Class sun.server.Server
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Class sun.server.Server


public class Server
extends Object
implements Runnable
An abstract class for implementing network servers that manage multiple connection handler threads.

Variable Index

 o avail
The number of handler threads waiting for connections.
 o connections
Queue of pending connections.
 o handlers
The thread group for handler threads.
 o maxThreads
Maximum number of handler threads.
 o minThreads
Minimum number of handler threads.
 o params
The parameters for this server.
 o port
The server port number.
 o shutdown
Set to true when server shutdown is in progress.
 o timeout
Handler thread timeout.
 o total
The total number of handler threads.
 o useNative
Set to true if native library support is available.

Constructor Index

 o Server()
Creates a new server with default parameters.
 o Server(ServerParameters)

Method Index

 o createHandler()
Creates a new connection handler.
 o error(String)
Issues a non-fatal error message and returns.
 o error(String, Exception)
Issues a non-fatal error message with exception trace and returns.
 o fatal(String)
Issues a fatal (non-recoverable) error message and then exits.
 o fatal(String, Exception)
Issues a fatal (non-recoverable) error message with exception trace and then exits.
 o getConnection()
Gets a connection socket from the connection queue.
 o getServerParameters()
Returns the parameters for this server.
 o inShutdown()
Returns true if this server is in the process of a shutdown.
 o putConnection(Socket)
Adds a new connection socket to the connection queue.
 o run()
Starts the server.
 o setGroup(String)
Sets the current group to the specified group name or group id.
 o setUser(String)
Sets the current user to the specified user name or user id.
 o shutdown()
Initiates server shutdown.
 o waitJeevesEvent()
Blocks until the Jeeves Event is triggered.


 o connections
  protected Queue connections
Queue of pending connections.
 o handlers
  protected ThreadGroup handlers
The thread group for handler threads.
 o minThreads
  protected int minThreads
Minimum number of handler threads.
 o maxThreads
  protected int maxThreads
Maximum number of handler threads.
 o timeout
  protected long timeout
Handler thread timeout.
 o port
  protected int port
The server port number.
 o avail
  protected int avail
The number of handler threads waiting for connections.
 o total
  protected int total
The total number of handler threads.
 o shutdown
  protected boolean shutdown
Set to true when server shutdown is in progress.
 o params
  protected ServerParameters params
The parameters for this server.
 o useNative
  protected static boolean useNative
Set to true if native library support is available.


 o Server
  protected Server(ServerParameters params)
 o Server
  protected Server()
Creates a new server with default parameters.


 o run
  public void run()
Starts the server. Will return when server has been stopped.
 o putConnection
  protected void putConnection(Socket s)
Adds a new connection socket to the connection queue.
s - the socket to be added
 o getConnection
  protected Socket getConnection()
Gets a connection socket from the connection queue.
the socket, or null if the handler has timed-out.
 o createHandler
  protected abstract ServerHandler createHandler()
Creates a new connection handler.
the handler object
 o getServerParameters
  public ServerParameters getServerParameters()
Returns the parameters for this server.
 o shutdown
  public synchronized void shutdown()
Initiates server shutdown.
 o inShutdown
  public synchronized boolean inShutdown()
Returns true if this server is in the process of a shutdown.
 o error
  public void error(String s)
Issues a non-fatal error message and returns.
s - the error message
 o error
  public void error(String s,
                    Exception e)
Issues a non-fatal error message with exception trace and returns.
s - the error message
e - the error exception
 o fatal
  public void fatal(String s)
Issues a fatal (non-recoverable) error message and then exits.
s - the error message
 o fatal
  public void fatal(String s,
                    Exception e)
Issues a fatal (non-recoverable) error message with exception trace and then exits.
s - the error message
e - the error exception
 o setUser
  protected static boolean setUser(String user)
Sets the current user to the specified user name or user id.
user - the user name or id
true if user was changed, false if permission denied
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the user name or id was invalid
 o setGroup
  protected static boolean setGroup(String group)
Sets the current group to the specified group name or group id.
group - the group name or id
true if group was changed, false if permission denied
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the group name or id was invalid
 o waitJeevesEvent
  public void waitJeevesEvent()
Blocks until the Jeeves Event is triggered. The thread invoking this method should invoke the shutdown() method on returning from this method.

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