Class sun.server.misc.Regexp
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Class sun.server.misc.Regexp


public class Regexp
extends Object
A class to represent a regular expression. Only handles '*'s.

Variable Index

 o exact
 o exp
 o ignoreCase
if true then the matching process ignores case.
 o mids
 o prefix
 o prefixLen
 o suffix
 o suffixLen
 o totalLen

Constructor Index

 o Regexp(String)
Create a new regular expression object.

Method Index

 o main(String[])


 o ignoreCase
  public boolean ignoreCase
if true then the matching process ignores case.
 o exp
  public String exp
 o prefix
  public String prefix
 o suffix
  public String suffix
 o exact
  public boolean exact
 o prefixLen
  public int prefixLen
 o suffixLen
  public int suffixLen
 o totalLen
  public int totalLen
 o mids
  public String mids[]


 o Regexp
  public Regexp(String s)
Create a new regular expression object. The regular expression is a series of constant strings seperated by *s. For example:
Matches any string that ends in ".gif".
Matches any string that starts with "/tmp/".
Matches any string that starts with "/tmp/" and ends with ".gif".
Matches any string that starts with "/tmp/" and ends with ".gif" and has "new" somewhere in between.


 o main
  public static void main(String argv[])

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