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Global array

collapsed dimension

    float [[ ]] a = new float [[100]];

non-collapsed dimension

  Range x = new BlockRange(100, p.dim(0)) ;

    float [[#]] b = new float [[x]];

multi-dimension array

  Range x = new BlockRange(100, p.dim(0)) ;  
  Range y = new CyclicRange(100, p.dim(1)) ;
  float [[#,#]] c = new float [[x, y]];

array of array

  float [[#,#]][] d;
  Range x[];
  Range y[];
  int[] size = {100, 200, 400};
  for (int l = 0; l < size.length; l++) {
    x[l] = new BlockRange(size[l], p.dim(0)) ;  
    y[l] = new BlockRange(size[l], p.dim(1)) ;  
    d[l] = new float [[x[l], y[l]]];

will create an array show as in figure gif.

Figure: Array of distributed array

Guansong Zhang
Thu Nov 13 17:36:47 EST 1997