All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


addActionListener(ActionListener). Method in class LoginDialog
addActionListener - This method acts as a delegate to add an ActionListener event handler from another class to the two buttons on our dialog box.
addActionListener(ActionListener). Method in class TextEntryPane
addActionListener - Method used to add an event handler from another class to listen to our buttons.
addActionListener(ActionListener). Method in class UserListPane
addActionListener - Method used to attach an ActionListener to the signOffButton.
addMessage(JLabel). Method in class MessagesPane
addMessage - Method used to add a message to the List.
addMessage(JTextArea). Method in class MessagesPane
addMessage - Method used to add a message to the List.
addMessage(String). Method in class MessagesPane
addMessage - Method used to add a message to the List.
addUser(String). Method in class UserListPane
addUser - Method used to add a user to the List.


clearText(). Method in class TextScrollPane
clearText - Method used to clear the JTextArea for further processing.


GBC(). Constructor for class GBC
GBC - Simple constructor, no data initialization, just call the parent constructor.
genBroadcastMessage(String). Static method in class GenTextPanel
genBroadcastMessage - Factory method used to produce a list label for Broadcast messages.
genDirectMessage(String). Static method in class GenTextPanel
genDirectMessage - Factory method used to produce a list label for Direct messages.
GenTextPanel(). Constructor for class GenTextPanel
genUserMessage(String). Static method in class GenTextPanel
genUserMessage - Factory method used to produce a list label for user messages.
getFields(). Method in class LoginDialog
getFields - Accessor method used to retrive the data from the dialog box.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean). Method in class MessageCellRenderer
getListCellRendererComponent - Method used to return the ListCellRenderer for this list.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class LoginDialog
getPreferredSize - Method used to tell the layout manager what size we want the box to be.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class MessagesPane
Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class TextEntryPane
Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class TextScrollPane
Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class UserListPane
Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
getSelections(). Method in class UserListPane
getSelections - Method that will return an array of Strings that represent the currently selected user names from the list.
getText(). Method in class TextEntryPane
getText - This method is simply a delegate to a method with the same name in TextScrollPane.
getText(). Method in class TextScrollPane
getText - Method used to retrieve the text of our embedded JTextArea component.


index. Static variable in class TalkServer
init(). Method in class TalkApplet
Initialization method.
isAvailable(). Method in class LoginDialog
isAvaialble - Simple method used to determine if the boxes have been filled out.
isAvailable(). Method in class UserListPane
isAvailable - Method that returns true or false based on the availability of a selection.


LoginDialog(JFrame). Constructor for class LoginDialog
LoginDialog - Constructor used to build the basic dialog set.


main(String[]). Static method in class TalkServer
main - Method used to start the server itself from the command line.
MessageCellRenderer(JList). Constructor for class MessageCellRenderer
MessageCellRenderer - Constructor used to setup the data objects for our class.
MessageCellRenderer(JList, Color, Color, Color, Color). Constructor for class MessageCellRenderer
MessageCellRenderer - Constructor used to setup the data objects for our class.
MessagesPane(). Constructor for class MessagesPane
Void constructor that calls realCtor.


processMessage(String). Method in class TalkApplet
processMessage - Method used to process messages recieved from the chat server.
processMessage(String, String). Method in class TalkServer
processMessage - Method used to distribute messages amongst our clients.


registerClient(TalkServer. ClientThread). Method in class TalkServer
registerClient - Method used to register our ClientThread within our storage Vector.
removeAllUsers(). Method in class UserListPane
removeAllUsers - Method used to clear the list in preparation to start over.
removeClient(int). Method in class TalkServer
removeClient - Method used to remove a client from our active list.
removeUser(String). Method in class UserListPane
removeUser - Method used to remove a user from the List.
reset(). Method in class MessagesPane
Method to re-initialize panel.
reset(). Method in class TextEntryPane
Method to re-initialize panel.
reset(). Method in class UserListPane
Method to re-initialize panel.
resetFields(). Method in class LoginDialog
resetFields - Method used to reset the entry fields for the dialog box.


sendAll(String). Method in class TalkServer
sendAll - Method that is used to propagate a command message to all connected clients.
sendAll(String, String). Method in class TalkServer
sendAll - Method that is used to propagate an user message to all connected clients.
sendSpecific(String, String). Method in class TalkServer
sendSpecific - Method used to send a message to an individual user.
sendSpecificCommand(String, String). Method in class TalkServer
sendSpecificCommand - Method used to send a command message to an individual user.
setupConstraints(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class GBC
setupConstraints - Convenience method used to facilitate the construction of parameters for the GridBagLayout.


TalkApplet(). Constructor for class TalkApplet
Constructor creates an ActionHandler to deal with button presses.
TalkServer(int). Constructor for class TalkServer
TalkServer - Constructor for the server portion of the NetTalk application.
TextEntryPane(). Constructor for class TextEntryPane
Void constructor that calls realCtor.
TextScrollPane(). Constructor for class TextScrollPane
This is the method that does the "real" work of setting up the variables and other objects needed to make this panel work.


updateUserList(String). Method in class TalkServer
updateUserList - Method used to send the given user a complete update of the list of connected users.
UserListPane(). Constructor for class UserListPane
Void constructor that calls realCtor.


VERSION. Static variable in class TalkServer