Image Database Servlet

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About the Problem

Image Database is a sample Java Servlet application that demonstrates how JDBC 3-Tier model works.
The program consists of three distinct modules:

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Design Notes

Client.html is an interface at client side, which offers a form for querying the Image Database. The form consists of a table with four fields: Image Name, Color, Type and Url. User can fill in values in those fields or leave unknown value as a blank. The request to Servlet server is done by Form "input" Event Handlers and handles "get" Forms.

ImageDBServlet is a middle-tier module at server side, which accepts request from client and responses. In the Image Database application, ImageDBServlet collects query (form values) from client and forms query command for accessing the Image Database by method of myDatabase through JDBC. The important method for implementing communication with client side is doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res), which matches the form method "get" in client.html file. This module also responsible for sending back query results from Database to client in the form of HTML file. One of the advantages of doing this is that the HTML file can be displayed in any browser. User will see images showing up in the browser, rather than URL, as I built link to image source in the HTML file.

myDatabase implements methods to access the Oracle database via JDBC. The API includes open and close database, executeSQL for executing query commands and getRecord for returning multiple records that matches the query. Vector object is used to hold multiple Hashtables as elements, where each record is held by a hashtable. As each query is packaged into a string object that deliverd to execution method. so all of the database access methods take executeSQL and getRecord as the underline methods. And it is very flexible to expand the functions of query based on this scheme. I use oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver to connect to the Oracle database on Carver. The database access part of the program is done on server side using the above JDBC driver. The myDatabase class implements two important methods executeSQL and getRecord.

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The demo applet works with Netscape Communicator versions 4.5, 4.04 with AWT 1.1 patch and 4.05 with AWT 1.1 patch on Solaris machines. To run the demo Click here .

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