HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 17 April 1996

Foil 61 Experiments with WebFoil and WebWisdom

From Web Technologies as a Revolution in Teaching at K-12 and University Level APS-AAPT Joint Meeting IBM Watson Research Center -- April 12-13 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Presentation Systems -- Persuasion and PowerPoint -- give material at the right level of abstraction for teaching and highlighting issues.
Books and conventional HTML pages are appropriate for in depth study and reference
So claim information model for teaching (as I do it!) is:
  • Presentation Style Material hyperlinked to:
  • Structured book-style reference material for more detail
  • Glossaries/ Encyclopedia Galactica -like resources for structured background resource information
  • Search Engines of the multimedia Web with suitable curricula dependent keywords for unstructured background/new ideas
  • laboratories to experiment with concepts -- programming laboratories and the virtual field trip (clickable GIS)
All linked to collaborative (Chat to MOO to VRML 2.X) interactive environment

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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