HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared 17 April 1996

Foil 62 What is Natural Information Unit -- I?

From Web Technologies as a Revolution in Teaching at K-12 and University Level APS-AAPT Joint Meeting IBM Watson Research Center -- April 12-13 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Currently we teach and learn using lectures supported by books (and scruffy equivalents such as xeroxed notes) as well as presentations in form of bulleted itemized summary lists
Hyperlinks make "sequential" books very unnatural.
Further computers are not very good at flipping sequentially through electronic pages -- I can beat computer flipping paper book!
Thus one can suggest that (electronic) encyclopedia is a better model so that Encyclopedia Galactica is natural abstraction for the Web
  • my children prefer Encyclopedias to electronic books on CDROM
This suggests that Web Information should be produced in short hyperlinked modules as in Encyclopedia articles

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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