Class sun.server.misc.RegexpPool
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Class sun.server.misc.RegexpPool
- public class RegexpPool
- extends Object
A class to represent a pool of regular expressions. A string
can be matched against the whole pool all at once. It is much
faster than doing individual regular expression matches one-by-one.
- See Also:
- RegexpTarget
add(String, Object)
Add a regular expression to the pool of regular expressions.
- Delete the regular expression and its target.
- Search for a match to a string & return the object associated
with it with the match.
- Identical to match except that it will only find matches to
regular expressions that were added to the pool after
the last regular expression that matched in the last call
to match() or matchNext()
- Print this pool to standard output
replace(String, Object)
- Replace the target for the regular expression with a different
- Resets the pool so that the next call to matchNext looks
at all regular expressions in the pool.
public RegexpPool()
public void add(String re,
Object ret) throws REException
- Add a regular expression to the pool of regular expressions.
- Parameters:
- re - The regular expression to add to the pool.
For now, only handles strings that either begin or end with
a '*'.
- ret - The object to be returned when this regular expression is
matched. If ret is an instance of the RegexpTarget class, ret.found
is called with the string fragment that matched the '*' as its
- Throws: REException
- error
public void replace(String re,
Object ret)
- Replace the target for the regular expression with a different
- Parameters:
- re - The regular expression to be replaced in the pool.
For now, only handles strings that either begin or end with
a '*'.
- ret - The object to be returned when this regular expression is
matched. If ret is an instance of the RegexpTarget class, ret.found
is called with the string fragment that matched the '*' as its
public Object delete(String re)
- Delete the regular expression and its target.
- Parameters:
- re - The regular expression to be deleted from the pool.
must begin or end with a '*'
- Returns:
- target - the old target.
public Object match(String s)
- Search for a match to a string & return the object associated
with it with the match. When multiple regular expressions
would match the string, the best match is returned first.
The next best match is returned the next time matchNext is
@param s The string to match against the regular expressions
in the pool.
@return null on failure, otherwise the object associated with
the regular expression when it was added to the pool.
If the object is an instance of RegexpTarget, then
the return value is the result from calling
public Object matchNext(String s)
- Identical to match except that it will only find matches to
regular expressions that were added to the pool after
the last regular expression that matched in the last call
to match() or matchNext()
public void reset()
- Resets the pool so that the next call to matchNext looks
at all regular expressions in the pool. match(s); is equivalent
to reset(); matchNext(s);
Multithreading note: reset/nextMatch leave state in the
regular expression pool. If multiple threads could be using this
pool this way, they should be syncronized to avoid race hazards.
match() was done in such a way that there are no such race
hazards: multiple threads can be matching in the same pool
public static void main(String argv[])
public void print(PrintStream out)
- Print this pool to standard output
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