Computer Science Department, School of Informatics,
Community Grids Lab (CGL), Pervasive Technology Labs (PTL),
Indiana University, Bloomington (IUB).

Current Professional Activities

Technical Program Committee Member, The 3rd annual TeraGrid Conference, TeraGrid '08, 2008

Reviewer, Journal of World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems

Reviewer, Journal of Systems and Software

Reviewer, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal

Reviewer, Future Generation Computer Systems: The International Journal of Grid Computing: Theory, Models and Applications

Member of GGF, GGF-Semantic Grid Research Group, ACM and IEEE

Past Volunteer Activities

Founder Member of Iota Nu Phi, The National Honor Society for Informatics - Alpha Chapter at Indiana University

External reviewer for Semantic Grid Applications Workshop of GGF11

Student volunteer in SuperComputing-2004 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Student volunteer in KDD-2004 Conference, Seattle, WA, USA

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Mehmet S. Aktas