HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared December 2,95

Foil 33 Interactive WaTor Simulation -- II

From Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Application SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

There is a control thread, one per a processor, which compares the local node load with the loads of neighboring processors.
In the case of a significant load imbalance, the overloaded processors send some of their regions to others. Sending regions involves creating a new thread at the destination processor, which then receives the state of the region together with four channels to continue the communication with the neighbors.
The set of simulation processes form a parallel server, to which different users can connect to interact with the shared simulation (changing parameters) or to run their independent simulations.
For each connected user, there is an independently run thread, which sends to a user process the simulation image, and receives from it the simulation parameters.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

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