Computer Science Department, School of Informatics and Computing,
Community Grids Lab (CGL), Pervasive Technology Institute (PTL),
Indiana University, Bloomington (IUB).
a short biography
Dr. Mehmet S. Aktas completed his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Computer Science Department of School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington (IUB), IN in 2007. He has worked as a researcher in Pervasive Technology Laboratory at Indiana University for six years. Dr. Aktas completed an M.S. program in Computer Science at IUB and received an M.S. degree in Computer Science from EECS Department at Syracuse University, Syracuse NY where he gave undergraduate-level lectures as an assistant instructor. He received his B.S. degree from Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Dr. Aktas's Research Interests span into two areas: Systems Science and Data Science. In former area, his emphasis has been on Distributed Systems and Grid Computing. He is particularly interested in Grid/Web Information Systems, Information Integration and Federation in Grid/Web Information Services, Service Oriented Architecture based Distributed Systems for Science and Business Applications, Semantic Grid/Web based Systems, Geographical Information Systems/Sensor Grids. In latter area, his emphasis has been on Data/Web Mining and Information Retrieval. He is particulary interested in Machine Learning Techniques to Mine Massive Datasets, Web Search, Personalized Web Search, Conversational Recommendation Systems for Information Retrieval.

Dr. Aktas designed and developed a fault-tolerant, high-performance Grid/Web Information System that is a distributed metadata management system that integrates and federates major grid information service implementations. His Information System has been adopted as an information service by many projects accross a number of international institutions.

Dr. Aktas worked in Decision Applications Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory as an intern doing research on service-oriented based computing for e-science simulations. He has also worked with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory focusing on workflow-style grid applications for building an earth science framework for modeling and understanding earthquake and tectonic processes.

He has edited a book, published five book chapters, many sci-indexed journal and peer-reviewed conference papers. For more details, you can also check out his entries at DBLP and CSB. Dr. Aktas has been serving as a reviewer on international journals, workshops and conferences. He has been giving invited talks at both national and international meetings.

He has been working as a senior researcher in the Informatics Institute of Marmara Research Center at the The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. He has also been working as an adjunct professor in the Computer Engineering Departments at the Marmara University and the Istanbul Technical University, where he has been giving graduate-level courses as a solo instructor.

Dr. Aktas is currently working for the Data to Insight Center (D2I) in Pervasive Technology Institute of Indiana University as a postdoctoral fellow. He contributes to D2I's work related to data at scale, contributing to projects such as NetKarma, and InstantKarma. NetKarma helps scientists understand the complex environments and circumstances under which scientific experiments are performed in order to assist with reproducibility. InstantKarma works to improve the collection, preservation, utility, and dissemination of provenance information (details on when, where, and how data were created) for use specifically within NASA and the earth science community.

You can find information about his research, teaching, publications, presentations, professional activities and find his contact information in this site.

a picture

Mehmet S. Aktas