HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared December 2,95

Foil 21 Client Side Interpreter Candidates - III

From Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Application SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies -- December 4,95. by NPAC Team * See also color IMAGE

ScriptX Multimedia language by Kaleida Labs. Some aspects similar to Macromind Director. Set-top box alliance with Scientific Atlanta. by Scientific Atlanta.
Self Object oriented language for exploratory programming. Mixes structual and functional aspects. Used in MOOs.
Telescript Agent language with aspects of C++ , translates to interpretable virtual assembler (Low Telescript). Developed by General Magic and partners. Recently published.
Tycoon - polymorphic persistent programming environment supporting ineroperability between various database vendors (Hamburg, Germany)
Winterp interactive object-oriented language for rapid prototyping. Includes object-oriented interface to OSF Motif. Developed by Enterprise Integration Technologies. Lisp based implementation.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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