All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- addActionListener(ActionListener).
Method in class LoginDialog
- addActionListener - This method acts as a delegate to add an
ActionListener event handler from another class to the two buttons
on our dialog box.
- addActionListener(ActionListener).
Method in class TextEntryPane
- addActionListener - Method used to add an event handler from another class
to listen to our buttons.
- addActionListener(ActionListener).
Method in class UserListPane
- addActionListener - Method used to attach an ActionListener to the
- addMessage(JLabel).
Method in class MessagesPane
- addMessage - Method used to add a message to the List.
- addMessage(JTextArea).
Method in class MessagesPane
- addMessage - Method used to add a message to the List.
- addMessage(String).
Method in class MessagesPane
- addMessage - Method used to add a message to the List.
- addUser(String).
Method in class UserListPane
- addUser - Method used to add a user to the List.
- clearText().
Method in class TextScrollPane
- clearText - Method used to clear the JTextArea for further processing.
- GBC().
Constructor for class GBC
- GBC - Simple constructor, no data initialization, just call
the parent constructor.
- genBroadcastMessage(String).
Static method in class GenTextPanel
- genBroadcastMessage - Factory method used to produce a list label
for Broadcast messages.
- genDirectMessage(String).
Static method in class GenTextPanel
- genDirectMessage - Factory method used to produce a list label
for Direct messages.
- GenTextPanel().
Constructor for class GenTextPanel
- genUserMessage(String).
Static method in class GenTextPanel
- genUserMessage - Factory method used to produce a list label
for user messages.
- getFields().
Method in class LoginDialog
- getFields - Accessor method used to retrive the data from the
dialog box.
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean).
Method in class MessageCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent - Method used to return the
ListCellRenderer for this list.
- getPreferredSize().
Method in class LoginDialog
- getPreferredSize - Method used to tell the layout manager what size
we want the box to be.
- getPreferredSize().
Method in class MessagesPane
- Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
- getPreferredSize().
Method in class TextEntryPane
- Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
- getPreferredSize().
Method in class TextScrollPane
- Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
- getPreferredSize().
Method in class UserListPane
- Replies to requests for this component's preferred size.
- getSelections().
Method in class UserListPane
- getSelections - Method that will return an array of Strings that represent
the currently selected user names from the list.
- getText().
Method in class TextEntryPane
- getText - This method is simply a delegate to a method with the same
name in TextScrollPane.
- getText().
Method in class TextScrollPane
getText - Method used to retrieve the text of our embedded JTextArea
- index.
Static variable in class TalkServer
- init().
Method in class TalkApplet
- Initialization method.
- isAvailable().
Method in class LoginDialog
- isAvaialble - Simple method used to determine if the boxes have
been filled out.
- isAvailable().
Method in class UserListPane
- isAvailable - Method that returns true or false based on the availability
of a selection.
- LoginDialog(JFrame).
Constructor for class LoginDialog
- LoginDialog - Constructor used to build the basic dialog set.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class TalkServer
- main - Method used to start the server itself from the command
- MessageCellRenderer(JList).
Constructor for class MessageCellRenderer
- MessageCellRenderer - Constructor used to setup the data objects
for our class.
- MessageCellRenderer(JList, Color, Color, Color, Color).
Constructor for class MessageCellRenderer
- MessageCellRenderer - Constructor used to setup the data objects
for our class.
- MessagesPane().
Constructor for class MessagesPane
- Void constructor that calls realCtor.
- processMessage(String).
Method in class TalkApplet
- processMessage - Method used to process messages recieved from the
chat server.
- processMessage(String, String).
Method in class TalkServer
- processMessage - Method used to distribute messages amongst our
- registerClient(TalkServer. ClientThread).
Method in class TalkServer
- registerClient - Method used to register our ClientThread
within our storage Vector.
- removeAllUsers().
Method in class UserListPane
- removeAllUsers - Method used to clear the list in preparation to start
- removeClient(int).
Method in class TalkServer
- removeClient - Method used to remove a client from our active list.
- removeUser(String).
Method in class UserListPane
- removeUser - Method used to remove a user from the List.
- reset().
Method in class MessagesPane
- Method to re-initialize panel.
- reset().
Method in class TextEntryPane
- Method to re-initialize panel.
- reset().
Method in class UserListPane
- Method to re-initialize panel.
- resetFields().
Method in class LoginDialog
- resetFields - Method used to reset the entry fields for the
dialog box.
- sendAll(String).
Method in class TalkServer
- sendAll - Method that is used to propagate a command message to all
connected clients.
- sendAll(String, String).
Method in class TalkServer
- sendAll - Method that is used to propagate an user message to all
connected clients.
- sendSpecific(String, String).
Method in class TalkServer
- sendSpecific - Method used to send a message to an individual
- sendSpecificCommand(String, String).
Method in class TalkServer
- sendSpecificCommand - Method used to send a command message to
an individual user.
- setupConstraints(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int).
Method in class GBC
- setupConstraints - Convenience method used to facilitate the
construction of parameters for the GridBagLayout.
- TalkApplet().
Constructor for class TalkApplet
- Constructor creates an ActionHandler to deal with button
- TalkServer(int).
Constructor for class TalkServer
- TalkServer - Constructor for the server portion of the
NetTalk application.
- TextEntryPane().
Constructor for class TextEntryPane
- Void constructor that calls realCtor.
- TextScrollPane().
Constructor for class TextScrollPane
- This is the method that does the "real" work of setting up the
variables and other objects needed to make this panel work.
- updateUserList(String).
Method in class TalkServer
- updateUserList - Method used to send the given user a complete
update of the list of connected users.
- UserListPane().
Constructor for class UserListPane
- Void constructor that calls realCtor.
Static variable in class TalkServer