concepts
  • VRML+ Concepts (cont)
Unifying Role of Agents
  • Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples
We also describe various new Web approaches including VRML extensions and their implications for WebScript
Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation
Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
  • VRML based Terrain Rendering
  • Thread based HPCC Distributed Simulation
  • JAVA Collaboratory

Table of Contents for Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies
-- TeleVirtual Environments
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Televirtual Environments Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is Televirtuality?
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HyperWorld of New Media
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Hyperworld of New Interactive Media
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Potential Major Players
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Developments in VRML Forum
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont)
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML+ --- A Model for VRML Based Cyberspace Collaboratory
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML+ Concepts
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML+ Concepts (cont)
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Unifying Role of Agents
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML 2.0 Object Extensions, Client Technologies and WebScript
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some VRML Extension Candidates
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Side Interpreter Candidates - I
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Side Interpreter Candidates - II
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Side Interpreter Candidates - III
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration or the Tower of Babel of the Many Approaches with WebScript
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Introduction
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Level-Of-Detail
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Concept
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Advantages
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaboratory and HPCC Simulations -- I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaboratory and HPCC Simulations -- II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is TCE ?
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive WaTor Simulation -- I
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive WaTor Simulation -- II
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System --
What is a Collaboratory System
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Operations
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Operations' Management
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Client Server Structure
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Multi-Client Structure
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Ongoing Extensions

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Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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