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Simulation Results

As shown in Figure (gif), an simplified RTO system is built for simulation study. Figure (gif) to (gif) show the RTO predictions trajectories for (1) System A: RTO system without results analysis; (2) System B: RTO system with fundamental statistic hypothesis testing; and (3) System C: RTO system with both fundamental statistic hypothesis testing and auxiliary Lagrangian multipliers testing (proposed method in this paper), respectively, starting from the same operating point . Figure (gif) shows that System A originally tend to the true plant optima , where each step towards to the true plant optima is constrained by the trust-region constraints, however, when System A is close to the true plant optima, RTO prediction randomly lies in a certain bounded region due to the propagation of the measurement noises around RTO loop and as a result, such random setpoint changes result in system instability. In order to avoid the unnecessary setpoint changes, fundamental statistic hypothesis testing developed by Miletic and Marlin (1998) is applied to this case study at the 98% level of significance. Unfortunately, due to the presence of the trust-region constraints, their method rejects any possible setpoint changes and the operating point never moves during RTO executions, as shown in Figure (gif). It happens because that the confidence region of the RTO prediction is large enough so as to encompass the trust-region such that every new RTO prediction, which is within the trust-region, is a plausible value for the current operating point.

Figure: RTO Predictions without Results Analysis

Figure: RTO Predictions with Fundamental Statistic Hypothesis Testing

Figure (gif) shows the simulation results obtained by using practical results analysis procedure proposed in this paper. At the same significance level, while RTO system converge to the true plant optima, the practical results analysis procedure rejects a large amount of unnecessary setpoint changes. For the purpose of comparison, each manipulated variable trajectory with respect to RTO interval is shown in Figure (gif). It is clear that System C can converge closely to the true plant optima, and reduce the system instability by only implementing the meaningful setpoint changes.

Figure: RTO Predictions with both Fundamental Statistic Hypothesis Testing and Auxiliary Lagrangian Multipliers Testing

Figure: Manipulated Variables Trajectory for RTO Systems (1) without Results Analysis, (2) with Miletic and Marlin's Method, and (3) with Practical Results Analysis Procedure

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Guansong Zhang
Wed Mar 10 15:08:26 EST 1999